Chapter 121
Li Chengdao stepped forward, took off Hou Yongwu's official hat and said: "Master Hou, I have already said that, for your loyalty, I want to give you a chance, but if you give you a chance, you are useless." Ah, am I still the person you are loyal to, Uncle Zhao Shengtai?! Someone, take off my official uniform and put me in jail pending trial!"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other for a moment, this is Dali Temple, and the one who was ordered to be arrested was Dali Temple Secretary, originally everyone was hesitant about this matter, but after all, this is the order of the Holy Majesty.

Seeing this, the big stick and hammer immediately stepped forward and shouted angrily: "It's all reversed!"

After finishing speaking, the big stick and hammer picked up the chains that had just been trapped on his body, and then came to Hou Yongwu's side, and tied him up firmly.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

Hou Yongwu desperately begged for mercy, but he saw that Li Chengdao had no intention of letting go of Hou Yongwu with a big stick. After tying Hou Yongwu up, he handed him over to Situ and said, "Don't hold him anymore! Put him in prison!"

When Situ heard the words, his face was full of melancholy, but the sacred order was hard to violate, so he had to escort Hou Yongwu down.

Now that Hou Yongwu is being imprisoned, only Li Chengdao, Zhao Shengtai, and Zhao Gongzi, who was tied up by five flowers, are left in the hall.

Li Chengdao turned his head to look at Zhao Shengtai, and said, "Mr. Zhao, it's time for us to deal with Mr. Ling's matter now!"

Zhao Shengtai saw that Li Chengdao ordered Hou Yongwu to be taken down, but he was neither sad nor happy, and said: "Your Majesty, the crime of rebellion and rebellion is unforgivable. If his life is lost, someone like Zhao will go bankrupt, so he will not hesitate!"

"Report, Your Majesty, King Qin has sent someone!"

"Oh? It's really timely! Xuan come in!"

After a while, a person dressed as Marquis Wu entered the hall, and after being greeted, he said, "Participate, Your Majesty, Uncle Zhao."

"Excuse me, Dali Temple is lively enough today, I never told Uncle Qin that I am here, why did Uncle Qin send someone here suddenly?"

After Li Chengdao finished speaking, the man sent by King Qin looked at the people in the hall, then at Zhao Shengtai, and said: "This... King Qin said that the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. No matter who it is, bullying the common people should be punished, not to mention disobedience, King Qin ordered me Send a message to everyone in Dali Temple, and the culprits will be severely punished!"

When Zhao Shengtai heard the words, his heart suddenly turned cold, but Li Chengdao gave a slight sigh and said, "Okay, you have brought the words of Uncle Qin Wang, if there is nothing else, you can go back first!"

The man said "I obey" and then turned and left.

Li Chengdao looked at Zhao Shengtai, and said: "Mr. Zhao, your son is bullying others, disobeying and committing crimes, and you are colluding with the minister of Dali Temple. Now, what else do you have to say?"

"Hmph, what can I say, people are often the most ruthless in the family of emperors. I think that Li Shimin, the king of Qin, fought for years, and I provided more than half of the money he needed. Now that the only child in my family has an accident, he can't help it. What else can I say!"

At this moment, Zhao Shengtai seemed to have seen through life and death, and no longer blindly begged for mercy. He stood up, looked at Li Chengdao and said.

"Bold, who told you to stand up!"

The big stick hammer roared, but Li Chengdao shook his head, motioning for the big stick to go down, Zhao Shengtai smiled and said: "What is there to be afraid of now?! Li Chengdao, the so-called princes and generals are kind, if you let go today My son, let's write off this matter, if not, even if I disperse all the family wealth, I won't make it easy for you!"

"Report! Your Majesty, something is wrong. The monks in Qulin Temple in Xishan rioted and entered Chang'an City. Now about [-] people are coming to Dali Temple!"

When Li Chengdao heard this, his face was slightly cold, he looked at Zhao Shengtai, and said, "Zhao Shengtai, do you know what you are doing now? You have committed a crime, and at this time, it is a capital crime to search all over the house!"

"Hmph, do you think I'm going to be captured now, can you let me go? I said, do princes and generals have kindness? Your Li family was not born to be emperor, or did you rely on crimes? Li Yuan rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, Li Shimin Brother Shi, if you talk about thieves, your Li family is really full of thieves!"

"Report, Your Majesty, those thieves burned, killed and looted along the way, and now they have arrived outside the gate of Dali Temple!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao ordered: "Order the whole temple to be on alert, big stick, hammer, go out and see what the situation is like outside!"


The big stick hammer agreed, and ran out in a hurry. After a while, the big stick hammer hurried back.

"Your Majesty, there are about three thousand people outside the gate, and the Dali Temple has been completely surrounded!"

"How many people are there in Dali Temple?"

"Originally there were more than [-] people, but today we gathered. Excluding those who went out on official business, there are about [-] more people."

Li Chengdao frowned when he heard this, while Zhao Shengtai smiled sadly and said, "3000 people vs. 60 people, Li Chengdao, I advise you to save money, let go of your son, and we will even out! Otherwise, these 3000 people will kill [-] people. Come in, but no one will know if you are the king of a country!"

Zhao Shengtai threatened nakedly, and he said so loudly, hoping that the people in Dali Temple could see the situation clearly. If his words could incite a few people in Dali Temple, that would be great.

This Situ was originally Hou Yongwu's nephew. Now that Situ sent Hou Yongwu to prison with his own hands, he was naturally extremely dissatisfied with Li Chengdao in his heart. Hearing Zhao Shengtai's words, his mind suddenly became active.

Li Chengdao murmured in his heart that it was not good, he was a bit careless in the truth today, he came out with only a big stick and a hammer, and now he is in someone else's territory, he has no soldiers and no power in his hands.

Seeing that Situ and his subordinates seemed to be rebellious, Li Chengdao smiled slightly and said: "Hahaha, you underestimate the various government departments of my Tang Dynasty, your subordinates are just a bunch of mobs, how can they be the people of my Dali Temple?" Marquis Wu's opponent!"

"Situ accepts the order!" Li Chengdao shouted: "Now the Dali Temple Minister is in prison, and the dragons have no leader. I will specially designate you as the Dali Temple Acting Minister to quell the rebellion. Afterwards, there will be a big reward!"

Situ was in a state of unrest at the moment, but suddenly he was appointed an official and became a noble, and he was in a dilemma, but recalled that just now he saw Li Chengdao could break the chains made of fine steel with his bare hands, and now the Li family is the orthodox in the world after all!

Thinking of this, Situ quickly knelt down to receive the order and thank him!
Then, Li Chengdao said: "Okay, Situ, take the Zhao father and son into prison first, gag their mouths, and don't allow any temple officials to talk to them!"

"According to the order!"

With that said, Situ led two of his men, tied up Zhao Shengtai, and took him down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Chengdao said to the big stick hammer: "Big stick hammer, that Situ is swaying left and right, you will take the opportunity to slip out of the door later, this place is not far from the camp of General Anxi East, quickly tell me everything that happened here. General An Xidong and Mr. Kong Ming, order them to quickly lead the first two to rescue them!"

Big Banghammer snorted, then went down to change clothes, and then Big Banghammer left through the back door.

Just as the big stick and hammer left, Situ brought his two men back to the front of the hall. Li Chengdao looked at Situ and asked, "How is it? Those two are still honest?"

(End of this chapter)

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