Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 82 Your Diaper Leaked

Chapter 82 Your Diaper Leaked

The FBI will not be able to find Victor for a while. After all, his confidential information is SS-level.

So the hotel is still a safe area.

After finally comforting Rebecca, Lorna came to Victor, hugged the latter's fat-free waist, leaned against his solid chest and said, "Victor, I really want to help those poor people, they All innocent."

"There is no absolute justice in this world." Victor stroked Lorna's short green hair and said, "But as long as my woman is happy, that's the justice I want!"

"Will you help them?" Lorna was pleasantly surprised.

She didn't expect Victor would really promise herself.

After all, this is standing on the opposite side of a state.

Although she tried not to let Victor and the law enforcement agencies have a direct conflict before, and even almost made a big mistake for it.

But that's because.

She didn't understand what happened.

Didn't really see the gore side either.

Even after Rebecca's narration.

Also only a small part of the scene.

At this moment, if Rebecca hadn't told about the horrific behavior in the mutant laboratory, she would still be living in a dream.

Yes, in a dream.

Lorna, who also just became an adult, has always had a beautiful longing for the world in her heart.

She doesn't believe that even the law enforcement agencies of the state government that represent justice can become evil executioners!
This world is not so dark, right!
But the truth woke Lorna up.

Turns out what you saw wasn't real.

The confrontation between races is even more bloody and cruel.

Just because.

Mutants with superpowers are not defined as members of ordinary humans, and many moral standards have lost their bottom line.

Like the Jews in World War II.

They were locked in the dirty sewers, and even surviving was a luxury.

They were dissected into specimens by the German army just to find out why the Jews are so smart!
Isn't this ridiculous?
But that's the brutal truth!
Isn't the living environment of the mutants the same as that of the Jews back then?

And it's more secretive, crueler, and bloodier!
In order to find ways to deal with mutants, human beings have used all means, and they don't discriminate between old and weak, women and children!

Everything else can be tolerated.

Only children, this is Victor's red line!
Whoever steps on will die!

Victor has never been an unprincipled cynic, thinking that the more Americans die, the better.

Whether women or children.

What is the difference between you and ** if you have this kind of thinking?
And history proves it.

Most traitors are angry youths!

They just don't even have the qualifications to betray their country.

This is brutal!

If one day the American father throws an olive branch.

Believe it or not.

The first batch of those who threw themselves into the arms of capitalism and wished to immigrate their ancestors were the cynic youths!

This is cruel and true!
It is the nature of human beings not to suffer from scarcity but to suffer from inequality.

A truly patriotic person will only keep the country and the righteousness of the nation in his heart, instead of talking about it every day.

"Yes, as long as it can make you feel at ease." Victor said softly in Lorna's ear, with a very sure tone.

I don't like my own women.

Could it be that this ability is left in the air?

Or you think you have supernatural powers.

You should look down on the common people from above.

Will humanity be completely wiped out?

There can be no compassion.

There can be no compassion.

Can't have to be swayed by women.

Can't have friends brothers.

Can not have bad hobbies.

It is best to have relatives on the left and relatives on the right, friends in the upper class and friends in the lower class, and all the former parents and stepmothers are dead. Only in this way can you prove that you are a person?

There is also stepping on Mi Lijian on the left, and flattening the small Japanese country on the right.

Wake up, kid, your diaper is leaking!

Victor is human!

He is a normal person living in modern society.

All he wants is to protect those around him.

Whether it's the federal government or the state government, standing in front of Victor violated his principles.

Then all Victor can do is kill.

If you don't stop, you will kill.

If you can't kill it, everyone will fear yourself.

If you have the ability, you kill me.

If you don't have the skills, you just kneel down and sing Conquer.

In order to please his own woman, Victor doesn't mind killing a group of inhuman scum to sacrifice to heaven.

And did not provoke their own people.

Do what you love, well water does not violate river water, hello, hello, hello, everyone, old iron, can you make up a bill for three yuan and six dollars?
Off topic.

Victor and Rebecca left the hotel in the dark.

Lorna was left in the hotel to care for Rebecca.

Little Lolita's mood is very unstable, and the latter's ability to distort reality is also very abnormal.

If not leave a person down.

Maybe when Victor returns, the George Hotel has become a hell on earth.

Rebecca, who was betrayed by her parents.

There is only one step away from blackening, and any relaxation will have irreversible consequences.

If it weren't for the three of Victor to appear in time.

I believe that in the near future, Rebecca will kill her parents with her own hands just like in the original book.

Then he was taken away by the people in the laboratory and locked up.

Turn into a total lunatic.

The ability to distort reality is an irresistible temptation for all laboratories dedicated to cracking mutants' abilities. This is a Pandora's box.

Whoever can open it can control the whole world!

Victor and Rebecca quietly came to the Sentinel Secret Service headquarters base in the suburbs.

They are scouting.

At the same time, it was also ascertaining whether the Sentinel Special Service was conducting inhuman human experiments as Rebecca described.

Victor himself.

In fact, he didn't dislike a special organization like the Sentinel Secret Service set up to deal with the mutant crisis.

If human beings do not have a sense of crisis.

It has long been extinct in history.

But not being disgusted does not mean agreeing with the inhumane behavior of high-level government officials and some extremists.

After all, Victor is also a human being.

And mutants are people too!

The little mutant loli is very fragrant!
It is worth mentioning that.

The Sentinel Service is not a Sentry robot.

This needs to be reminded.

The Sentinel Droid is the ultimate weapon against mutants created by Trask Industries in a certain timeline.

And in the timeline where Victor is.

There is no sentinel robot, and there is no such thing as Mystique Raven being imprisoned to extract DNA.

Mystique Ruiwen is living a good life now, flirting with handsome men every day in the kingdom of mutants, changing bed partners faster than changing underwear.

Can you believe that this Mystique Riven is an old aunt who survived World War II?

She is no younger than Charles!
It can only be said that the old aunt is too powerful, and the new generation of fresh meat can't shout.In the kingdom of mutants, Victor took a detour every time he saw Mystique Raven.

It's really that Mystique Ruiwen looked at him too nakedly, it was a look that wanted to eat him alive.

 Silently ask for a recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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