Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 83 Human Specimens

Chapter 83 Human Specimens

Trask Industries didn't get Mystique's genes.

Does not represent.

They didn't build a sentinel robot!
Compared to a certain timeline in the multiverse where gods block and kill gods, Buddhas are the ultimate sentinel for blocking and killing Buddhas.

Trask Industries' newest Sentinel [-], introduced at the New York Expo not long ago, is nothing short of scrap metal.

To say it was scrap iron would of course be an exaggeration.

And very immodestly.

Even the original Iron Man would have to kneel when he encountered it!
Sentinel No. [-] is a super killer equipped with primary AI and amazing firepower. It can wipe out a platoon of elite soldiers in a short time without injury.

Even ordinary beta-level mutants would only be tortured and killed when they met the Sentinel [-] combat robot.

Even if you don't even leave the bone dregs.

Can be imagined.

The birth of the No. [-] sentinel robot has brought the stock price of Trask Industries down to what extent!
It is said that the net worth of the dwarf has exceeded [-] billion dollars.

This is a big fat sheep.

Victor smiled silently.

It seems that there are fat sheep to slaughter.

Of course, compared to the mature Iron Legion under Iron Man in the future, the Sentinel-[-] robot is still slightly inferior.

In terms of handling.

The No. [-] Sentinel robot is a little clumsy, letting it go out to perform individual missions is equivalent to watching the face for food!

Because the smart program it carries is too rigid.

Each step requires manual confirmation of instructions.

That means someone has to be in the background.

In the offline state, only by using the supporting sensors can it prevent it from killing its own people.

It is said that the price of this sensor is very high.

Needless to say.

This must be a way for Trask Industries to make money!
But this can not blame the dwarf.

After all, the little man is engaged in pyramid schemes.

It is really difficult for him to come up with an artificial intelligence comparable to Stark Industries Jarvis.

Just ask in this case.

How does the military purchase Sentinel [-] robots in large quantities?
Georgia is an exception!

While rich and powerful, it is deeply troubled by mutants disrupting social order. The No. [-] Sentinel robot gave the state government the hope of changing this plight!
Aren't you a mutant with strong individual combat power?
Every time troubles come and go without a trace, the public order in the city has been seriously damaged.

Then I'll use the robot against you!

As long as you don't hide in the city all the time, then I can kill you.

Anyway, the only disadvantage of the sentinel robot is that it needs someone to operate it in the background, but its advantages are also obvious.

If you are not afraid of death, you will not die, just ask if you are afraid!
As the cutting-edge combat force under the United Guards, the Sentinel Special Service Group is equipped with ten No. [-] Sentinel robots.

During the day, the robot goes out to find targets to capture mutants, and at night it returns to the base for maintenance.

These robots not only have powerful firepower, but are also first-class experts in scouting!
They are equipped with the most advanced human body thermal sensing system and low temperature radar system in the United States.

A sentinel robot can detect all life forms within a five-kilometer range in all directions.

Including moving non-living objects!
This is the main reason why the mutants in Georgia were defeated. Otherwise, if a beta-level mutant jumps out, the state government will not be able to step down.

And this time.

Someone with a serious disparity in information is embarrassed.

On a whim, Victor, who was about to play a wave of spy teams behind enemy lines, was caught in the face, and a sentinel robot who had just returned from duty found them!

"Warning warning, found illegal intruders."

"Confirm the command, allow to kill the intruder!"

"bang bang bang"

The four cannon barrels unleashed hundreds of rounds of special ammunition at the two of Victor with a thunderous speed in just one second. Is this a one-hit kill?
"Death to me!"

It was too late to say so, Victor stepped forward, and the divine power of Vajra immediately spread throughout his body, and an explosive force instantly exploded the chest of the No. [-] sentinel robot.


The sentinel robot flew out and smashed heavily on the wall of the distant base, forcibly smashing a big hole.

Electric sparks were blowing out of the big pit.

A million-dollar Sentinel-[-] droid lay in the wreckage just like that.

"Scared me, I thought I met the ultimate sentinel of the dwarf." Victor said with a constipated face.

With such a big fight, you got it with one punch?
Can you give me some strength for another round?
Is the baby scared by you?

"Master, can't you be gentler?" Rebecca pouted her mouth and acted like a baby, but her eyes were very excited.

For her.

Absolute power is what she believes in, and Victor's performance made her absolutely happy.

I'm getting wet, okay?

As long as you push harder!

"I'll do my best!" Victor smiled.

At this time, the agents inside the base were attracted by the huge movement, and quickly rushed out one by one to surround them.

"The dock the dock."

"Warning, warning, kill the intruder immediately, all agents obey the order, and kill the intruder at all costs!"

"bang bang bang"

With the order from the headquarters coming from the loudspeaker, the agents surrounding Victor pulled the trigger one after another.

And this also opened the prelude to death!


Victor snorted coldly, and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, instantly blowing the head of an agent.

His thoughts searched the entire base in a straight line.

Otherwise, why would he do it himself?

This is not tall at all, okay!

Psychic powers are the pinnacle of violent aesthetics!

Suddenly Victor's expression changed.

He discovered a shocking scene.

Under the base, hundreds of human beings are actually imprisoned, including many old people and children. These people have one thing in common, they are all mutants.

And deep in the ground.

At least hundreds of thousands of corpses were burnt in a large incinerator, and the thick dead air made people chill.

This is turning into hell.

At the same time he found the laboratory that Rebecca said.

There are many specimens in the laboratory.

These specimens are not simple flowers and plants.

But all kinds of fresh human organs.

There is also a row of children's heads, each marked with ability, age, identity and date of death.

The most recent was an hour ago.

It was a little girl with black hair and black eyes with a frightened expression.

It is temporarily unclear whether it is Asian or Indian.

my God!

These people are simply beasts!
Making a living specimen of a child, this is the federal government that you call freedom?
Even ** is not as cruel as you!

Victor is angry!

Withdrawing his mind power, he summoned the alloy flying sword, killing all the agents outside the base instantly in a cruel way.

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!

The murderer will always kill him!
"I want no grass left here!" Victor glanced at Rebecca and said in a cold tone, "Summon them!"

"Yes, my master!" Rebecca put away her charming expression, established a spiritual link with her brothers, and instantly opened an illusory portal.

The same as the messenger of Hell.

No matter where they are, they can summon each other.

This is the special ability given to the messenger by the gate of Hell.

"Your Majesty, the Hell Envoy is at your service!"

Nicklaus and his party came out from the portal.

They were wearing tuxedos and were attending the annual carnival night in New Orleans, but they did not expect to receive an emissary call from Rebecca, who was thousands of miles away.

They didn't dare to neglect, and came here immediately.

Victor glanced at them silently, his eyes were extremely cold, and the murderous aura that manifested even froze the air.

"I want you to slaughter this place!"

"As ordered!"

In an instant, the fifth ancestor of the vampire scattered.

baring their sharp fangs.

Pounce on the stubborn human beings one by one.

The ancestor vampires have unimaginable speed and strength, and they immediately blocked the entrance and exit of the base.

Whether soldiers or agents.

As long as it is a living person in this base, no one can escape from their fangs.

The master has a life, not to leave a blade of grass, to kill them all!
It's a killing feast!

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(End of this chapter)

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