Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 81 Your Love Is So Bad

Chapter 81 Your Love Story Is Too Low

Dozens of police vehicles surrounded the narrow alley.

One by one came from all directions, and heavily armed law enforcement officers blocked all the surrounding entrances and exits.

Even individual rocket launchers are up.

Is this going to be a war of annihilation?
Victor stroked his chin.

It seems that large-scale conflict is inevitable.

By the way, will S.H.I.E.L.D. hear the news?

How will Nick Fury feel about this incident.

Especially Hill, will he turn against him because of this?

After all, his actions can now be said to be slapping the face of a federal state government.

And also killed five agents on duty.

Well, things got complicated.

"Solemnly declare!"

"We are a regular unit of the United Guards in Atlanta, Georgia. You will be prosecuted for at least ten crimes stipulated in the Federal Constitution. Now raise your hands, and you still have a chance to defend yourself in court!" The black man held a loudspeaker Intended to disintegrate Victor and his party's will to resist.

Victor looked at the black man like he was looking at a fool, you said you were going to charge me with a dozen counts.

Is it possible that I'm still caught without a fight?

Lorna stood up suddenly and said, "No, you don't have any evidence to arrest us. We are legal citizens under the federal government and have the right to refuse your illegal detention!"

The black man's head went down for a moment when he heard the words, could it be that he received the wrong order?
Otherwise, why is the other party so confident?
By the way, where's the body?

The black man stretched out his neck and glanced at the clean ground in the alley, he was a little dumbfounded.

He can be sure when it comes.

The third team of the Sentinel Special Service is located in this alley, and the voice can still be heard.

Could it be that the corpse was wiped out?

Victor looked at Lorna, his eyes seemed to be asking.

What is this going to do?
Lorna lowered her voice and said, "Victor, we can't confront government agencies head-on. I know you are very powerful, but this will put mutants in a more passive situation."

Although Lorna is young, she has a very clear understanding, and she does not want to be separated from the social collective.

Humans are social animals.

If Victor continues to kill today.

Then the government will do everything possible to deal with Victor.

At that time, Lorna will inevitably follow Victor to the end of the world. This is not the life she wants.

If possible, she hopes to live in the sunshine with Victor, instead of everyone shouting and beating rats on the street.

"I'm very sorry, there are mutants among you. According to the latest regulations in Atlanta, mutants must be subject to unified investigation and management." The black man picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke for less than 3 minutes before saying helplessly.

He was ordered to die from above.

For whatever reason.

People must be apprehended first.

Regardless of why the third secret service team disappeared.

As long as the suspect is under control.

All problems are not problems!
That's how law enforcement handles it.

Moreover, the signal source showed that there were at least two mutants in Victor's party, and one of them was Alpha-level!
This is not negotiable.

"Believe me, I'm saving you!" Lorna was still fighting for the last chance, even if the hope was slim.

The black man shook his head and said, "Ma'am, I hope you can cooperate with our work, this is our duty!"

"Lorna, you've done a good job!" Victor said with a wicked smile, and suddenly wrapped his arms around Lorna's waist.

Before Lorna could speak, Victor looked at the fully-armed law enforcement officers and made a mouth gesture to the submachine gun.



"Dididi, a super-powerful energy source has been detected, and the personnel on the scene evacuated quickly, evacuated quickly!"

"That's too late!"

The black man showed a shocked expression, he stared blankly at everything around him, at this moment.

The world stood still.

All law enforcement officers with guns were shattered bit by bit by a mysterious force.

Debris was flying in the sky.

Not only that, among the law enforcement officers, at least half of their bodies were also annihilated with guns.

This is a real annihilation, not even the ashes are left behind!

The black man survived. Looking at the empty scene around him, a drop of cold sweat rolled down his nose!
What about people?

The black man swallowed and looked up.

With a deep fear on his expression, he suddenly fell limp on the ground. He was only one step away from death just now.

At this time, there was no one in the alley.

Where did Victor and his party go?
They returned to the Presidential Suite at the George Hotel.

Seeing Rebecca, who was slumped on the sofa and holding a water glass with a helpless expression, Victor's eyes were serious.

Has the situation in Georgia gotten this bad?Even the children are not spared, and the parents report it.

From this, it can be seen that government agencies' remarks to the public about mutants endangering society have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


This kind of tiger poison eater will never happen!
"Brother Victor, Sister Lorna, Sister Rebecca, thank you, if it weren't for you, I might have been imprisoned in the mutant laboratory now." Rebecca said with sobs: "My father is the experimenter As a member of the laboratory, I have seen the miserable fate of those captured mutants in his personal computer. They used mutants for experiments, cut their bodies open, and dug out their internal organs."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, you're fine, Rebecca, no one will hurt you with us!" Lorna held Rebecca in her arms, preventing her from continuing.

those inhumane acts.

Even though it sounds chilling.

Let alone see it with my own eyes!

"Wow" Rebecca burst into tears, she still couldn't believe that her parents would betray her.

This is unbearable pain for a child.

Although Rebecca doesn't look too small anymore.

"Mutant laboratory?" Victor took a sip of bourbon thoughtfully. At this moment, the communicator in his pocket vibrated suddenly, and the caller was Maria Hill.

This is a rare visitor!
"Victor, can you cause less trouble?" Hill's tone on the phone was very helpless.

Victor stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, from which he could still see armed helicopters patrolling the city.

"I'm just dealing with scum!"

"No, they are members of law enforcement agencies!"

"Could it be that if you put on a layer of skin, you're not a human?"

"You have no right to kill them!"

"You know my temper. It's not that they are looking for death. I won't kill people casually. This is my bottom line!"

"For that little girl?"

Suddenly, the air was suffocated, and Victor had an embarrassed expression on his face, which was a bit like being caught in bed.

On the phone, Hill waited for a while and continued: "Don't continue to make mistakes, Victor, there is still room for things to slow down now, you can't stand on the opposite side of everyone!"

"Hill, if you found a laboratory where they were doing inhumane dissection experiments on living people, including old people and children, would you choose to do what you think is right, or would you turn a blind eye to it? "Victor said quietly, lighting a cigarette.


His face blurred against the French windows.

"There will be laws against them, and this kind of thing can't happen in the federal territory!" Hill said.

Victor sneered when he heard the words: "If they were the ones who made the laws, would you still think so?"


There was an instant silence on the phone.

After a while, Hill suddenly said: "Kill them all!"

"I am very satisfied with your answer!"

"I must be crazy!"

"No, my Hill is the kindest man in the world"

"Has anyone ever told you?"


"The love words you said are simply unbearable!"


(End of this chapter)

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