Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 63 1-Day Tour of Emily's Black Prison

Chapter 63 A Day Trip to Emily's Hell
"Victor, the transfer procedures between Emily and I have been completed, when can we leave here?" Elena's voice came from the communicator.

After Emily's death.

Elena's character becomes cold and hardened.

Apart from smiling at a few people, it looks like a cold iceberg.

Victor heard the words and said: "We can leave in three days, and someone will pick us up then."

"I see." Elena's voice was hoarse.

Victor on the other end of the phone noticed the sadness in Elena's tone, and said calmly: "You can be happy, New York is a metropolis after all, where you can start your life again, I believe you will adapt. "

"I understand, thank you, Victor, I just couldn't adapt at once, so many things happened during this period, whether it was my parents or Emily." Elena said.

"Adjust yourself well, I hope that when I see you, you will still be the goddess who loves to laugh." Victor encouraged.

hang up the phone.

Elena looked out the window at the plane trees.

Under the breeze, the phoenix tree was swaying. Seeing this, an inexplicable arc appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she muttered to herself, "Am I your goddess? Victor!"

Behind Elena is Emily packing her luggage.

Emily has grown up.

No longer messing around with foxes and friends, and there are slightly melancholy and indifferent eyes on the childish face.

Only Elena could keep his gaze focused.

The only person in this world who is willing to give everything to protect her is her sister, Elena.

Emily lowered his head, and no one noticed that his pupils had turned into a cold black.

These are the eyes of a ferryman.

Death can be seen, and death can be foreseen.

Guiding the souls of the dead to where they should go is the duty and mission of the underworld ferryman.

And Emily was the first ferryman from the underworld.

In fact, it was as early as the night when he transformed into a ferryman.

Emery has exercised his authority.

He took an old grandmother who was dying, a lady named Arya, to the underworld.

It was the first time for Emily to enter the underworld.

What appeared before his eyes was a magnificent and vast world.There is heaven, earth and hell here!

He saw a towering statue of a god.

He saw a thriving city.

At last he came to a gate.

someone told him.

This is the gate of Hell. The gate connects heaven and earth. It is the gate of Hell. Behind the gate is the world of the dead.

When Emily and Arya came to the gate.


The sky-high door opened a crack.

He took the opportunity to enter the gate.

He saw a group of beautiful palaces.

This is completely different from the hell he imagined.

He was greeted by a jailer holding a mourning stick.

The jailer told him that you don't need to be surprised to see anything here, because this is an orientalized hell.


Emery subconsciously always believed that hell was a world full of magma.

For this reason, he still tossed and turned, feeling terrified.

The jailer led Emily to a large hall.

A white man who looks like a judge checked Arya's life and deeds, including the details of Arya's past when she accidentally broke her father's watch when she was a child.

It's just a small mistake, isn't it?

The judge ruled that Arya was a good person and could be reincarnated.

This made Arya weep with joy.

However, the current reincarnation pool is full, and you need to wait for a while in the black prison.

How long is the wait?
Emily asked in her heart.

Soon the judge gave the answer.

The queue time is about one year.

While waiting, Arya can choose to live in a residential area and live a peaceful life.

Might as well find a wife.

That's bullshit, isn't it?
There is no difference between the life of the residential area and the soul in life.

They can plant some flowers and plants here and earn ghost coins.

Underworld coins are the currency in circulation in Hell.

If you have extra ghost coins before reincarnation, you can also exchange them for good luck in your next life.

It's very human, isn't it?
The issue is.

Victor's face is printed on the ghost coin, which makes Emily feel weird from the inside out.

Residential areas are not detached houses for Westerners.

It is a beautiful courtyard full of poetry, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

It is worth mentioning that.

Every courtyard house has old people and children living there in twos and threes, and of course young people are indispensable.

Are these people waiting to be reincarnated?

Because a small captain told Emily.

Those who committed crimes during their lifetime were imprisoned in the depths of the black prison for punishment.As for the evildoers, they were sent to the real hell, and only when their sins were washed away could they have the chance to be reincarnated.

Emily asked.

Where is the city where I saw a statue before, why can't I see a statue here.

The ghost soldier said that it was in the upper world.

The black prison is just a transfer station, above is the human world, it is said that there is also heaven, and below is only the raging hell.

Well, Emily wants to see hell.

The ghost soldier said with a look of horror: "I advise you to give up this idea, hell is terrible!"

According to the ghost soldier's description, there are [-] levels of hell, and the only ones currently open are Tongue Pulling Hell, Oil Pot Hell and Knife Mountain Hell.

As the name suggests, prisoners in Tongue Pulling Hell will have their tongues pulled out again and again, and this is when the prisoner remains awake and the pain is ten times stronger!
My God, it's scary to think about.

Pull out the tongue alive.

Is this punishment for liars?
Emily shivered.

There are also oil pan hell and knife mountain hell!
Emily didn't dare to imagine anymore, and escaped from this terrifying and magical world with trembling legs.

For the current situation in the prefecture.

Victor explained what is called a hands-off shopkeeper.

Since the system upgrade.

The scope of the field has expanded more than ten times, and naturally the manpower of the black prison is also in short supply.

Now there are dozens of judges in the black prison, and the number of ghost soldiers has reached an unprecedented 200 or more.

Even so.

The first chief judge of the black prison, Murphy Di Rada, complained in front of the statue enshrining Victor from time to time.


This is the biggest problem currently encountered by the black prison.

Not every good soul is willing to transform into a ghost soldier, and most people still hope to be reincarnated after death.

So what if the memory is washed away?

Facing a new life bravely is the most basic quality of a kind person.

Of course, the jailers were a secondary problem.

The behavior of arresting strong men cannot be avoided anywhere.

What is needed are judges.

Be a judge in a black prison.

Not only is it required to be a lawyer before death, but also to have enough character and responsibility.

Otherwise, facing all kinds of evil spirits, I am afraid that I will be scared out of my heart before I judge myself.

Not everyone can accept ghosts, even if they become one of them.

At present, the most difficult thing to control in the black prison is a group of souls who think they are not dead, but are captured by some mysterious organization for experiments. Most of them are normal people, that is, good people in the popular sense.

To control the soul is a troublesome business.

Victor is determined to throw Norman Osborn into the black prison to be the butler.

Who let him in his limited social circle.

Norman is the only talent with management talent!

To know.

Norman is solely responsible for the formation of the Guardian Alliance, which is no longer limited to New York State.

The sphere of influence is spreading to the entire United States.

As long as you are a special person with a righteous heart and ability, you can join the Guardian Alliance.

Of course, under Victor's repeated emphasis.

Character is also a very important option. A superhero without character will only destroy the order of the Guardian Alliance.

It is worth mentioning that.

Norman after Victor's hints again and again.

Proactively initiate contact with Tony.

Although it is ostensibly a normal high-tech equipment purchase.

But super smart Tony.

The difference in Norman has long been discovered, and the latter is now the famous Green Devil in New York.

In response, Tony texted Victor.

Ask Victor if he can become as powerful as the Green Devil.

But Victor did not agree, nor did he explicitly reject Tony, but told Tony that the time had not yet come.

Transforms Tony into an enchanter.

This is not within Victor's plan, Iron Man is Iron Man, why do you have nothing to do to be the second Green Devil?
And if Tony has strong power, will he become an Iron Man with a heart of steel in the future?
Victor remained skeptical.

Maybe there will be a second idiot who puts on a show every day to show death, this will seriously damage the sense of reading, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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