Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 62 My Hell Gatekeeper Has Arrived

Chapter 62 My Hell Gatekeeper Has Arrived

"I agree, as long as Emily can survive." Elena said firmly, as long as she can save her brother's life, she is willing to give everything!
Emily is her only relative in this world!
"No, it will be dangerous for Elena to leave here!"

Hearing that Elena agreed to the conditions proposed by Victor, Stefan suddenly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to stop him: "Elena, you can't leave the town, you will be very dangerous!"

Everyone suddenly showed strange eyes, what do you mean by this, it will be dangerous to leave with Victor?
Where do you have the courage to say such a thing!

Stefan felt suspicious gazes, hesitated for a moment before explaining: "Elena is a double body, as long as she is discovered by a vampire, she will attract the ancestor vampires!"

You are not a fool!

For the first time, Rebecca felt that she was blind, how could she ever fall in love with such a stupid man.

You said you didn't want Elena to leave.

I also respect that you are a man who dares to love and hate, can't you use your brain to think about it.

There is an ancestor vampire standing here!
And who took Elena away?

It is a terrifying existence like a demon god!
Not to mention the strongest Nicklaus among the vampires, even if all the original ancestors join together.

It is estimated that it is also a gift!
Victor just smiled and said nothing.

Damon turned his head away and didn't want to look at his stupid brother. As a brother-in-law, I feel so tired.

Elena met such Stefan for the first time.

The man who was perfect in her heart before.

The moment fell apart.

This is a selfish man!

"Victor, help my brother to transform. No matter where you go in the future, I will follow you." Elena said with a smile, a tear slipped down her cheek.

Emily is his only relative in this world.

Elena has no reason, and it is impossible to give up her own brother for a selfish man!

"Well, actually, you don't have to be so depressed." Victor hesitated to speak.He really wanted to say that in fact, by putting a fixed coordinate point in the town, Emile, who was transformed into a ferryman, would be fine as long as he didn't leave the town.

But the words come to the mouth.

Victor wisely chose to remain silent.

Why explain?

Why give Stefan, a scumbag, the chance to continue being with the goddess Elena!

Is there no Stefan.

Can Elena die?

The existence of the former will only make Elena's life more miserable and desperate.The future Elena was even blackened by him and turned into a woman who looked like a lunatic.

New York is a big city.

With Elena's temperament, finding an excellent normal person to fall in love with is easier than drinking water!

The reason why I fell in love with Stefan.

It was entirely because in a small town the size of a palm, there was no choice at all.

Who the hell likes a pale boy?

And it's a vampire without any temperature on its body.

Vampires are a bunch of human popsicles!
Stefan saw Elena make a choice.

Turning around and leaving silently, it wasn't that he didn't want to stay, but that there was no room for him here.

Damon gave Victor an apologetic look.

Followed by.

Damon, who is in charge of the younger brother, said that as long as Stefan is well, the rest is not on his mind.

It doesn't matter if you die!
It is worth mentioning that.

Converting Ferrymen is not a hassle.

This is just the lowest level of priesthood in the underworld.

After getting Elena's affirmation, Victor used [-] points of original energy to transform Emily into a ferryman.

Looking at the remaining [-] points of the system, and the astronomical figure that is still far from the upgrade.

Victor let out a silent sigh.

If you can't find the second original energy mine, then the system upgrade is a long way away.

souls of millions.

You are indeed small compared to the population of a big country.But the range that Victor can collect souls is currently limited to [-] kilometers from himself.

And ten fixed coordinates add up to one hundred kilometers.

Of the ten coordinate points, Victor only dropped one in the downtown area when passing through Georgia.

It's a pity that his schedule is too full.

In fact, if Emily is still breathing.

It is more in his interest to transform into a soul ecstasy messenger, after all, the ferrymen do not have any actual combat capabilities.

Ferry Ferry can also be called decoration.

"It's amazing! It's nothing short of a miracle!"

"The miraculous Victor can actually bring the dead back to life. It's unbelievable!"

There was a sound of exclamation.

Caroline and Bonnie covered their mouths, dumbfounded.

Both of them looked at Victor with gratitude and surprise, while the former was admiration.

Only when they really see the resurrection of the dead can they believe that this world really has this ability.

In the conversation before this, both Caroline and Bonnie maintained a skeptical attitude.

Elena hugged her brother and wept with joy.

Everyone's eyes fell on Victor from time to time.

respectful and curious

From time to time, it fell on Emile, who had a ruddy complexion and could not see anything unusual, full of envy and doubts.

It is indeed a miracle!
"Victor, how does he handle it?"

Rebecca pointed to the frozen figure.

The vampire, who was unable to move while watching the movie, said, "He is under Nicklaus. Although I don't want to admit it, this matter has something to do with my brother."

Victor waved his hand and threw the man in black to the underworld to be imprisoned. This was his answer to Hill.

He absolutely does not admit that he is a licking dog.

Hill is his woman, okay? She gave her body to help him.

as a man.

If you have to worry about everything, you should just leave the palace.

Your girlfriend asked you to buy breakfast, did you just lick the dog if you agreed?He must only ask her for it, and cannot give her anything in return or help, so is he a real man?

What a fallacy!

Accompanied by Emily's resurrection and Stefan's sad departure.

Calm was restored in the town.

It's just that this kind of calm is accompanied by Victor's purge of the town's vampires in the dark.

hard to imagine.

There are dozens of vampires hiding in a small town.

And most of these vampires have the ability to move in sunlight.Could it be that the Sunlight Ring of Witches is flooding?

Victor is very curious about the family of witches.

You are obviously the natural enemies of vampires.

Why give the mortal enemy, the vampire, to refine the sun ring that can not be afraid of the sun?

Is it Shi Lezhi or out of his mind?
Anyway, Victor couldn't understand the witch's behavior.

There are no real witches in the town at the moment.

The only witch, Bonnie.

terribly sorry.

She has not yet awakened the magic that belongs to the witch.

In the witch world, such people are called Muggles!
"Master, I saw Elijah!" Rebecca suddenly came to Victor's ear and whispered that day.

"Elijah?" A gentleman who likes to wear dresses appeared in Victor's mind.The latter is a more bizarre existence than Stefan who likes to hook up with high school students.

Have you ever heard of a vampire who sees promises as life?

And also the ancestor of vampires!
Elijah is such a wonderful creature.

Repeatedly being played around because of promises.

Among them, Elena also played a less glamorous role.

What's even more bloody is.

Elijah also fell in love with his brother Nicklaus' woman, a pregnant woman!
Zeus, come and kill me with a flash of lightning!
This is simply a wonderful family!
"Let him come see me!" Victor ordered.

Rebecca was troubled when she heard this.

He really wanted to tell Victor to let his brothers go, but in the end he could only sigh.

"He will, my master." Rebecca lowered her body to reveal her perfect curves.

Under Victor's calm gaze, he fluctuated up and down in the latter's most sensitive position.

This is her only way of redemption.

Victor closed his eyes and smiled.

Now that Elijah showed up in the town.

no doubt.

Nicklaus has also come here, and at this moment they must be hiding in the dark to observe Victor.

No one knew her brother's character better than Rebecca.

Although the scenes of falling in love and killing each other between their family of vampires are constantly being staged.

But it is undeniable.

Including the lunatic Nicklaus, who was a werewolf and vampire, they all took family affection very seriously!
It's a contradiction, isn't it?
Victor opened his eyes and looked out the window.

It was a sunny and sunny scene outside the window, but the whole town gave off a chilling atmosphere.

Is this the aura of the ancestor of the vampire?
The corner of Victor's mouth curled into an arc.

My dark gatekeeper has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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