Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 61 The Ferryman

Chapter 61 The Ferryman

Vampire shackles!
Victor's eyes narrowed.

How did the vampire break into Elena's house?

Could it be that someone invited him?
With the vampire's covert attire in front of him, he doesn't look like a good person no matter what!
Victor asked directly: "Who invited the vampire?"

"It's me, sorry, sir, I made a mistake." Emile, covered in blood, said bitterly, "The man in the cloak said he had a new toy in his hand, so I invited him."

"Toys?" Victor was surprised.

"Yes, it's drugs!" Bonnie reminded.

Bonnie looked helpless.

Europeans and Americans have matured early.

And the contraband is almost sold in places like bars, not to mention the public sale. A 14-year-old child who was not under the control of his parents during the rebellious period was naturally contaminated with these weird things!

"Mr. Victor, please save Emily, please. Emily told me that you let his soul return to his body. He is just a child." After communicating with Emile, Elena He immediately looked at Victor with pleading eyes.

Emily felt Elena's urgency.

Tears flowed silently from the corners of his eyes.

If you can choose again.

He will never touch the so-called toys, but too many people don't have the chance to choose again.

"Maybe they have a way."

Victor heard the words and glanced at the three of Rebecca outside the door, and said, "Please come in."

"What?" Bonnie's eyes froze when she heard the words.

The three of Tesfan, who looked at the open door but couldn't take a step, suddenly seemed to guess something in their hearts.

Elena is not an idiot either, she looked at Tesfan flickeringly, as if asking for an answer.

Tesfan, who was standing there, felt Elena's sharp gaze, and nodded silently.

Is this acknowledging your identity?
"Are you vampires?" Elena said hoarsely.

"Sorry, I never thought of hurting you!" Stefan said with his head bowed, at this moment the essence of the scumbag was undoubtedly revealed.

What do you mean I never thought of hurting you?
You, a vampire, go to high school to hook up with female students.

What do you mean no harm?
And all kinds of high-cold play flew up.

Let alone Elena, even a princess will be attracted by your unusual temperament, okay?

And vampires have the ability to influence people's thinking!
Damon shrugged.

An old undead monster seduces young high school students.

This is him.

The most shameful place for Stefan.

Even because of Elena's resemblance to Catherine.

But you should be sincere anyway, all kinds of masculine temptations, even if you are exposed, you still don't confess.

He can't stand being an older brother, okay?


Stefan is a complete scumbag!
"Come in!" Elena looked at Tesfan with strange eyes, as if looking at a stranger.


Suddenly a magical protective power disappeared.

The three of Tesfan walked into the room.

Rebecca looked at Erimi who was still alive without any breath of life and asked in surprise, "Is this the power of a witch?"

God damn witch!

Victor glared fiercely at the speaking Rebecca.

Rebecca shrank her neck in fright.

"Stefan may be able to save Emily." Victor reminded Elena who was in grief.

Bonnie, who was born in a witch family, immediately understood what it meant, and quickly stopped her: "No, Elena, you can't agree to transform Emily into a vampire!"

"Vampire?" Caroline looked shocked.

"Is this the only way to save Emily?"

Elena raised her head and looked at Victor, who was silent, neither affirming nor denying.

Seeing this, Elena could only smile sadly and said to her good sister Bonnie: "Bonnie, then tell me, how can I save my brother? He is my only relative in this world!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to remind you."

As the ancestor vampire, Rebecca had the most right to speak, and she said with an apologetic face: "Vampires can only be transformed while they are alive, and your brother is dead, so neither I nor Stefan can do anything about it." .”

"No, no, no!!"

Elena yelled immediately when she heard the answer, holding Erimi in tears.

She didn't want to watch Emily die.

It's like watching your parents leave.

It was a pain she could never forget.

She's just a little girl, okay, why did God bring her so much pain!
"Sister, it seems that this is my fate."

Emily showed a bitter smile and whispered.

No one wants to die if they can live!
The fear of death is equally human and vampire, and Emily is just a child.

"Mr. Victor, can you save Emily? I know you must have a way!" Stefan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly looked at Victor and said.

to be frank.

Seeing the blood flowing out of Emily, Stefan's heart was already boiling.

This is the nature of vampires, not only Stefan, but also Te Damon and Rebecca.

They have exhausted their strength to control themselves.

"Can only living people be transformed into vampires?" Victor didn't answer Stefan, but frowned in thought.

It seems that I have a high opinion of vampires.

"Actually, as long as you drank the blood of a vampire, you can transform after death." Rebecca reminded.

Victor is silent

Emily's situation made him feel tricky.

In fact, the same is true for the seductive messengers of the underworld. They must be transformed during their lifetime, even if they still have a breath.

But when Victor arrived.

Emily is dead.

How does a dead person transform into a soul ecstasy?
"Maybe I have another way." Victor said.

In the huge memory bank transmitted to him by the system.

There are many priesthoods about the underworld.

One of the priesthoods fits Emily's situation.

In hell.

There is a priesthood that can be converted between the soul and the entity, and that is the ferryman!

What is a ferryman?
It is a living dead who guides the dead to the underworld.

The Ferryman has no actual means of attack, but has a bug similar to Victor's, immortality.

Ferrymen are immune to all physical and energy attacks.

Any harm is nothing to the ferryman.

Because the ferryman is between life and death, it is a special existence, and there is a prerequisite for becoming a ferryman.

That is, there is still nostalgia and belonging in the world.

Belonging is incense, and nostalgia is relatives.

At the same time, the ferryman is also the disseminator of the belief that death dominates the world, and he is the most devout believer!
Victor hands the choice to Elena.

If Elena agrees to transform her younger brother into a ferryman, the latter will leave the town with Victor.

Because the ferryman is a believer in the master of death.

He is also a priest of the underworld.

Victor is not a philanthropist, throwing a precious priesthood to save a stranger!

What is priesthood?
That is an extremely small number of existences in any god system.

Even in the Asgard pantheon.

Not every Asgardian has a priesthood, either.

Most Asgardians are just a little bit stronger than humans in physique.

In this situation.

Victor wouldn't be a Madonna whore.

I can save you, but you must be valuable to me!
(End of this chapter)

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