Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 60 Emily's Death

Chapter 60 Emily's Death
"Well, since everyone is here, I want to ask, who killed the FBI agent?" Victor asked, lighting a cigar.

Tobacco and alcohol do not leave home.

How can you drink without smoking?
"It's not me!" Damon said immediately.

Stefan was silent for a while and said: "I am a chicken blood man."

"Damn it!" Rebecca cursed secretly.

Chicken blood is an insult to vampires.

As the name suggests.

Those with chicken blood use the blood of animals to maintain the characteristics of vampires, but their strength has dropped drastically.Compared to real vampires, they are the weakest of weak chickens.


Stefan's phone rang suddenly.

It was Elena who saw the call.

He silently turned off the communicator, and the appearance of Rebecca reminded him of bad memories.

"Since none of you are suspected, I will clean up all the vampires in the town in the next few days, yes, all of them!" Victor said in a deep voice.

Victor didn't like the small town environment.

It should be said that this place is only suitable for the elderly.

Such as vampires with general aging.

Damon and Stefan looked at each other.

The two were silent.

Although they don't know what Victor's ability is.

But with just Rebecca, the first ancestor vampire, it is easy to clean up the vampires in the town.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the town.

A tragic scene takes place in Elena's house.

Elena's brother.

Emily twitched and fell into a pool of blood.

There was a tooth hole in his neck, and bright red blood was gurgling out.

"Elena, let's go."

Emily's eyes were lax, and she murmured in a low voice, tightly holding on to Elena who was crying bitterly.

"No, no, Emily, you'll be fine!" Elena cried loudly, holding Emily's body and dragging her away.

"Descendants of the Catherine family!"

The two are not far away.

Stands a vampire in a cloak.

Sharp fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth, looking at Elena Lu who was crying and breaking down, his eyes became extremely excited and said: "A double body that has not been transformed, you are my sacrifice to Nicklaus, he will Therefore, I will become the king of the whole world, and I will become the most important subordinate under the king!"

"You devil, get out of here!" Bonnie yelled holding a silver baseball bat, "You devil from hell, you will be punished by God!"

"Demon? Oh, no, no, no, I'm a vampire!" The cloaked man lifted his cloak, his sharp fangs stained with blood.

my God!

Bonnie's eyes widened.

The hand holding the baseball bat trembled.

His face was pale and bloodless.

If she had to protect her sister Elena, she would definitely run away when she saw this terrifying scene.

Caroline, one of the three sisters, was also in the room.

She trembled when she saw this scene.

But reason made her secretly dial Taylor's number, but no one answered!
"By the way, Victor!" Caroline's eyes lit up suddenly, and she pressed the number saved last night.

"Hey, Caroline, what's the matter?" Victor's surprised words came from the phone, and he couldn't even remember when he gave Caroline the number.

"No, no, Victor, save us, come to Elena's house, there are vampires here!" Caroline shouted in panic on the phone, and suddenly she let out a scream.

"Beep beep."

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Victor in the castle got up immediately, and his thoughts spread out without limit.

In an instant.

The whole town had nothing to hide in his "eyes", and he immediately saw the bloody scene on the other side of the town!

Suddenly, with a heavy foot, the floor under his feet was torn apart, and Victor went straight into the air and broke the dome.

With a sound boom, he had disappeared.


A large pile of crumbs fell down at this moment.

The three of Rebecca looked at each other.

The moment Victor broke out just now.

They even stopped breathing, and only then did they realize how big the gap between themselves and Victor was!

If Victor wants to shoot them.

They can't even resist, that kind of invincible power makes people fear and surrender from the bottom of their hearts!

"An accident happened to Elena!" Stefan suddenly remembered the phone he had hung up just now, his expression changed and he rushed out the door quickly.

"Elijah, don't come to the small town to die!" Rebecca, who was left at the end, couldn't hide the horror in her eyes, and looked up at the big hole above and muttered to herself.


The smoke dissipated.

Victor's figure appeared at Elena's house.

Not far away was an immobile vampire, his fangs were only a finger away from Caroline's neck.

If Victor slows down a step.

Rowling must die!

"Victor!" Caroline's body was free, and she threw herself on Victor and cried loudly. Just now, she really felt the breath of death approaching.

"Don't worry, there is me!"

Victor stroked Caroline's shoulder until Caroline held back her sobs before looking at her surroundings.

Elena hugged her younger brother Emily, sitting on the ground with a dazed face, tears streaming down her face.

The witch Bonnie looked at Victor dumbfounded.

After a while, he came back to his senses and said with trembling lips, "Victor, how could it be you!"

"Victor, yes, Victor!
Elena's hoarse voice was over the top, as if she was grasping at the last straw and said: "Victor, please save Emily, please, he's just a child, please!"

"I'm very sorry, Elena." Victor came to Elena and squatted down

Looking at the breathless Emile, he could only sigh silently, and patted Elena on the shoulder.

God's to God, dead to Victor.

Victor can reincarnate the dead, but he cannot bring the dead back to life.

"No, no, I don't want to be sorry, I just hope Emily is alive, he is already my last family member, Victor, he is my last family member!" Elena couldn't accept the cruel reality in front of her, lying on the bed Emily cried loudly.

Seeing Elena crying bitterly, Victor suddenly felt a little distressed.

By the way, how could Emily die like this.

Could it be because of his appearance that disrupted the original plot?Victor was thinking!
Where is Emily now?

His soul was right in front of Victor's eyes.

Looking at her sister Elena's sad appearance, she wanted to speak but couldn't make a sound.

His eyes suddenly dimmed.

Victor looked up and said, "I can help you."

Bonnie looked at Victor who was speaking into the air.

If she thought about it carefully, she wouldn't think that the latter was crazy.

Caroline shrank her neck.

With a frightened look on her face, what happened today has shattered her world view.

A vampire suddenly appeared.

Victor who fell from the sky, even if someone tells Caroline now, God really exists.

She would not have the slightest doubt.

"Really? Sir, can you really help me?" Erimi knew Victor was talking to himself.

Victor nodded.

"I can put you back in the body, but only briefly, you only have 10 minutes to say goodbye to your sister."

"Ten minutes? Yes, please help me, sir."

Erimi's eyes begged, how could he be unwilling to say goodbye to his sister Elena for the last time!

Victor was silent for a while.

A faint milky white light glowed from the palm of his right hand.

The white light fused with Emily's soul, and the latter's soul returned to the body immediately under the influence of the white light.

"Cough cough.!"

"Oh, thank God, Emily, are you alright? Are you alright?" Elena felt Emily in her arms make a sound, and burst into tears of joy.

At this moment, the three figures of Rebecca appeared outside the door.

Stefan turned around in a hurry.

Because they can't step into a stranger's house without Elena's permission, it's a vampire's shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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