Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 64 Elijah Appears

Chapter 64 Elijah Appears

Small town cafe.

Victor sat talking and laughing with a man.

Opposite him.

Be a gentleman.

The man had a neat face and sharp eyes.

There is a special temperament that makes him look like a prince with noble blood.

Instead, the ancestor of the vampire!
"Elijah, you're a gentleman!"

"Yes, many people have told me so."

"But I feel like you're being hypocritical."


"Because you always give up your promises for the sake of family affection, and you are often played around, don't you think so?" Victor turned the coffee cup in his hand, his eyes calm.

Elijah was silent when he heard the words, and his bloodthirsty eyes flashed in and out, but they were well hidden.

After half a sound.

Elijah said: "I admit that this is my shortcoming, so, Mr. Victor, how can I make you return your freedom to my dear sister Rebecca."

"Freedom? Elijah, you misunderstood!" Victor looked at Rebecca, who was sitting next to her, who was like a little daughter-in-law with low brows and pleasing eyes, and smiled faintly.

Rebecca looked at Elijah and said, "Elijah, I have always been free, and Victor didn't restrict me."

Elijah looked puzzled.

Is this almost flattering appearance free?Are you afraid that you have been a vampire for too long and your brain is showing off?
"Rebecca, what are you waiting for?" Elijah asked with a frown, and Rebecca's expression made him very uncomfortable.

Rebecca sighed, looked at Victor pitifully and said, "Can I talk to Elijah alone for 5 minutes? Only 5 minutes!"


Victor took a sip of his coffee with a natural look on his face.

Elijah frowned even deeper.

I can't figure it out at all.

With the power of the ancestor vampire, why would Rebecca be afraid of a seemingly ordinary human being in front of her?
After a while, Elijah returned with a serious face.

Rebecca obediently stood by Victor's side, stretched out her small jade-like hands and rubbed them together. This posture was even more humble than that of a maid.

This made Elijah look very bad!
Elijah looked at Victor with deep doubts and puzzlement in his eyes, and Rebecca's words kept echoing in his mind.

"Elijah, he's the devil!"

"Believe me, he is the king from hell!"

"He has terrifying power. Whether it's you or Nicklaus, you can escape as far as you can. Don't provoke him. Yes, Cole is imprisoned by him."

"Please, Elijah, don't hit me!"

Elijah withdrew his pensive eyes and looked at Victor with a disdainful smile and said, "I'm curious how you deceived my sister, she is very innocent!"

King of Hell?Elijah said it was impossible!
As we all know, the demons from hell are a group of clowns hiding in the dark in the human world.

He dared not show his face in front of people at all.

Or the cardinals in the Vatican will tell you how horrible the holy water from heaven is!
That is a power that even vampires cannot ignore!
But now, a king of hell appears in the human world majestically, this is simply impossible!

So Rebecca must have been tricked!

The human being in front of him must have deceived the innocent Rebecca with a clumsy trick, Elijah thought.

Rebecca rolled her eyes when she heard that.

Curse secretly, arrogant fool!
Victor put down his coffee, looked at Elijah calmly and said, "How about we make a bet?"

"How? What's the stake?" Elijah asked.

"Isn't your family group advocating strength?"

Victor shook his finger and said with a smile: "See, this is a finger. As long as your strength can surpass mine, I will allow you to take Rebecca away!"

"It's a stupid gamble!" Elijah sneered.

Challenge the power of the original vampire?

Perhaps there are such creatures in this world.

But trying to suppress the ancestor vampire with just one finger is simply a dream!

Elijah wondered if Victor drank too much coffee!

"Don't let him lose too badly, master!" Rebecca begged with a low voice.

Elijah's face darkened immediately upon hearing this.


This title is very discriminatory!
"Damn it, come on!" Elijah also stretched out a finger, and at this moment he had a fierce look in his eyes.


The moment the two fingers came into contact, Elijah's face suddenly changed, it turned purple!
What power is this?
Elijah felt a truck hit his finger!
At this moment Elijah looked at Victor's eyes suddenly changed, with deep fear!
Was it just a hallucination?

"Continue?" Victor asked.

Elijah glanced at Victor coldly upon hearing this.

He straightened his crooked fingers.

He stretched out his palm silently, and then turned into a fist under Victor's gaze.

Fist to finger?
Victor suspects Elijah's IQ is questionable.

Have you never heard of point breaking?

However, Victor did not bully Elijah, but bit by bit the hardest position of his fist bone.


Elijah was sweating and shaking.

Victor asked silently, "Do you want to continue?"

"Continue!" Elijah showed his fangs at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he went all out, even if he exposed his identity!


It was still the sound of bones breaking.

But this time, all of Elijah's bones were ringing at the same time, his face was ashen, and his whole body was trembling.

Even more terrifying.

Elijah found himself broken too.

Victor's index finger turned into a jade pillar in Elijah's pupils, unshakable and invincible.

This is the finger of the gods!
"Elijah, admit defeat, please!" Rebecca on the side stomped anxiously.

Elijah turned his head to look at Rebecca with difficulty.

There was stubbornness and despair in his eyes.


Elijah's whole body went limp, and he passed out directly, which was the reason why his mind was broken.

Victor silently withdrew his fingers, without any change in his eyes, and said calmly, "Rebecca, take him back to the hotel. I don't want anyone to escape until your brothers are all in order."

"Master, Elijah won't escape." Rebecca smiled wryly, at this moment she hated Cole to death.

If it weren't for the stupid and arrogant Cole to provoke Victor.

None of this will happen at all.

"I hope so," Victor said.

Elijah's strength did not give him the slightest surprise, it can only be said that he is a little stronger than Cole.

But talk is better than nothing, right?

Accompanied by Elijah's arrest.

The rest are Nicklaus and Finn, and Victor is going to gather the five strong players before returning to New York.

said before.

The original vampire family attaches great importance to kinship.

Family affection is the bond that has maintained their relationship for thousands of years.

Now Cole, Rebecca, and Elijah have fallen into Victor's hands one after another. With Nicklaus' impulsive character, even if he knew he was going to die, he would never live by it.

No doubt.

This is the character of the strongest ancestor Nicklaus.

Stubborn and suspicious, passionate and unfeeling.

But the word family love is at the top of the list.

"toot toot"

Victor's communicator suddenly rang.

Every time the phone rings.

Neither is a good thing.

Victor took out the communicator and saw that the caller was Queen Caroline, he paused for a second and pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Victor, Elena was kidnapped by a group of men in black just now." Emily's voice came from the phone.

This confirmed Victor's conjecture.

The phone in my hand comes with an unknown curse, otherwise why every time it rings is bad news?
Become a firefighter yourself?
"Emily, don't worry, tell me where your sister was kidnapped." Victor said calmly.

Nicklaus, is this your shot?

(End of this chapter)

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