Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 44 New Year's Party

Chapter 44 New Year's Party
Christmas Eve.

New York, covered in silver, is extraordinarily beautiful.

The cold weather made people reluctant to go out, and Hell's Kitchen, which had been in chaos for a whole year, became calm.

The Green Goblin became a household hero in New York.

Join the Green Goblin as he fights crime and saves hundreds of families in distress.The prestige in New York even exceeds that of the outgoing mayor.

This is quite a ridiculous thing.

Some people even nominated the Green Devil to participate in the new mayoral election, provided that the Green Devil is willing to show his true colors.

Norman Osborn's mental outlook has become completely different from before, isn't there a saying that says so.

Being a superhero is addictive.

This is the case now with Norman.

However, despite the focus on punishing rape and eradicating evil, the operation of Osborne's industry has not stopped, and news broadcasts Osborne's new inventions and patent applications every day.

Osborne's stock price is rising, and along with it, Victor has also advanced to one place on the list of invisible rich people.

Now Victor doesn't even know how much wealth is in his name, it's tens of billions anyway.

By the way, it is US dollars.

Money cannot be said to be omnipotent in the world of Marvel.

But it's not completely useless, at least you need money to live.

For example, recently Victor bought a small island off the coast of New York State.

He wants to turn it into a modern base, which requires an astronomical amount of dollars.

Although the castle manor has a good geographical location.

But there are too many people.

Whether it is SHIELD or some enemies hidden in the dark.They all set their sights on the castle, and Victor didn't like it very much.

The spotlight is mostly clowns.

Fittingly, Victor has no acting talent.

Kojima's purchase didn't affect Victor's New Year's resolutions.On Christmas Eve, Victor invited his few friends and subordinates to have dinner in the old castle.

Norman and his son must not be absent, who made Norman now Victor's number one loyalist.

Frank Castle couldn't be absent either.

Leaving the lonely Frank outside to feel the cold of the New Year alone.

This is not the behavior of a good employer.

It is worth mentioning that Frank's wife and children were arranged in a high-end residential area in the underworld.

Black Hell is not just a prison.

His area is not smaller than New York State, and as long as there are enough sources, it can be expanded without limit.

Frank has an hour every day to get together with his wife and children to share the happiness of human relationships.

Frank was content with that.

Although the wife and children have not yet been resurrected.

But with Victor's promise, Frank believes that this day will never be far away.

The third one is naturally Fort Gomiris.

There is no doubt that Miris is Victor's best friend.Otherwise, with the style of the fort that Miris slammed the sky and slammed the air, the grass on the grave would be three feet high.

Except for the above three people, the rest are female relatives.


Victor admits that he is more feminine.

For example, Clarice, whose relationship is unclear, is a problem character that gives him a lot of headaches.

Clarice expressed her wish to go to the country of mutants and hope to apply for the freshman year of university.

This made Victor gasp.

God knows Qin who has a violent and unstable personality.

Will there be a battle of the century with Victor after knowing Clarice's situation?
Victor was worried.

The George family also had dinner together.

And the bodyguard and driver Ella, the full-time assistant Felicia and the beautiful little cute rice grain Hugo.

"Thank God, I'm relieved to see so many friends. It seems that I came in time today." Tony Stark arrived at the scene with his assistant Pepper.

Victor rolled his eyes and said, "Tony, in fact, you don't have to come. You know, I just named an extra name. It was definitely not on purpose."

"Ha, Victor, will your party be active if I appear? You don't know how many big-name shows want me to attend their New Year's party." Tony said with a half-smile.

Pepper suddenly looked unlovable. It's definitely not a good idea for these two to get together to celebrate the New Year.

Accompanied by the big fat director Happy to enter the venue.

The party is here.

"Happy, will it be tiring to follow your boss? Do you want to come to the Osborne Group as a security director? Believe me, I have the right to invite you." The director's flattery must be correct, Vic Do put his arm around Happy's shoulders as an invitation.

Happy looked at Pepper begging for help, he felt that he was being used as a gun, and the latter looked helpless.

"Damn it, Victor, you're an asshole, and Happy is my right-hand man, oh yes, security chief, yes, that's a good note." Tony's angry beard and staring look was very funny.

Tony Stark now.

Still a carefree big boy

He doesn't have the sullen future he's had after becoming Iron Man.

The future Iron Man has severe persecution paranoia, thinking that aliens will invade the earth every day. From the moment he became Iron Man, Tony lost his smile.

This is something that makes all viewers regret.

When Happy heard that Tony was going to give him a promotion, he immediately showed a happy smile. After all, he could become the security director of Stark Industries, with an annual salary of at least one million.

For a salaryman only.

An annual salary of one million is an incredible number.

Norman Osborn came over with a glass of wine and said, "Congratulations, Happy, please trust Mr. Victor. I also hope that you can work in Osborn. You are a responsible man."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Osborne, Tony is my friend, although he is very unreliable." Happy thanked him sincerely, and at the same time lowered his voice and complained.

Compared to Victor who is as unreliable as Tony.

Norman Osborn is definitely an important figure in New York State and even the entire United States.

Can be appreciated by Norman.

You don't have to do anything, and your value can be doubled several times.

Victor sighed: "It seems that I will be attending Happy's promotion party soon."

Tony looked constipated.

How do you feel that you are at a disadvantage again?
Although getting Hapi promoted was originally planned, but I am the boss, okay?

Tony looked resentful.

"Everyone, please take a seat. Today is the most famous Huaguo chef in Chinatown, and I personally prepared delicious food for you." Felicia said as a hostess.

Clarice in the crowd looked sad, this moment should belong to her, shouldn't it?

"Sir, there is a visitor outside." Avril Lavigne's voice suddenly sounded.Victor was a little surprised, who else would come to the manor today, it seems that no one else was invited.

"Uncle." Xiaomi Mi suddenly raised her hand.

Victor looked over and asked with a puzzled expression, "Mili, is your friend Ola here?"

"It should, right?" Xiaomi Mi was not sure.

Soon, two figures appeared in the manor, and Victor's face became a little unnatural.

Because not only Ola came, but also Qin!

Clarice stood there in formal attire, as if she had met the red-haired girl's eyes with a tacit understanding.

There was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

"Ahem, Victor, can we eat? In order to join your party, I only ate a hamburger at noon!" Tony was the first to break the calm.

As the first winner of the honorary title of Mr. Victoria's Secret outside the circle, he is very skilled in this uncontrolled situation.

Victor stepped forward with embarrassment and said, "I'm very sorry, Jean, I forgot to invite you."

Qin with fiery red hair looked up at Victor.

The indifferent facial features suddenly burst into a beautiful smile and said: "It should be me who said sorry, I came uninvited."

"It's an honor for you to come."


Accompanied by the seat of the piano.

A table full of guests gathered around the hot meal.

The family-style Chinese cuisine, which is completely different from the eating habits of Westerners, seems to be able to draw closer to each other.

Even Clarice, who has a relatively withdrawn personality, exchanged glasses with everyone, and she looked especially cute with her red face. What made Victor sweat coldly was that Jean was sitting on Clarice's right hand.

God, old man, are you taking revenge on me!
Victor was very tired.

"Ding dong, sir, we have a visitor."

All the sounds in the restaurant suddenly disappeared.

Everyone set their eyes on Victor, and suddenly a needle could be heard.

"Ahem, can you tell me who it is? I think it should be one, sir?" Victor asked guiltily, and a bad figure appeared in his mind.

"No, it's Ms. Maria Hill and Ms. Natasha Romanov who are visiting," Avril Lavigne said.

"Ha!" Tony secretly gave a thumbs up.

Feel the burning eyes of the little pepper.

Tony quickly lowered his head and took a sip of bourbon, while his unfamiliar paws and chopsticks began to wrestle.

"this is my friend."

Under Victor's complicated expression, the generous Hill and Natasha sat at the dining table.

"Two beautiful ladies, don't tell me that you were just on a whim? By the way, you look familiar." Miris looked at Natasha suspiciously, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

He caught Victor's warning gaze.

But his eyes still fell on Natasha, who had blond hair and exuded a seductive aura all over her body.


Suddenly two basses appeared at the same time.


"Hello, Miris, today we came here on a special trip to find Victor, and we happened to meet you guys having a dinner together." Hill said with a smile, and instantly took the initiative.

"Okay! We can talk about it later." Victor nodded mysteriously, but soon his face changed because a small hand exerted force on his waist.

Sitting on Victor's right is Jean.

Qin looked at Hill with a smile and said: "Hello, I have heard of Ms. Hill's reputation for a long time. I am Qin Gray, the current president of Xavier. It is an honor to meet you, Director Hill."

"Yes, it's an honor to meet you, Ms. Phoenix." Hill smiled, and there was nothing unusual about it. This was the demeanor of a lady, and even her gaze on Victor was devoid of impurities other than admiration.

The look made Jean and Clarice thoughtful.

Well, agents are the scariest thing.

Victor smiled wryly.

"Clarice, it's an honor to meet you." Clarice, who was the youngest at the round table and was also a rare yellow face among the people present, raised her glass unwillingly.

"Oh, that's great!" Frank's eyes twitched.

As a top secret agent, he immediately knew what was going on.

Isn't this the killing of the Three Kingdoms?
Victor wonders, is this party wrong?

 All I post are big chapters without paddling, so can you give me a favorite?

(End of this chapter)

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