Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 45 You Sing, I Come On

Chapter 45 You Sing, I Come On

With the stroke of midnight.

You should go, you should stay.

The huge castle fell silent.

It's just that today's castle is a bit weird, and the originally empty guest rooms are basically full.

Victor didn't dare to stand up in the bathtub of the master bedroom, the outside world was too dangerous.

Victor does not know when the Avengers Alliance will be formally established.

But the Women's Federation of Victor Manor.

There is already a prototype.

Let's see how many people live in the castle tonight.

There are Hill and Natasha staying overnight, as well as Qin, who suddenly changed her sex, and Clarice, who has never had a sense of existence.

Plus Felicia and Ella, as well as millet grains and lily seeds who came all the way.

Victor said Alexander.

This can make up two tables of mahjong, okay?

"Dong dong."

"Victor, can we talk?" Hill's elegant and deep voice came from outside the door.

Victor climbed out of the bathtub helplessly.

He put on his nightgown and opened the door.

Outside the door was Hill with wet hair, his sexy curves made his eyes straight.

"Hey, do you want to change it to another day?" Seeing Victor's expression, Hill immediately wrapped his pajamas tightly.

Only God knows how bad Hill woke up after that night.

She actually had a relationship with Victor!

She is an unyielding woman!
"Cough cough."

Victor coughed twice in embarrassment, turned sideways and whispered, "Of course not, come in."

Guilty, he glanced at the quiet corridor.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

In the room Victor poured himself a glass of bourbon.

And asked Hill what to drink.

"I want you!" Hill's tongue slipped playfully on his upper lip.

Victor cursed secretly and was about to pounce on him.

But Hill turned around to escape Victor's clutches.

"Wait, according to my observation, at least three of the ladies sitting today have unusual relationships with you, right?" Hill said with a wise look in his eyes.


Victor's face suddenly collapsed, and a bad premonition arose in his heart, and he asked suspiciously.

"Your assistant, oh, don't tell me, haven't you noticed that the little assistant looks at you differently?" Hill pursed his lips and smiled, with a sense of sight of a doctor.

Victor quickly denied it: "Impossible, Felicity is my assistant, and I have absolutely no relationship with her."

Victor suddenly remembered the "beautiful scenery" he saw under the stairs twice.

Suddenly I couldn't continue.

Are you and Felicity really colleagues?
To know.

Phillips gives all of his time to Victor.

I didn't deal with any other men around me, and you know that there is a saying called love for a long time.

"Okay, okay, my deputy director, I admit that I have thoughts about Felicia, but we haven't had any improper relationship." Victor felt like he was being raped.

Hill's scrutiny made him uncomfortable.


Hill suddenly smiled and said, "Victor, you are an interesting person."

"how you said that?"

Victor didn't look sideways, and raised his heart.

When dealing with an agent, one must be cautious and cautious.Say important things three times.

Hill shook his head and didn't continue to entangle in this unclear topic, but said: "Director Nick hopes that you can go to the North Pole to find an old friend."

"The North Pole? If you don't want to go, let someone else go. I'm very afraid of the cold." Victor immediately refused.As he said that, he covered his body tightly, making a look of fear.

Arctic except for a 70 year old bacon.


Do you really think of yourself as free labor?
One back and one back is a month, okay?

This is simply a waste of life.

"Well, the director knows that you will refuse." Hill waved his hands helplessly and said: "Then you will not refuse me for the second task, right?"

"What task? Tell me about it first." Victor took a sip of bourbon, his eyes were calm.

Is this a beauty trick?

In order to allow myself to perform tasks.

Let Hill, the number one beauty of S.H.I.E.L.D., go off in person!
Hill was silent for a while, recalling the relevant information in his mind and said: "There have been many murders recently in Mystic Falls, Georgia. Without exception, the dead have been sucked dry of blood, including our agents."

"What? Hill, shouldn't this be the job of the FBI?" Victor looked disapproving.

Sadness flashed across Hill's eyes: "No, this is beyond their capabilities."

"Pfft, wait, you're talking about Mystic Falls?" Victor immediately spewed out a mouthful of bourbon, looking seriously at Hill, whose face was covered in alcohol.

God damn Mystic Falls Town!
There is no such place in the Marvel world, dear!

Hill looked at Victor with aggrieved expression.

The wine dripped down her face drop by drop, soaking the pajamas she had just put on.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." Victor stepped forward and wiped the drink from Hill's face with his hand.

"Pfft." Hill smiled.

As beautiful as a blooming flower, the latter took the initiative to close to Victor's warm chest.

There is no sound at this moment.

after an hour.

Just as Victor was lying on the bed ready to rest.

"Dong dong."

"Victor, it's me!"

There was a cold sound of Qin from outside the room door.

O my ancestors!
I almost forgot that there is a Phoenix girl in the castle today!
Victor suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Now it is better to run to the underworld and hide, or face the Phoenix Girl who may be furious!

Who can give me an answer, waiting online, very urgent!

Open the door.

Outside the room is the expressionless Qin Grey.

"Bang" the door was closed.

Qin walked in with a blank face and said, "Victor, did I spoil your good mood?"

Victor shook his head quickly, he is a good baby at this moment.

"Professor has contacted the Spear Bureau of Huaguo, and a Huaguo man named Zheng Xian hopes to have a direct exchange with you." Qin said with a businesslike look.

Victor frowned slightly upon hearing this.

There is some curiosity in the eyes, when did Professor X's business scope expand to Huaguo.

This speed is a bit amazing.

After thinking about it, Victor refused: "Sorry, I don't want to participate in this matter. If the God of Spears wants to enter the City of Hope, as long as you agree."

"The Spear Bureau wants to form an alliance with the Nation of Mutants, with equal status between countries," Qin said.

It's still the same taste, and it's still the same country.

Why is Victor not surprised at all by the Chinese Spear Bureau?

"From your point of view, this is a good situation for the kingdom of mutants to fully open to the whole world." Victor had to admit that Zheng Xian of God's Spear had a big picture.And the olive branch offered is something mutants can't refuse nowadays.

The most important thing is the attitude of Huaguo towards mutants.

The omnipresent sun god.

Compared with SHIELD's behavior of rejecting mutants.

The important members of the Spear Bureau are basically composed of powerful mutants, and Zheng Xian himself is one of them.

In China.

Mutants are not discriminated against.

You can even get various benefits.

Compared to the United States, where everyone shouts and beats, for the mutants who are in a bad situation, Huaguo is simply a paradise.

There is a word to say.

The icing on the cake is never as good as a timely gift.

Qin suddenly fell silent, and stared at Victor with burning eyes. At this moment, the distance between the two was only ten centimeters, and even breathing could hit each other's face.



"do you like me?"

".Like it, huh?"





The smell in the room became inexplicably ambiguous.

Compared with Hill's mature intellectuality.

Qin is like a volcano that is sometimes cold and sometimes erupts, with a different style.

Suddenly Victor's throat swelled.

Because Qin took the initiative to take off the only layer of satin pajamas on her body, revealing her perfect curves.

Omniscient God.

This is simply your most perfect work!
(End of this chapter)

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