Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 43 I am a good man

Chapter 43 I am a good man
Seeing Victor's fluctuating expression, Hill remained silent and handed over the initiative to the latter.

Hill knows all too well.

The reason why the iron-blooded people who mastered advanced technology were willing to negotiate was entirely because of Victor's existence.

If it was only her who came here, she might be expelled, or even die.

The universe is originally a world of dark forests, the weak are the original sin, and the strong have the right to dominate.

"1000 grams of energy stones, this is our bottom line." Hill's communicator has been linked to the Black Braised Egg at the SHIELD headquarters, and he said after Victor's expression calmed down.

Needless to say, it must mean the one-eyed dragon.

The old man shook his head quickly. This was already beyond the bottom line of his budget. Taking out so many energy stones, the spacecraft may not have enough energy to open the wormhole tunnel and return to the parent planet.

In the end, the energy stone was reduced to [-] grams, which was a low price acceptable to both parties.

Victor remained silent.

Even if you take away [-] grams of energy stones in a package, you can only exchange for [-] points of origin, which is really despised.

The transaction is completed and both parties are happy.

S.H.I.E.L.D. released the Jagged Starman who turned into a human stick as promised, and sent back the severed limbs free of charge.

It's just that the limbs look a little shriveled.

The blood in it can be seen at a glance that it was lost under abnormal circumstances.

Despicable S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Accompanied by leaving the spaceship.

Victor, who didn't get any benefits, felt a little upset. Could it be that he worked and worked hard for nothing?

Hill saw that Victor was in a bad mood. In order to promote the harmony of the team, he invited on the way back: "Victor, do you have time to have a candlelight dinner tomorrow night? Please don't get me wrong, I just want to express my gratitude to you." grateful."

"Well, are you single?"

Victor was not surprised when he heard the words, but hesitated a little because he wanted to avoid a more harmonious plot.

"Idiot!" Natasha's eyes twitched.

Dead straight men are simply hopeless.

Can you find a girlfriend with this virtue?I'm afraid I'll have to be alone forever.

Hawkeye Button, who had no sense of presence, heard the words.

His mouth twitched, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, it was because Victor's fighting power was too terrifying.

And the character is also unpredictable.

Hill was angry and funny, wondering if his invitation was a wrong decision, and said word by word: "Mr. Victor, so far, I am single!"

Fighters descended on the castle.

Silent all night.

The next afternoon, Victor came to Hill's apartment in New York expectantly.

on the way.

He struggled for a long time whether to bring a bag of fruit to the door.

This is the tradition of reciprocity.

In the end he came empty-handed.

As for why.

Of course, it takes more than half an hour to line up in the supermarket!
How can a beautiful woman wait for me at home?
He was very much looking forward to tonight's date.

It is worth mentioning that.

Maria Hill is a Level [-] Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And it's a powerful deputy director!
The status in S.H.I.E.L.D. is second only to Nick Fury!
"Hey, it's hard to imagine that the beautiful Chief Hill has such good cooking skills." Victor on the sofa watched Hill's graceful back busy in the kitchen.

Immediately amazed.

As for whether to marvel at the former or the latter.

Then it is unknown.


Hill's big watery eyes narrowed, and he said with a smile: "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Victor."

"This is the truth." Victor's black eyes kept rolling on Hill's exquisite back.

This is a common problem of men.

If you don't consider the latter's status as an eighth-level agent, this is an excellent girlfriend candidate.

It's a pity that the word agent.

Well, Victor said Alexander.

After preparing a table full of sumptuous delicacies.

Hill found that he was accidentally stained with oil, and immediately showed an apologetic smile on his face and said, "Wait a moment, I'm going to change clothes, don't steal it."

"Yes, beautiful lady." Victor made a substandard salute, which immediately caused Hill to burst out laughing.


Hill in evening gown came out of the bedroom with his head down, Victor's eyes widened.

"Hi, Victor." Hill waved with a slightly embarrassed expression, and didn't even have the strength to lift his feet

God only knows how long it has been since Hill, who is used to business attire, has changed into an evening dress.

She even searched for 5 minutes in the closet before finding this beloved evening dress.

Since you take the initiative to invite men to dinner, of course you have to show your best side.

This is the most basic social etiquette.

Victor looked at Hill with dazed eyes.

At this moment, Hill was like the most beautiful angel, making people unable to look away. He admitted that his heart was moved.

"Ah? Ms. Hill, your beauty has made me lose my ability to speak." Victor said with an exaggerated expression.

Hill gave Victor a hard gouging look.

All kinds of styles.

After the two sat down.

Victor looked regretfully at the whole mention of red wine but not half a bottle of bourbon, not in a good mood.

He doesn't like the smell of red wine.

Hui Zhilan's heart-warming Hill smiled slightly, pointed to the wine cabinet behind Victor and said, "Although drinking bourbon in this environment is a bit imperfect, your favorite is hidden there."

A sly smile appeared on Victor's handsome face.


Turn on the bourbon.

A pure wine scent wafted out instantly.

Soon the two entered the focus of tonight.

Taste delicious.

With the fight between bourbon and red wine in the stomachs of the two, the nature of Chinese persuasion is fully revealed.

In less than half an hour, Hill, who was too drunk to drink, had already started talking with his tongue.

As for Victor.

Looking at the empty wine bottle indicated that the wine could not be stopped, took the red wine and poured himself a full glass.

When the red wine was in the mouth, Victor felt uncomfortable for a moment.

The corners of Hill's eyes trembled slightly. Is this fine wine that she has treasured for many years? What do you mean by this expression of disgust?
Hilton, who was drunk, suddenly became dissatisfied, and muttered that he wanted to have another fight with Victor.

How could Victor be cowardly.

After drinking a glass of red wine, the facial features that were carved like knives also glowed red, and it was easy to get drunk when mixed with wine.

In such a wonderful atmosphere.

Hill's face became more pink and tender, and his movements became more sluggish.She never expected that a simple invitation would turn into a man and a woman fighting over wine.

It can only be said that Huaguo culture is too strong.

one two Three
The precious red wine bottles are neatly arranged on the ground.

Oh, Shet, I should just buy a case of cheap bourbon and come back and kill you bourbon pig!

Hill was full of resentment, and the red wine in the glass was not to be outdone.

under the influence of alcohol.

The words of the two became more and more unrestrained, the topics became more unconstrained, and all kinds of dirty jokes emerged in an endless stream.

"Hey Victor, do you know why Commissioner Nick wears the same leather jacket every time, that is."

"Yes, our Chinese mythology is unique."

"Odin seems to be a one-eyed dragon too."


"Oh, Falk, my mother is C!"

"You obviously are"

When a salty pig's hand fell, the surrounding air suddenly froze.

"Fake squid!"

The physical touch finally brought Hill to his senses.

She grabbed Victor's salty pig's hand.

Like a boneless fish turning in a circle, a roundabout kick kicked towards Victor's face.

The moment of virtual reality transformation appears in time.


Victor's eyes widened.

We all know the habits of Europeans and Americans at home.

Hilton blushed.

Kneeling on the ground, her eyes widened, a strong masculine breath rushed towards her face, and her eyes became dazed.


At this moment, Victor's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

A certain wonderful atmosphere is spreading.

A bond was torn inside Victor.

"I want you!"

Hill, who only said one word, was gagged by Victor's domineering kiss, and let out a whimper.

(Three thousand words that require harmony are omitted here)
 This chapter was deleted, deleted and modified for three hours, and it was blocked twice. I tried my best.
(End of this chapter)

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