Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 18 Plot Advance

Chapter 18 Plot Advance
"Xiaoli, I'm very sorry, now there is a bad news and a good news, which one do you want to hear?"

"May I hear the good news first?"


"Because Xiaoli is afraid of bad news."

"Well, Ola is not dead!"

"Thank God, I knew Orla wouldn't die!"

"But Ola was taken away by the army"

"Oh my god."

Under Xiaomi Mi's bewildered eyes.

Victor sighed softly in his heart, squatted down and looked at Xiaomi Li and said, "Xiao Li, are you willing to go home with me, I promised you would find Aura, trust me, the result will definitely not disappoint you. "

"Mr. Victor, but this will bother you too much?" Xiaomi Li said with her head lowered.

"No, you are a little angel, how could you be troublesome." Victor smiled, reaching out and rubbing the messy hair of Xiaoli.

Oh, what a poor child.

It was already late at night when we returned to the manor.

For going out two people.

Victor came back with a little girl.

Felicia did not express surprise, as an employee, one must have the attitude of an employee.

"Felicia, could I trouble you to take a bath for her?"

"Of course, it's my pleasure, sir."

After washing, Mi Li lived in a princess room under the arrangement of Felicia.

Seeing the room full of childlike innocence in front of her, Xiao Mili suspects that she is dreaming.

"Mr. Victor is really a good man." Xiaomi Li lay on the bed hugging a doll and closed her eyes.

Victor didn't rest.

Instead, he entered the city of hope in the underworld dimension.

Regarding the military's arrest of mutants, there must be one person who knows very well.

"What? You said that a mutant girl who can generate electricity was captured by the military?" Charles looked surprised.

Because of being in the dimension of the underworld.

He didn't monitor the situation of the mutants in New York State all the time. A newly transformed electric mutant released absolutely astonishing energy.

If Charles was still at the Xavier Academy for Geniuses, he might be able to take Ola away before the military did.

Charles blamed himself.

"It's not your fault, Professor Bald."

"Damn it, I'm Professor X!"

"Oh, yes, Professor Bald!"

"." Charles had a black line on his face.

Victor shrugged, he couldn't like the bald head at all, especially the bald female Mage Gu Yi who thought of throwing himself into the mirror space for seven days and seven nights.

The anger in my heart rose steadily.

Well, I can't help you if you're alive.

What about when you die?
Victor's eyes immediately drifted away, which shows how much resentment he has for a certain bald woman in his heart.

"The hawks in the military who are malicious to us mutants are headed by Stryker!" A bigfoot monster with a blue tail said while touching its furry chin.

"Hank, Stryker is no longer at the core of power."

"But he's still the leader of the hawks!"

"Wait, if it was Stryker, where would he take Ola?" Victor asked.

Although it has long been guessed that the one who captured Ola might be Stryker's men.Question: Stryker's mutant research base in the movie is a dam, and it's not in the United States. Is it possible to search for similar dams all over the world?

Charles didn't even change his eyes when he heard this, and said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, finding people is my forte. As long as I'm still on Earth, I can find him."

"Do you need a brain wave amplifier?"


Go back to the basement of Xavier's Academy for Geniuses.

Victor looked at the sci-fi scene in front of him and expressed no pressure. After all, he had watched the movie several times, but it was more real in front of him.

Charles, who put on the instrument, closed his eyes.


Suddenly, a frightening electromagnetic wave spread out, and it spread outward in an instant. Victor, who had the power of telekinesis, shook his body slightly, his face pale.

Compared with Professor X's psychic powers, Victor found that his telekinetic powers were like fireflies.

The two are not comparable at all.

If Charles wants to deal with Victor, without system protection, he will definitely be killed in seconds.

It was Victor who turned into scum!

"It seems that this dead bald man can't be offended." Victor muttered.Charles, who was sitting there, trembled slightly, his face twitching a little.

"Found it! They're in Lake Arkali!"

"Oh no, they're experimenting with mutants!"

"Damn it, Stryker is crazy! He wants to turn mutants into the ultimate weapon!"

"Master of Fantasy? I see!"

Unplug the brainwave amplifier.

Charles looked at Victor with a pale face and said, "Death Walker, I will trouble you this time!"

"It's the master of death!" Victor gritted his teeth.

"Okay, Master of Death!" Charles took a deep breath and said, "Strike's troops are doing inhuman human experiments in Lake Alkali, we must stop him."

"Okay, does this count as starting the plot early?" Victor nodded and said, "When will we act?"

"The sooner the better!" Charles looked at Hank and said, "Inform Qin and Scott that they will lead the rescue team and death walkers to Lake Alkali."

Canada, British Columbia.

Al Kali Lake hydroelectric dam.

Inside the dilapidated dam, the environment is extremely humid, and it is full of cockroaches and mice. American soldiers with live ammunition are patrolling every corner of the dam.


The screams appeared from time to time in the dam.

The place where the sound is made is the mutant laboratory inside the dam, where brutal human anatomy experiments are being carried out every day.

The subjects of the experiments were mutants.

Here, you have the X gene is the original sin!

"Experiment subject has died"

A mechanical system prompt sounded inside the laboratory.

A twisted male corpse twitched in a pool of blood on the operating table.

Even after death, the body still has electrostatic reactions.

Excruciating pain causes the death of the brain to precede the death of the body.

"Damn it, why is the anesthetic not in place yet? The lack of medicine has seriously affected the progress of the experiment!" The chief surgeon gritted his teeth and complained, and then asked his assistant to drag the corpse away from the operating table.

Death is the main theme here.

"Doctor, this is the number 40 seven deaths this month!" A white and white assistant reminded.

The assistant looked at the corpse with pity, but quickly shook his head to let go of the thoughts that shouldn't exist.

There is no death in human experiments.

Mutants aren't human anyway.

This idea is deeply rooted in the hearts of all soldiers and normal humans in the base.This can calm their guilt a little bit.

"It's not enough, it's not enough. The general wants to make mutants into the ultimate weapon. We not only need to possess the abilities of these mutant monsters, but also their absolute loyalty!" The doctor said impatiently: "Dragging another experimental sample over, If you want females, damn it, these male creatures are full of body odor, which seriously affects the progress of the experiment."

at the base of the dam.

Mutants are not humans, but monsters, mutant creatures!

This is an act against humanity!

"Okay, Doctor."

The assistant asked the soldiers to drag the body away.

At the same time, he followed the soldiers to the outside of a dungeon. Inside the dungeon were mutants in ragged clothes and numb expressions.

These mutants see no hope, only despair.

Waiting to die, they have long forgotten their dignity as human beings. There are Americans, Canadians, and mutants captured and sent from all over the world.

"Assistant Michelle, the number of experimental subjects has been decreasing recently, and the shortage of funds has reduced the supply of goods." A lieutenant colonel said with a cold face.

"Are there female mutants?"

"Yes, one just arrived this morning. Do you know how much it costs to buy her? Damn it, $[-]. Charity organizations are all vampires!" The lieutenant colonel opened a relatively clean dungeon while speaking.

Inside the dungeon was a girl curled up in a corner.

Girl in shackles.

There is also a mutant ability suppressor around his neck.

"Take it to wash, and then send it to the laboratory." Michelle said, glanced at the girl's fairly delicate facial features, and sighed softly: "Let her eat her stomach."

"This is against the rules, assistant." The lieutenant colonel quickly shook his head and said, "Before, there was a mutant who killed three of my soldiers just because he was full of food!"

"Damn it, she's just a girl, Colonel!"

Michelle looked angry.

If he hadn't signed an inexplicable contract because of lack of money, he wouldn't have come to this insane place to work as an experimental assistant if he was killed.

This place will become his nightmare for the rest of his life.

"I will go to hell if I die!" Michelle felt sad.

"Okay, I'll make an exception once." The lieutenant colonel shrugged and waved his hand to let the soldiers take away the panicked girl.

The girl was crying, tears falling like kites.

But among the people present, except for Michelle, none of the soldiers sympathized with the girl's situation.

They have been wiped out of humanity long ago!
(End of this chapter)

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