Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 19 I want to be a sword fairy

Chapter 19 I want to be a sword fairy

"General, Congress requires you to go to Washington immediately."

A colonel hurried to the dam control room and delivered a document to William Stryker, who quickly flipped through it.


"It's these damned politicians again. If they hadn't cut our budget again and again, the experiment would have been a success!" William Stryker slammed the document on the table with a look on his face. anger.

The colonel shook his head, picked up the document and said, "Sorry, General, they are holding our lifeline."

"Yes, Bruce, they don't understand the dangers of mutants and have been living in deception!"

"I leave it to you. Before I come back, the normal operation of the base is guaranteed." Stryker turned and left.

"Yes, General!"

Colonel Bruce gave a military salute to the back, and then looked at a woman.

Women are the trump card in the general's hands.

An undead monster controlled by drugs and filled with adamantium alloy!


Less than half an hour after Stryker left, there was a loud noise at the base of the dam!
"Report, sir, the perimeter of the base is under attack!" A soldier hurried into the control room.

Bruce turned his head to look at the monitor with some surprise.

There is no change in the screen on the monitor.

Could it be that someone tampered with it?
How can it be!

No, it's mutants!Bruce's eyes widened.

"Quick, send someone to support!" At this time, the only long-distance probe in the base sent back a picture, and there were faces familiar to Bruce, and they were the X-Men!

at the same time.

Located outside the main entrance of the dam on the cliff.

Victor and his party appeared in the dust all over the sky, and Scott's Cyclops shot first.

Cyclops is like a laser.

Not even the gate made of steel can resist it.

"Boom" the door shattered.

"Wolverine is responsible for rescuing the mutants in custody, and Storm and I are responsible for the frontal containment." Interim Commander Scott issued a combat order.

"no problem!"

Wolverine's two hands stretched out sharp steel claws, like a beast, and roared into the gate.

"Hey, did you forget about me?"

Victor said hello.

"You are redundant!" Scott said coldly, following Wolverine's footsteps into the dam.

Victor had a dark face.

This Scott really deserves a beating!

He took a deep look at Qin with an indifferent expression.

Victor blessed his thoughts at his feet, and the speed was as fast as lightning, leaving Scott behind in an instant.

Well, Victor is a mean man.

Silver needles are suspended on the left and right.

Victor saw a soldier appear, and the silver needle instantly turned into lightning and pierced the soldier's forehead.

These people are all devils, and death is not a pity.

Compared with Wolverine's wild killing methods, Victor's methods are enough to make people feel chills all over.

The soldiers fell to the ground without warning, and the expressions on their faces remained unchanged.

[Ding, the system automatically captures a third-level evil soul, currently there are 165 souls waiting for trial in the black prison]

[Ding, the system automatically captures a third-level evil soul, currently there are 167 souls waiting for trial in the black prison]

[Ding, the system automatically captures a third-level ghost, and there are currently 172 souls waiting for trial in the black prison. 】

This is Victor's paradise!

The souls of the dead were forcibly sent to the black domain by the underworld system.

There are soldiers and mutants. Before that, they were all living lives.

"Huh, female version of Wolverine?"

Victor saw Yuriko who came to stop her.

A female version of Wolverine with yellow skin.

It has a stronger self-healing ability than Wolverine and an extremely hard Edman alloy.

She is a woman of death!
"Hey, Logan, I've given this girl to me, go and save her." Victor greeted, and with a twist of his finger, the silver needles all over the sky sent a dangerous signal to Yuriko.

"Hmph!" A cold snort came from behind.

There was a faint violent aura, and one didn't need to look back to know that the owner of this aura must be Phoenix Girl.

Victor was helpless, and said without looking back, "Qin, we are saving lives."

"It's good to know!" Qin said in a bad tone.

"Puff, puff"

Hundreds of silver needles pierced into the body of Yuriko who couldn't escape like a storm.

In an instant, Lily became a big hedgehog.

The kind that hurts to look at.

Although Yuriko's speed is very fast, can it be faster than the formless and formless mind power?

In just an instant, the enemy's strongest combat power collapsed.

"OK, let's go to my world and stay here." Victor snapped his fingers, and Yuriko, who had completely lost the ability to resist, was sent to the underworld dimension, the City of Eternal Life, for custody.

It is worth mentioning that.

City of Hope and Hell cannot be generalized.

The city of hope is the world of the living, and the black prison is the palace of the soul, and the two are like yin and yang.

If City of Hope is Yang, then Hell is Yin.

For example, everything has two sides.

Only in this way can the balance be maintained.

As for the eighteen layers of hell, it is an extension of the black prison.

"You sent her to City of Hope?" Seeing this scene, Qin's expression turned ugly, sending out a dangerous signal.

"No, I sent her to the dungeon!"

"That's a criminal, we should judge!" Scott stood firmly behind the piano and said.

Looking at the graceful figure in front of him, his eyes are full of obsession, he is an annoying idiot.


Victor has a sense of déjà vu that he is a mistress, and the way Scott looks at him is resentment and jealousy!
What did you do?Because of Qin?

"Hurry up and save people, this base is going to explode!" Storm, who can control the weather, interrupted the awkward atmosphere, or it would be more appropriate to say that it was a rescue.

"Understood." Victor turned and left.

Lost Yuriko, the strongest combat power.

Bruce, the current top officer of the military base, had no choice but to abandon the base, and ran away with the only remaining men who turned on the self-destruct system.

Leave the peloton.

Victor came to a laboratory alone.

In the laboratory is a full vat of Adamantium.

This tank is full of Edman alloy stock solution.

Victor is determined to win!
I saw that under the control of the power of mind, Edman's stock solution boiled, and a sharp long sword quickly took shape.

All the stock solution was used up in the blink of an eye.

And there are 36 Edman flying swords left in place.

The flying sword is three feet and one inch long.

The whole is made of Adamantium alloy, which is indestructible and a terrifying murder weapon.

These flying swords were prepared by Victor for himself.

How can killing people with embroidery needles have the arrogance of killing people with flying swords?
Sword fairy hey!
This is a unique feature of oriental mythology!

as a Chinese.

It is inevitable that Victor will have a fairy tale plot in his heart.


At present, Victor's mind power can only barely control nine Edman flying swords at the same time.

Any more would be a bit of a stretch.

"Are you the death walker?" An old man suspended in mid-air came to the laboratory and asked Victor who had just put away the flying sword.

The old man is Magneto Eric.

Magneto with the ability to control magnetic fields.

It's like a bug.

Wherever it passes, the steel is flying, and people are turned on their backs.

None of the soldiers could raise their guns in Magneto's line of sight.

"Yes, Magneto, by the way, remember to call me Death Master next time!" Victor pouted.

Right hand stretched out.

The only remaining Edman flying sword fell into his hand.


The explosion started, the flames soared into the sky, the earth shook, and the undead roared, and all the soldiers who hadn't had time to escape were swallowed by the flames.

The last to evacuate was a mutant in a wheelchair.

Master of Illusions, Jason Stryker!

A mutant whose birth was tragic.

Created illusions to make his mother commit suicide, and was imprisoned by his father Stryker for half his life. For him, death is his destination.

"Wooooooh." Jason Stryker's spirit was very unstable.

The moment when we see the light of day again.

Jason's eyeballs rolled wildly, and all kinds of weird visions appeared in everyone's minds, and Logan fell to his knees and roared like a beast.

"Ah!!!" Phoenix Girl screamed.

Black ripples spread out from her body, the ground was collapsing, and the wind was howling, like the end of the world.

"The world belongs to our mutants, you lowly humans all die!" Magneto stumbled, and under the influence of Master Illusion, the magnetic field around him became disordered.

"Oh, damn it!"


Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, Victor decisively pointed at the fantasy master.Edman's flying sword decapitated fantasy master Jason Stryker instantly with a sonic boom.

"what happened."

"I really wanted to see my mother just now."

"It's the illusion of a master of fantasy!"

"Okay, who can help Jean?"

At the scene, only the female phoenix Qin was still in the illusion and couldn't extricate herself. Seeing this, Victor could only shrug his shoulders and walk to the front of the piano with the power of the destructive Phoenix.

After a pause, he embraced the soft waist and kissed it.


In the blink of an eye everything was calm.

A pair of innocent eyes fell on Victor's face, which was close at hand, blinked, and blinked again.

"My God!!"

Scott immediately fell to his knees and cried.

Wolverine looks pensive, turning his head away.

Only Magneto King Eric made an awkward laugh.

Young is so good.

(End of this chapter)

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