Chapter 17
"Hi Victor"

Miris came over shaking his head, holding a beautiful blonde girl in his arms.

damn it!
Is this the first time Miris has changed girlfriends this month?
Eighth or ninth time!


Victor has a deep resentment, why is he so good but no good girls come to his door?

Finally broke the curse of the first kiss.

The one who provoked was the phoenix girl Qin Gray, who was an Omega-level mutant who burst into a small universe every now and then.

Victor is desperate!

Is there any possibility of this kind of love affair developing?

I don't know what happened to the mutants in the underworld.

Have the two old enemies, Charles and Magneto, picked each other up?By the way, Qin Gray's expression on the lawn that day was a bit strange.

Could it be that he fell in love with himself?
For Victor's brain circuit.

Even the legendary Victoria's Secret killer Tony Stark is expected to bow down.

It's almost time to turn the page, and I didn't react until now!

"I said, you will die on a woman's belly!"

Victor shook his head.

Miris said with a proud face, "Anyway, people are going to die, aren't they?"

"It's better to be happy alive than to go to hell when you die. Don't you Chinese have an old saying that you are born to be a hero? Yes, that's the sentence. How do you say it later?"

My god, are you a hero?
Victor was stunned when he heard this, please don't insult my idol, that's the motto of Overlord!
"It is said that the succubus family also lives in the underworld?"

"Succubus is hell!"

Victor was very tired.

With such a super bad friend, would it be an extremely wrong decision to introduce him to the underworld in the future?
Do you want to be imprisoned permanently in a black prison?

This is a question worth pondering.

Anyway, different girls appear in the black prison every day.

There are good and bad, old and small.

Neuropathy too!
Perfectly suited Miris' appetite.

"Hello, Mr. Death Walker, there is a child outside looking for you with your business card." A waiter walked up to Victor with a pure gold business card and leaned over.

"Son, oh, I remember."

Go outside the bar.

I saw a little girl shivering in the cold wind sitting in a corner, looking longingly at the bar door.

She is a small grain of rice!
"Hello, Mr. Deathwalker." Seeing Victor appearing, Xiaomi Li stood up in surprise.

But maybe squatting in the cold for too long.

He almost fell to the ground by accident, but fortunately, Victor quickly stepped forward and hugged Mi Li.

Xiao Mi's body is very cold.

"Thank you, Mister Deathwalker."

"You're welcome, Millet."

Victor took off his windbreaker and put it on Xiaomi Mili. The windbreaker was a bit long and dragged on the ground.

"Mr. Victor, I'm not cold, and I'm a little dirty, oh, yes, it will stain your clothes." Xiao Mi was at a loss.In her opinion, this windbreaker is too expensive, and it is a waste to wear it on her.

"Don't refuse." Victor stroked Xiaomi's messy hair and said, "Xiaoli, can you tell me why you came to me suddenly? Did you encounter difficulties?"

"Yes, sir, my friend Ola may be dying, I hope you can save him, she is very important to me." Xiaomi Li raised her head and said eagerly.

"Mili, take me to see it." Victor didn't agree right away, death was inevitable.

Now he does not have the ability to reverse death.

Maybe, but not now.

"Okay, sir, please come with me."

Following in the footsteps of Mi Li, the two came to a dilapidated unfinished building.

This is a gathering place for homeless people nearby.

It is unbelievable that there are nearly 1000 homeless people living in a small unfinished building.

"Ola, Ola, look who I brought here." Xiaomi Li said in surprise, and ran upstairs quickly.

There is no one in the small room!

"Where did Ola go?" Xiaomi Li was stunned.

Just an hour ago, Ola was lying dying in the grass nest. Why did she suddenly disappear?

"Are you sure your friend Ola was here before you left?" Victor asked.

He had a very bad premonition.

"Yes, I'm sure, sir, Ola's condition is very dangerous, and she's going to the hospital." Xiaomi Li cried anxiously.

Tears fell drop by drop.

Like headless chickens, the homeless people in the surrounding rooms came to ask one by one.

"Oh no, Millet, you don't want to know."

"Tell me, okay, where did Ola go?"

"Oh, God bless, let me tell you, she was taken away by the body collection team just now."

"Corpse collection team?" Millet's eyes widened, and she said in a panicked tone, "Oh, no, Ola is not dead, she is still alive! Why don't you help Ola!"

See the millet grains of emotional breakdown.

Victor sighed inwardly.

He took out his communicator and dialed the number of George, the sheriff of the nearby area.

After the call was connected, Victor asked directly, "George, do you know the body collection team?"

"Corpse team? We don't have this department here."

"How is it possible? Is it possible that no one cares about the dead homeless?"

"They don't pay for health insurance"

"My God, they're bums!"

"Well, unfortunately, only charitable organizations will take care of these poor people's bodies."


"Yes, wait, let me check the database for you, and I found it. It is the Audrey Charity Foundation. This charity organization is located in Building [-], Nancheng Street."

"Okay, thank you, George."

"You're welcome, Dududu"

After hanging up the phone, Victor patted the desperate Mi Li and said, "If you want to find Ola, follow me, and I'll take you to find her."

"Huh? Sir, can you really find Ola?"

"it should be OK."

Half a minute later, a taxi stopped on Nancheng Street.

Not far away, the luminous plaque of the Audrey Charitable Fund is hung on the top of the ninth office building.

There are several vans parked downstairs.

Or a corpse wagon?

"Xiaoli, it seems that you have to wait a bit." Seeing the guards with live ammunition appearing outside the van, Victor's expression suddenly became serious.

Does a charity need armed guards?

Not even in Hell's Kitchen!

It seems that this Audrey Charity Fund is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface!
"Okay, sir." Xiaomi Mi found a corner and squatted down.To be able to survive in a place where homeless people gather, Xiao Mili is definitely not a child who is messing around.

Victor waved his hand and walked to the gate of the charity fund openly.

As the master of death, do you need to pretend?

The immortal body bestowed by the system is the greatest self-confidence!

"Oh, look who that is?"

"Huh, yellow-skinned monkey?"

"Damn it, you don't want to die, he is a death walker!"

"Ahem, I didn't say anything!"

The three armed guards had weird expressions, looking at Victor, the death walker who was coming with a cigarette, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Are you trying to stop me?" Victor asked with a smoke ring out of his mouth.

"Of course not, dear Deathwalker, is there anything we can do for you?" A guard asked cautiously, although he was equipped with a full set of weapons.

But these equipment can't give him half a dime of security.

In Hell's Kitchen.

Who doesn't know that death walkers are undead?
"You're blocking my way." Victor waved his hand.

But soon came back again.

Looking at the guard who scolded him for being a yellow-skinned monkey just now, he snapped his fingers under the guard's horrified gaze.


The guard was knocked against the wall with a huge force and passed out.

"This is just a small lesson, let me hear these four words next time, it will be your death date!" Victor's tone was extremely cold. He is a good-tempered person, but it depends on who he is targeting.

"Death, Mister Death Walker, may I ask you what I can do for you?"

The front desk is a black girl.

Seeing that the armed guards were helpless, the black girl turned pale with fright.

Almighty God, I'm just a front desk, what if this gentleman wants to do that with me?
God damn that one.

If Victor knew what Hei Mei was thinking, he would definitely snap his fingers to Hei Mei without hesitation.

Black people are one of Victor's least favorite groups.

Not racist.

It's just that most people in this group are too lazy, even if the seeds are placed in front of them, they don't think about planting them, but use the seeds to satisfy their hunger.

Do you think it's weird or not?
"I want to know, is there a lady named Ola who was taken away by you?" Victor asked with a pleasant face as much as possible.

"Ola? No, the front desk doesn't have that name."

"Wait, are you looking for the living dead who was transported over half an hour ago?" Heimei's eyes lit up suddenly, but she quickly said in frustration: "It's a pity that she has been sent away, and the one who picked her up is military vehicle."

"Military vehicle?" Victor frowned.

When did the army take charge of collecting the corpses?

Wait, what do the living dead mean?
"That lady didn't die, God, she's a mutant." The black girl danced and said, "Her body can discharge, yes, it can discharge! It's incredible, isn't it, sir?"

"Military vehicle, I understand!" Victor nodded.

Things are getting more and more complicated, mutants, military vehicles, are there more forces involved?

The Audrey Charity Fund in front of me is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, but it has nothing to do with Victor.

God of God, death unto death.

This is an extremely gloomy world, why do you have to be so clear?
(End of this chapter)

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