One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 96 Lush Fruit VS Everyone Fruit

Chapter 96 Lush Fruit VS Everyone Fruit

(ps: Please collect and recommend, thank you for adding more!)
"The domineering arrogance of the king is indeed so domineering. If there is a slight loophole in the soul or will of a person, he will not be able to stand up straight in front of them!" Li Bin muttered to himself. His willpower protected him at the critical moment, and he was afraid that he would also fall down.

Regardless of physical fitness or will, Li Bin is still far from those real powerhouses!

"I didn't expect that there are ordinary people who can still stand under the impact of domineering look!" A strong man came from not far away, "My humble Herbe is the captain of the guard in Heat Town , I don’t know how to call my brother.”

"My servant, Li Bin, is an adventurer!" Li Bin also replied very politely.

"You are very nice, can you help me put them in a safe place?" Herbe asked.

"Of course, they are all my companions!"

After Li Bin finished speaking, he sowed five pine nuts, and soon four tall wooden figures and a long flat wooden cart were born, and he began to direct them to place the people.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that my brother is still a capable person. Are you interested in joining the guard team of Heat Town? Even if I want to be the mayor of the town in the future, I can do it." Herbe immediately wooed.

"Don't the mayor candidates all need to awaken the domineering look? And I'm just an ordinary person."

"Actually, the main reason for choosing Bawang-color Domineering is to deal with the flame cat and lion king with Bawang-color aptitude, but my brother can face Bawang-color Domineering without changing his face. Even if he doesn't have Bawang-color qualifications, I believe I can also Do it to deal with the Flaming Cat and Lion King!"

In fact, the real reason is that He Erbei saw that Shu Renlu had been looking for a successor for the overlord for nearly 40 years before he found him, and he was a little worried. What should he do if he can't find a successor in the future? ?And Li Bin's aptitude let him see a ray of light, even if he is not domineering, as long as he can face the king without falling behind.

"I am a free adventurer, and I have no plans to stay in one place!"

"What a pity, hahaha!"

"Brother Herbert, are you really not worried about the battle between the mayor and that monster?"

"What's the matter with worrying? With my current strength, I can't last a single round against any of them! Instead of being so impulsive, it's better to settle down the townspeople honestly so that everyone can get through safely. through this disaster."

"Actually, I discovered a secret, I don't know, right?" Li Bin asked tentatively.

"What's the secret? There's nothing I don't know about this Flame Island."

"The flaming cat and lion king named Bruno has been hesitating, wondering whether to destroy this hot town."

“How come you see?”

"Because it didn't directly send a group of flame cats and lions to attack Heat Town, and when we went to the island, except for the time I went to that forest to pick the fruit of the heat tree, we hardly encountered any attacks from flame cats and lions!"

"It's really rare that you were able to come out of the food territory of the flame cat and lion alive!" Although He Erbei was a little surprised, he didn't say anything like "the first person to come out".

"Has anyone gone in and out before?"

"It didn't exist before 13 years ago, but it has since!" Helbe said, "Actually, Lord Uncle Renlu could have avoided this battle, but he just didn't want to."


"The pride of being the mayor, and the other thing is that his two sons and one daughter died because of Bruno."

"Then why doesn't Bruno bow his head like the mayor?"

"Maybe it's because of the ridiculous pride of being a king!"

Herbe began to explain the origin of the story...

Li Bin activated his domineering aura again, and saw that the two people in the arena were still colliding with each other. The old Shu Renlu had already exhausted his strength and was still barely supporting himself.

On the other hand, Bruno in the human form looked at Uncle Renlu with steady breathing, and his heart was extremely complicated: "Is this the existence who was called the strongest mayor by the townspeople? Is it really the person I resent? Now I am about to be killed by myself, and I should be the one who rules the entire Flame Island in the future, everyone will live in peace and there will be no more disputes."

"Am I wrong? I just want to seek justice for them, why is the sky so unfair!" Shu Renlu believes that he has worked hard for more than 40 years, and the whole town of Heat has become more and more prosperous under his leadership. But his sons and daughters all died because of an ugly flame cat lion.

Bruno stood opposite him and said: "Do you remember what I told you before? If one day you die, I will manage the entire heat town, and the townspeople will be happier than before!"

"How is it possible, even if I die, Heat Town can't be handed over to you."

"I admit that you are very strong, but I had a premonition that a very powerful person came from outside today. In addition to the aptitude of the king, that person's ability can overthrow a small island at any time! So I came here ahead of time!" Bruno Just found a far-fetched reason.

"It's really ridiculous. I think you can't wait to rule the entire Flame Island."

"You are old and can no longer deter the fierce pirates outside, and your heir is too weak to understand the cruelty of this world. Forget it, anyway, you are old and confused, just like back then, always Make a mistake! You should die early!" Bruno was going to go all out and kill the old man who stopped it with one blow.

"Salina taught you how to protect the entire Fire Island, but she didn't teach you how to protect love after all, Bruno!" The surrounding fire trees seemed to come alive, defusing Bruno's terrible blow.

"Love? Ever since Sarina's death, I have no love in my heart!" Bruno looked solemnly at a [-]-meter-tall fiery tree giant approaching in the distance.

"The reason why you and Sarina were able to escape the attacks of so many flame cat lions at the beginning was not because of your good luck, let alone because you were a member of the flame cat lions. Abandoned!"

"What's that for?"

"That's because Selina's two elder brothers were guarding you in secret, and you two were too afraid of the rules of the town, and mistakenly thought that the two of them were here to hunt you down and fled indiscriminately, so the confrontation happened. The tragedy of being attacked by a group of flaming cats and lions!"

"It's impossible, you lied to me!" Bruno immediately fell into a rage state, and attacked the tree giant where Li Bin was.

"It's because you don't understand what love is, that's why you focus all your eyes on Sharina. Let me wake you up, you idiot!"

Li Bin firmly believes that the heat tree giant in the flame island is invincible!
Facing the mighty blow from the flaming cat and lion king in giant form, he chose a head-to-head fist and blasted it!
The vibration of the entire Flaming Island became more violent, but it was far from the collapse of the island. However, in order not to affect innocent people, Li Bin had no choice but to lead the Flaming Cat and Lion King away.

I saw a small sun-like fire ball hit the back of the Heat Tree giant, denting that place with one blow, but there was no sign of burning.

"As expected of a plant that grows in the fire, it's amazing!" Li Bin continued to control the vine and slapped Bruno behind him, and continued to walk far away. .

The figures of the two gradually moved away from the vicinity of Heat Town.

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(End of this chapter)

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