One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 97 Lush Fruit VS Everyone Fruit

Chapter 97 Lush Fruit VS Everyone Fruit

(ps: Please collect and recommend, thank you for adding more! Three more)
"Okay, here is enough, it's time to see the demeanor of the king, the sea is so vast, and one day I will face Doflamingo!" Li Bin controlled the heat tree giant to turn around.

Ordinary flame attacks are like scratching an itch for Heat Tree, and for the blunt attack, when Li Bin deliberately softened the surface cells of Heat Tree, Bruno's fist just hit it, but the next moment the sunken The place was restored to its original state.

Against a ferocious monster like Bruno, all it takes is a hard enough arm.

Heat Tree's arm cells have been specially catalyzed by Li Bin to be very dense, even if it collides with the best steel for a short time, it is not inferior.

Two behemoths are fighting fiercely!

"Rage · Flame God Fist!"

A raging fire was burning on Bruno's paws, like a small sun, hitting the head of the Heat Tree Giant!

The head is not where Li Bin is, and naturally it is not the core of the heat tree giant. Li Bin didn't even blink his eyes, and he controlled a fist that was one size bigger than Bruno's paw and directly attacked its head. past.

Snapped!Debris fell all over the sky, Bruno was stunned for a moment, and the next moment a huge fist appeared in front of its eyes, hitting its whole head buzzing.

"Humans and animals cannot survive without a head, but a tree can grow new heads without a head, and continue to grow and develop!"

Li Bin took advantage of Bruno's lack of consciousness, and then controlled the heat tree giant to knock it to the ground, and pressed it directly.

"Hell Prison!"

I saw dense, hard and powerful roots and vines growing out of the fiery tree giant that was pressing on Bruno's body, covering Bruno's limbs and neck to the ground, as if treating a criminal.

Bruno had just received a powerful blow from the heat tree giant, and his head finally recovered. Although it still had an extremely powerful physique, it was a little out of breath from the tree vines wrapped around its neck.

It seems to have returned to the scene where it was abandoned by its parents that day. A group of ferocious flaming cats and lions pressed on it and roared at it: "You trash, please leave our powerful flaming cats and lions. If we see you again, we will eat you raw!"

The world of animals is extremely cruel. When its mother has passed the lactation period, there is no longer what a mother should be like. Facing it is like facing an ice cube.

It doesn't like this kind of life, but it is weak and needs a mother...

"Ah, what a poor kitten, brother, should we take it home to raise?" Serena asked pitifully.

"You have to ask your father about this, I think he will agree."

Sharina has two older brothers in their 20s, and they dote on this younger sister who is a teenager.


So with the efforts of Sarina and his two brothers, Bruno survived in Heat Town. This was the happiest time since he was born.

Until later it was discovered by the townspeople that he was a member of the Flame Cat Lion. At the beginning, it didn't quite understand why people drove them away...

"Hey, Sarina, Father built a small house for you outside the town, you go and live there!" Selina's elder brother shouted loudly from a distance.

But the distance was too far, and Sharina didn't hear what he said at all. She thought they were going to kill Bruno, and she took Bruno further and further away, without knowing what she was going to face next.

"Brother, do you think the direction that Selina is leaving is the territory of the flame cat and lion?"

"Yes, hurry up, Father and Uncle Fire King have just killed this generation of flame cat lion kings together. Those flame cat lions hate our family to death. If they find out about Sarina, she will not be able to survive. of!"

The two quickly chased in the direction where Serena was leaving, but it was still a bit late. Serena and Bruno had already been targeted by a flaming cat lion more than ten meters high.

Serena bit her lips tightly, tears in her eyes.

At this time, Bruno stepped forward, stood in front of her, and shouted at the huge flaming cat lion: "You bastard, don't hurt my mother, go away!"

"You, a traitor of the flame cat and lion clan, actually recognize the enemy as your mother!" The flame cat and lion slapped Bruno far away with a light wave of its paw.

"Bruno, leave me alone, run away!" Sharina cried and cried.

"Roar!" The flame cat lion's huge paw patted towards Sharina, but it missed her, and was blocked by the brother who arrived in time.

"Hey, big guy, you dare to hurt my sister in front of me, do you want to die?"

The flaming cat and lion knew that he was not a match for the other two, so he began to roar and call for his companions!
"Not good, let's go, the flaming cats and lions will come soon!" The elder brother hurriedly picked up Sharina and walked out.

"Brother, there's Bruno!"

"Bruno is a fiery feline, and he'll be fine here."

"But when it was protecting me, it was injured by the flaming cat lion!"

"Second child, it's over to you!"

"It's easy to say!" Serena's second brother immediately carried Bruno on his back. Although Bruno was still a cub at this time, it was already as big as a person.

The speed of everyone's escape was affected, and there was a flaming cat lion constantly harassing them, leaving very slowly.

Soon, many flame cats and lions chased after them...

The group of flame cats and lions killed the three brothers and sisters, but they didn't bother to shoot Bruno, who was still a cub!
When Brono took all three corpses to the gate of Heat Town, Shu Renlu's heart was broken. He really wanted to slap this hateful flaming lion to death, but he seemed I saw the laughter of my children again, but in the end I was still not willing to do it.

"Go away, don't let me see you again!"

"Why did you let me go?" Bruno didn't understand human feelings at all except for Selina. It thought that Selina's parents were the same as its parents, "One day, I will be A king-like existence, guarding her homeland for Sarina."

From then on, Bruno wandered alone on the island of flames until he got the human fruit, and his physique tripled in an instant. After that, it defeated the leader of the flame cat and lion one after another, and awakened the overlord color that belonged to the flame cat and lion clan. , ascended the throne...

"It turns out that I was so lucky to survive because of love!"

Bruno let the heat tree giant's fist hit its body without struggling.

After half a day, Bruno suddenly asked, "Do you think that flame cats and lions also have love?"

Li Bin stopped and said, "When the animal nature is greater than the emotion, it is manifested as a beast; when the emotion is greater than the animal nature, it is manifested as love! What you have done in the past 13 years has been seen in your eyes and kept in your heart. Even the peace and prosperity of Heat Town cannot be separated from your efforts, this is your love for mother!"

Uncle Renlu in the distance also burst into tears when he heard it, and he never could accept that when he was about to grow old, the guy who had been guarding him was not his son or daughter, but a monster.

"Oh, so my emotions are greater than my animal nature?" Bruno asked.

"Of course, because you have Selina's will on you! Will is such a magic thing."

Li Bin walked out of the heat tree giant's body, stood in front of Bruno, and gently stirred his soul.

Bruno saw a figure appearing behind him!
"In fact, behind you, there is always such a person who is always with you."

Bruno opened his big eyes, tears streaming down his face...

 Please collect and recommend, add more thanks!three watch


(End of this chapter)

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