One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 95 The Collision of King and King

Chapter 95 The Collision of King and King
(ps: Please collect and recommend, thank you for adding more!)
"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A huge attack was erupting in the distance, and everyone was not allowed to approach, but the entire Flaming Island was a bit crumbling, and waves of shocks came over, making everyone feel a little panicked. Is this really a power humans can have?

"Is this the flame cat and lion king fighting some mayor?" Li Bin asked in surprise.

"Yes, Mayor Shu Renlu is fighting the Flaming Cat and Lion King," the restaurant owner explained, "Mayor Shu Renlu is very powerful. He defeated the Flaming Cat and Lion King 13 years ago, making the It was seriously injured, and it has not dared to act rashly for so many years!"

In fact, it is very different from what the restaurant owner said. What Shu Renlu dealt with 13 years ago was not this flaming cat and lion king, but another one. With the help of similar people, the two worked together to kill the flaming cat and lion king.

And this flaming cat and lion king came back to power after that one died, and his strength far surpassed that one!
But now Shu Renlu is too old. At 67 years old, he has almost reached the end of his life. He even has the determination to die with this flaming cat and lion king.

However, he still underestimated the huge increase in the strength of the flame cat and lion king that the human fruit in the form of a giant, after a few rounds, his physical strength was somewhat unable to hold on.

"Hehe, you drove away Sharina back then, today I will avenge her and send all of you underground to accompany her!" The Flaming Cat and Lion King looked at Shu Renlu, who was panting in front of him, and said.

"Bruno, for a heretic like you, I should have disregarded Sarina's begging, and directly cut you into pieces, so that everyone would not have the pain now, and Selina would not die because of it! "Both Uncle Renlu and Bruno, the flame cat and lion king, are resenting each other because of a woman named Sarina.

Li Bin has been capturing the scene of the two fighting with a domineering look, and suddenly he heard what they were talking about, and his interest greatly increased: "Uncle, haven't those flaming cats and lions launched an attack yet?"

"Probably not yet, I guess it will wait until the battle between Lord Mayor and Flaming Cat and Lion King is over."

"Has anything like this happened before?"

"Not before!"

"Then do you know that this flaming cat and lion king can talk, and it also has a name, Bruno?"

"A flaming cat and lion king named Bruno who can talk? It seems to have some memories, but it's been too long, and I can't remember clearly. Brother, let me think about it."

"They talked about a person named Sarina. I don't know if the uncle has any impression?"

Hearing Li Bin mention the name "Salina", the restaurant owner seemed to recall something, and began to talk:
"Sarina, I know this. She is the youngest daughter of the mayor. She was only 14 years old at the time, and she was very kind. She always liked to rescue injured animals. She was a young doctor!"

"Bruno is said to be the name of a holy priest, representing the will to protect the good! One day, Selina picked up an injured kitten with a strange appearance. She liked it very much, so she named it Bruno."

"At first, people thought that Bruno was an ordinary kitten that was abandoned, so the mayor accepted Sarina's request to raise Bruno."

"But then Bruno got bigger and bigger, and everyone discovered that this little cat was actually a flame cat lion, so someone reported it to the mayor."

"Heatfire Town does not allow people to raise flame cat lions privately. Once discovered, that flame cat lion will not only be executed, but also the owner will be punished with fifty lashes."

Laura interjected from the side, "Why is that?"

"Because each generation of the flame cat lion king has its own kingly aura, as long as all the flame cat lions meet it, they will instantly become their most loyal servants. There have been several times before the flame cat lion group invaded It was caused by the existence of these servants! Hence this regulation."

"What is the breath of the king?" Luo Luoxing also asked.

"The aura of the king who rules the clan is also called the overlord's aura by the outsiders. It is the most powerful bloodline inheritance of each clan! The mayor also has it, but people with this bloodline are too rare, and the mayor also has it." After nearly 40 years of searching, I finally found the captain of the guard Herbert."

"Domineering and domineering? My mother is too, and Katakuri's brother is too. Their talents are so strong!" Lola lost her voice, as if she had experienced the explosion of BIG MOM and Katakuri.

"Yeah, every once in a while, a king with a domineering look will inevitably appear in the flame cat group, so if we want to fight against this level of fierce beasts, we must have such a strong man in Heat Town .Because they are really too strong, any species will bow their heads before them."

Boom boom boom, the whole island shook again.

"The mayor found out that the kitten that Serena was feeding was the flame cat lion, and immediately ordered Bruno to be executed. Serena had raised Bruno for so long, and she also had deep feelings, so naturally she was unwilling, so She begged the Lord Mayor to let Bruno go."

"Naturally, the mayor disagreed, but Selina forced him to go on a hunger strike in the end. The mayor finally agreed to let Bruno go, but on one condition."

"What condition?" Luo Luoxing asked curiously.

"Heatfire Town does not allow breeding of flame cats and lions. If Selina is willing to take Bruno out of Heat Town, she is no longer a townsman of Heat Town, and she does not have to follow this rule."

"So Sharina took Bruno out of Heat Town, and he never appeared again after that!"

"Salina is so pitiful. I didn't expect that Bruno, whom I worked so hard to raise, would destroy Heat Town with his own hands!" Luo Luoxing said.

The restaurant owner was silent after hearing this conversation, and seemed to agree with this statement.

The battle in the distance is still going on, and it seems that the color of the entire sky has changed a little bit. It was still clear just now, but at this time, dark clouds are gathering to make it rain.

But everyone knew that it was impossible for the flame island to rain. If the island hadn't been soaked in seawater, there might not be life there.

Suddenly, two powerful auras rushed over, and everyone was thrown upside down immediately, lying on the ground unconscious.

This is a domineering collision of domineering colors!

Li Bin only felt that there were two more supreme beings oppressing him in front of him. If he really knelt down, this feeling would disappear immediately.

"I am a free man with the concept of equality. How can mere courage make me kneel!" Li Bin gritted his teeth and said, his consciousness was like a lonely boat drifting in a storm, as if he would be drowned by the sea in the next moment. submerged.

Li Bin knew in his heart that if he fell to the ground under the impact of the domineering look, then he would never be able to be a strong man in this life, but he was not reconciled, why is the power of a born king so strong, and it can't be true after the innocence ?

Li Bin's soul and consciousness were fluctuating violently. When he was about to pass out, there seemed to be a group of friends beside him: "We know, you can do it!"

After a while, the domineering collision was over, and Li Bin was sweating all over, but fortunately, he persisted!
As long as he can face the king calmly, even if he has the physique of a non-king, sooner or later he will be able to defeat the real king like Sakaski!
 Please collect and recommend, add more thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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