One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 9 Improve physical strength (3 more)

Chapter 9 Improving Physical Strength ([-]rd)
According to the original physical fitness of the predecessor, it is already very good if the power exceeds 30. This 180 is probably the result of his increased appetite after studying the power of birth in the past few days!
Li Bin couldn't help complaining in his heart, what a rubbish!

One must know that Rob Lucci's power will be 630 seven years later!Even the worst Kalifa has 180 power, and he only has [-], which is really bad.

"Colonel Moore, you don't need to comfort me, I know I'm terrible, but I will work hard!"

"Young man, just be confident! But don't be too depressed, ordinary soldiers only have 10 power points. How much weight are you going to use?"

"I don't know very well, please ask Colonel Moore for advice!"

"It's very simple. Under normal circumstances, ordinary soldiers can carry a maximum load of 50Kg, so you can choose a load of about 900Kg!"

Li Bin was startled when he heard this: "Can I?"

"Of course, a man can't say he can't do it!" Colonel Moore said with a smile.

"Then I'll try it!" Li Bin found a dumbbell marked 900kg, and with both hands, he really hugged it!

"I'm right, you need to know that a person with power of 500 can be called a superman or a monster. You are still far away! But you are still young, come on, I am optimistic about you!"

"Thank you Colonel, I'll take it then!"

"Don't worry, register here first! If you lose the training equipment, you will have to pay for it!" Moore said and handed over a notebook.

"Understood!" Li Bin immediately signed on the notebook, and after finishing these, he walked out with a dumbbell in his arms!

900Kg still belongs to the range of ordinary people. If it was placed in the Olympic Games in the previous life, No.2 would die of shame!
But in the world of One Piece, Li Bin still has to be cowardly!

"Ah!" Li Bin lifted the dumbbell up with difficulty, and he secretly set a goal for himself, 100 times first!
"One... two..." Soon, an hour passed, so much food was not in vain, Li Bin finally managed to complete 100 dumbbell lifts.

"Arms are so sore, and waist hurts so much! Hurry up and use your life force to recover and see how it works."

Li Bin hugged his shoulders with both hands, and circulated the power of life to his shoulders, and he really felt a slight numbness, which was very refreshing!

In just a few minutes, the sore feeling disappeared, leaving only a little tiredness.

Yes, it takes stamina to activate the ability!Physical exhaustion translates into cellular fatigue.

The vitality of the lush fruit is mainly to fundamentally increase the activity and vitality of the cells, making the strength of a cell slowly change from one to two, then to three... and finally to ten or even more!Its ability is not to overdraw the vitality of the human body or plants, but to make their cells stronger and their lifespan longer!

Therefore, in just a few days, Li Bin's body has undergone earth-shaking changes!
"The lush fruit is really a powerful fruit. Why didn't the previous owners use it to create brilliant achievements?" Li Bin had no idea, "It is estimated that no one would think of using a plant waste control fruit, Develop the power to restore your own vitality!"

Li Bin then used the power of life to moisturize his waist again. Although he was a little tired, he was still able to continue exercising!

"Very good, come again!"

Li Bin continued to lift and retract the dumbbell repeatedly. This time he obviously felt that the dumbbell in his hand was much easier. It seemed that his upper limit of strength had indeed increased a lot!

In this way, Li Bin played with dumbbells all afternoon...

At first, Colonel Moore paid attention to his movements, but at the end he felt very bored, so he lay down on the ground to rest again.

Li Bin looked at the big clock in the distance. It was already 05:30 in the afternoon. Due to the combination of physical strength and fruit ability, his growth rate was simply abnormal!
In just four hours, he was able to barely lift the 900Kg dumbbell with one arm!

But that's all, no matter how much he exercises, his strength will not improve a little bit!
"I should have reached the upper limit of the cell's tolerance. If I want to be stronger, I have to wait for the cells to divide again. According to the records in the book, if this time is short, it will take a week, and if it is long, it will take one or two." Moon!" Li Bin muttered to himself.

Because he doesn't believe in the so-called upper limit of physique, those guys with upper limit of physique can't develop strength to every cell like him, so they have upper limit of physique.

And his fruit ability has already developed his own cell power to the maximum extent during this period. If he wants to be stronger, he needs to generate new cells and keep exercising!
One generation of cells is stronger than the first generation. If it continues like this, after more than a dozen generations, it will take about one or two years, and his physique will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

"It's time to return the things, give the cells in the body a time to recover, and try to double the weight tomorrow!"

Holding a dumbbell in one hand, Li Bin easily walked to Colonel Moore's side. Seeing that the other party was still sleeping, he could only shout loudly: "Colonel Moore, I have finished my training."

"Oh, is that so?" Colonel Moore rubbed his sleepy eyes, looking at the boy in front of him who was easily carrying a 900kg dumbbell with one hand, he was a little surprised, "You're not a monster, are you? How could you improve so fast!"

"Hey, Colonel Moore, I am a person with the ability to grow fruit. It is very easy to develop the ability to restore the vitality of my own cells. This improvement is normal for me!" Li Bin explained.

"So that's the case, then you can just give me the thing. By the way, do you want to borrow it again?" Moore has developed the ability to restore the vitality of cells, as long as he keeps exercising, he can become a [-]% strong gymnast. Moore said to Li Bin in front of him. Immediately paid attention to it.

"Don't borrow it today, can it be tomorrow?"

"I'm usually here except for Sundays!"

"That's good. Today is Tuesday. See you tomorrow, Colonel Moore!"

Li Bin waved to Moore, and then quickly ran to the cafeteria, exercising for an afternoon, and at the same time recovering with his ability for an afternoon, he was really hungry!
"Master, here is the food for ten people, get me some more meat!" Li Bin shouted.

"Food for ten people, did I hear correctly?"

"Didn't you only eat food for eight people at noon?"

"Eat so much at night, don't be afraid to hold on!"

"Zuo Liang, look at him, can you still be called the King of Stomach?"

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Li Bin walked to a secluded corner with the tall food and started to eat.

"It's delicious, so refreshing!" Li Bin finally understood what the pleasure of eating is, and the food disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Wow, he wiped out ten people's worth of food in 3 minutes, he can't really be a monster, can he?"

"Oh, I'm not full!" Li Bin hurriedly went to queue again!

"Master, give me more food for ten people, thank you!"

The chef in the canteen gave him meals and meat for ten people. Li Bin quickly carried them to the nearest table and ate them with big mouthfuls. It was so refreshing.

"From now on, the title of Naval Base's Big Eater will belong to him!" Zuo Liang originally wanted to challenge Li Bin, but seeing the current scene, he automatically bowed down!
(End of this chapter)

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