Chapter 8
"This kid is really good, but I just promised those people to transfer him to the Naval Hospital." Zhan Guo said with some distress.

"He will definitely not stay in the Naval Hospital honestly, not to mention he bears the will of his comrades to protect justice!" Zefa said seriously.

Zhan Guo rubbed his head: "Oh, it seems that I have to find a reason to shirk this matter!"


Here, Li Bin has already walked out of the gate of the hospital, walking towards the dormitory of the Navy Headquarters according to the route he remembered!
Because of the deaths of the sailors at the same time, the new sailors had not yet been called up, and the entire recruit training camp seemed particularly deserted.

Li Bin was about to push the door in when he was stopped by the guards: "Boy, which battalion are you from? What's your name?"

"McKen Binz, recruit training camp, rank second lieutenant!" Li Bin said and handed over his ID.

The man looked at it carefully, and then exchanged the certificate with him: "So you are another recruit who survived the attack, go in! Don't be afraid because you are alone at night." Also, because the number of people in the boot camp is too small, the time for serving food in the cafeteria has changed from the original one and a half hours to half an hour, and it is still seven o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening. Don't forget to eat Already!"

"Thank you!" Li Bin took his ID and walked in.

It's only around ten o'clock in the morning, and it's still early for dinner. Li Bin first went back to his dormitory to take a look. The whole dormitory was empty, and there was a lot of dust on the ground. It seemed that no one had been here for a long time. up.

This year was 1513 in the lunar calendar. Less than half a year after their new recruits joined the headquarters, they were attacked by the great pirate Weibull. Only two recruits, he and Ain, survived.

Two months ago, the entire boot camp was still bustling and bustling, but it became empty in a blink of an eye, which is really embarrassing.

Li Bin looked at the calendar. It is now August [-]st, and the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in two weeks. He misses his parents very much!In the world of pirates, in his memory, he also had an uncle in Beihai named Macken Liuying. By the way, the full name of his predecessor was Macken Binz, who was an ordinary civilian family.

When he was 14 years old, he was discovered by the North Sea Navy because he accidentally ate a superhuman devil fruit - the lush fruit, so he was specially recruited as a navy soldier with the rank of second lieutenant, and went to the Navy headquarters to receive training.

Binz's sense of belonging to the navy is only average, because he has experienced the attack of pirates and has not yet formed his three views. He was also negatively affected by Zefa, and finally defected from the navy with Zefa, and followed Zefa to establish the The evil force "New Navy"!
"Now that my soul has been reborn, I can't just represent Binz in the future. When the opportunity comes, I will change my original name back to Li Bin, McCann Li Bin, which is both a tribute to my parents and an confession to my predecessor. !" Li Bin clenched his fists tightly, people can forget everything but not their parents, "This is a new life, but not a betrayal!"

Li Bin cleaned the entire dormitory, and after finishing these tasks, he paid half of the military salary for the past two months, and prepared to remit it to his uncle's family far away in Beihai as usual.And he also wrote his recent experience and his decision to change his name in the letter, and sent it out together with the military salary after finishing these.

Seeing that it was already time to eat at noon, Li Bin ran into the restaurant. At this time, there were sailors from other camps queuing up in the restaurant of the new barracks, so Li Bin queued behind them.

Soon it was Li Bin's turn, and the chef in the cafeteria asked, "Boy, how much do you eat?"

"Food for eight people! Eat as much meat as possible!" Li Bin replied quickly. Although his voice was not loud, the amount of food still attracted the attention of many people.

"Boy, can you eat so much with your body? If you can't finish it, you will be punished!" A big sea soldier behind looked at Li Bin in front of him and reminded him maliciously.

The master in the cafeteria paused for a moment.

"Since I want it, I can definitely finish it." Li Bin emphasized it again to the cooking chef, and soon, he walked out of the room holding a tall food.

"Quick, let's follow this kid. If he can't finish eating, we will report to the inspector team and let the inspector team deal with him!"

Li Bin completely ignored this group of boring guys, found a quiet corner, and started eating!

One bite of a big chicken leg, one bite of a giant steak, one bite of an arm-long octopus...

Like magic, under the stunned eyes of everyone, Li Bin quickly wiped out the food for the eight people.

"He can't be a monster, right? How did such a small body wipe out that pile of food?"

"It must be a monster. I have never seen anyone who can eat so much. Even the strongest Zuo Liang in our camp can only eat food for three people."

When Li Bin passed by everyone, he heard such a conversation, but he didn't care about his image in the hearts of everyone. In this world, if you want to become stronger, the first thing you need to do is to be able to eat!

Only by being able to eat can one ensure that one's body can store huge energy; only by being able to eat can one ensure that one can withstand high-intensity exercise; There is energy to survive in all kinds of harsh environments!

Therefore, in this world, the first thing to do is not how to train your body, but to increase your food intake!
"Master, bring me another bowl of egg soup." Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Li Bin asked the master in the cafeteria for another bowl of egg soup, and then gulped it down like drinking water.

After finishing this, Li Bin looked at the soldiers staring at him with a smile on his face: "Why, do you want to compete with me for dinner?"

"No!" Everyone hurriedly waved their hands, and then dispersed.

"Hehe, I've only eaten food for eight people now, and it's still far from Luffy eating food for 100 people by himself!" Li Bin shook his head, threw these irrelevant thoughts out of his mind, and then asked Head to the training ground.

"Made, there is no one here, and I still have to guard here every day, I am really mad!" A middle-aged officer with disheveled hair lay on the ground, complaining loudly in boredom.

Li Bin saw such a big man from a long distance: "Colonel Moore, Second Lieutenant Binz from the boot camp came to report!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Binz in flowered clothes! Aren't you recuperating in the naval hospital? Why are you back?" Moore was still very impressed with the special dress of Li Bin's predecessor.

"My body has fully recovered, so I am back at the camp and want to continue training."

"Really? But you are the only one in the camp now. Although there is no restriction on sailor training in the barracks, no instructor will give you special training just because you are alone!"

"It's okay, I can train alone, I just hope that Colonel Moore can provide me with some weights and testing equipment, which will be of great help to me."

"Alright, anyway, now is the time to be bored, let me pass the boring time with you!"

Moore stood up, patted the dust off his body, and then walked into the training room.

"This is a power tester, let's see how much power you have!"

Hearing this, Li Bin hit the test instrument in front of him with all his strength, only to hear a bang, and a dazzling number was displayed on it!

"180! Not bad, there is progress!" Moore nodded.

 I signed the contract in a daze, no matter what, it was a contract!Gotta celebrate, no?Two more chapters today!Please recommend and collect, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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