One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 10 Developing Internal Organs (4 More Recommendations and Favorites!)

Chapter 10 Developing Internal Organs (Please recommend and collect for the fourth update!)
Li Bin, who was full of wine and food, felt warm all over his body. This was because most of the cells in his body had been mobilized, and they were recovering rapidly.

He was lying on the ground comfortably, and he really didn't want to move!
"Hey, boy, you can't eat such unpalatable food, can you spoil your stomach?" A strong and mature sailor asked loudly.

"Of course not. The chefs in the cafeteria cooked so delicious food. I felt so comfortable after eating, so I lay here to rest for a while after eating!" Li Bin also replied loudly.

The cooks in the cafeteria were very moved when they heard this: "Boss, I have been cooking food for so many years, and finally someone appreciates it!"

"Is it that delicious? I don't think it's very good!" The bearded man scratched his head and said, his voice was so loud that everyone in the cafeteria could hear it.

This sentence angered the cook in the cafeteria: "Big Beard, what are you talking about?"

"Do you still want to eat here?"

"Believe it or not, I'll tell everyone that I will add an extra fly to your meal next time!"

The bearded man seemed to know that he had committed public outrage, and hurriedly lowered his head and trotted out. While running, he kept talking: "If it tastes bad, don't let me tell you. I'll tell you!"

"Bearded man, don't run away!" A very hot-tempered chef in the cafeteria chased him out.

"Master, don't chase him. I think he has a tongue problem. He can't eat such delicious food!" After resting, Li Bin got up from the ground, exuding youthful vitality .

"Yeah, good boy, I'll make it for you if you want to eat tomorrow!" the chef said happily.

"If you can, make me two big pig's trotters. The meat you cook is really delicious. If I can taste your big pig's trotters, I feel that I will die without regret in this life!" Bin said so.

The cook said excitedly: "Well, I've written it down, what's your name?"

"My name is Macken Binz now, but you can also call me Li Bin!" He was trying.

He prefers to be called Li Bin by others, which contains his nostalgia for his family members in his previous life and his reluctance to give up.

Even if he traveled to the world of One Piece, he couldn't let go of the longing in his soul.

This may be his own obsession, and he is even looking for an opportunity to change his original name to tell himself that he is still that person.

This obsession later also brought him the opportunity to develop the most powerful moves, which he never thought of.

"Okay, Li Bin!" The chef seemed to remember Li Bin's name, and went back very happily.

After everyone left, the group of chefs hugged each other and cried, "It's been more than ten years... Woooo... finally someone is willing to appreciate the food we cook!"

Li Bin didn't know about this matter. The food in the cafeteria of the recruit camp was very unpalatable. If there were not so few people here, there was almost no need to line up, and people from other camps would definitely not come here to eat.

Even Li Bin's predecessor, Binz, seldom came to this cafeteria to eat, and Li Bin never thought of it because he was too hungry.

After eating, Li Bin returned to the dormitory alone, thinking as he walked: "External forces can only strengthen my limbs, bones and skin. If I can develop my internal organs, that would be great!"

"For example, the heart increases blood supply capacity, the kidneys increase the body's immunity, enhance metabolism and promote bone marrow hematopoiesis, the liver decomposes toxins, and even participates in metabolism! If the cells in these places become stronger, what will happen to my body? What about the impact?"

Li Bin was thinking about this question until he took a shower.

"In short, the better the five internal organs, the stronger the man's ability will be 100%. At least I won't be a tall hanger anymore! I must try to use the power of life to modify the kidneys later!"

Li Bin took a quick shower, packed up his things and lay on the bed, put his hands on the kidneys, and then slowly mobilized a little life force to strengthen the cells in the kidneys.

When treating Zefa before, he mainly nourished Zefa's damaged cells. Because he was worried about Zefa's physical endurance, he did not dare to use too much ability to strengthen his heart.

Now that it's on him, he needs to be more careful and slow!
Just a trace of vitality came to the kidneys, and Li Bin felt a different feeling, and a certain part of the body immediately showed it!
"The whole body is full of strength. Is the function of the kidneys so powerful? It can't be strengthened anymore. Take it slowly, otherwise it will explode!"

Therefore, Li Bin turned his attention to the liver again, and carefully distributed a little vitality to the liver!

"Pfft!" A fart came out, and Li Bin jumped up hastily, "It stinks! Let's take your time outside!"

Li Bin walked outside the dormitory, and sat down in the most comfortable posture. The next thing was the spleen, and he gave the spleen a little bit of vitality, and felt that the whole vision was about to change.

"Hold on, just a little bit, next is the lungs and heart, if I strengthen these two a little bit, just a little bit! I believe my body will be greatly improved!"

Li Bin put two hands, one on the lungs and the other on the heart, and then used the fruit ability to mobilize a little bit of life force to nourish them again!
In an instant, the entire field of vision was blurred, and his ears were buzzing. Li Bin couldn't help but lay down on the ground.

After two or three hours, his body returned to normal!

At this time, his senses changed a lot. It was already late at night, and he could actually see the mosquitoes flying a hundred meters away!

"Am I awakening my domineering color?" Li Bin was a little puzzled, but when he closed his eyes, except for his hearing becoming clearer, he didn't appear to be awakening at all.

"It should be the improvement of my five internal organs, which strengthens the sensory perception of changes in the outside world! If it's broken, I'm afraid the pain will become stronger in the future!"

Li Bin tried to pinch himself: "Hiss, it hurts!"

However, this also brought great benefits. He will easily achieve the ability to return life when the time comes. In addition, the knowledgeable domineering will be awakened much easier than ordinary people!
This is not the most important thing. The improvement of the five internal organs has fundamentally improved his personal aptitude from the inside. After the external training, he would stagnate because of the slow progress of the five internal organs, but now there is no such restriction.

Li Bin took a deep breath. In the middle of the night, his breath spread far, far!
"I don't feel tired at all now. The fatigue caused by the day's exercise on the cells seems to have recovered in a short while!" Li Bin felt an indescribable joy in his body.

"However, I still need to take a good rest. Although my ability can take care of most of the cells, no one knows exactly what is going on with the development of the cells. Although the ability of the five internal organs has improved, it does not mean that the body can heal in an instant. Huge changes and a break."

Li Bin returned to the bed in the dormitory, adjusted his breathing and closed his eyes, quickly calming down his whole brain and falling asleep.

When it was only past four o'clock the next day, Li Bin had already replenished his energy and woke up.

He was sweating greasy again during the night, and he needed to go out and wash.

He didn't notice that because of the improvement of the five internal organs, not only did his skin become fairer, but even his facial features continued to develop towards a more perfect direction!

 The fourth update is here, please collect and recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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