One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 11 ask for advice

Chapter 11 ask for advice
After taking a shower, Li Bin took a look at his own face in the mirror. He was so ugly that he didn't have a girlfriend.

"Oh, if you don't use the power of life to become handsome, how can you tell other girls to talk!" When Li Bin thought of that girl Ai En, he felt sorry for her. Well took it!

"Forget it, first use the power of life to make yourself whiter every day and make your eyes bigger!" Li Bin said, "Then let the facial features become more correct! Slowly, you will become a standard handsome guy."

"It's still early, let's run around the playground for a while. There's no rush for matters related to Ai En. Just get familiar with her face every day. Anyway, she won't run for a while." Thinking of this, Li Bin again Focus on developing your body.

Li Bin thought while running, he used his life force to moisturize the five internal organs yesterday, so he shouldn't be too intense today, at least he should give himself a period of adaptation!
In addition to daily exercise, he also has to learn some black technology related to cells. After all, the development of lush fruit ability is completely linked to cells, especially the power of life. He needs to thoroughly understand the cycle of cells in Pirate World !

Combined with the power of life, even if his physique cannot catch up with someone like Rob Lucci within a year, it will not be difficult to surpass Kalifa at all.

But these are all in his imagination, if the number of divisions of his body cells is still the same as in his previous life, then the result will not be very good.

More than two hours passed in a blink of an eye, Li Bin's whole body was mobilized, and it was time to eat, his stomach growled.

Li Bin ran to the cafeteria of the new barracks. At this time, there were only a few people in the cafeteria, and he easily came to the place where he was eating.

"Master, good morning, first give me a meal for ten people!"

"Okay, here are the two pig's trotters you asked for yesterday. We made them for you early in the morning, try them!" The chef who served the rice handed over a big plate with two Braised pork trotters with sauce.

Li Bin took it and took a bite, the taste was delicious: "Mmm, it's delicious!"

"Haha, thank you!" The chef replied with a smile. We learned this from the head chef of the Naval Academy, so it's no wonder it's not tasty. "I've prepared meals for ten people!"

"Thank you!" Li Bin ate the pig's trotters while walking. When he was eating, he felt that the taste was a bit weird. Although he could swallow it, the feeling of eating it was completely different from yesterday.

"How does it taste?" asked the cooking chef from a distance.

Li Bin had no choice but to say against his will: "Ah, very good!"

Although it's not very delicious, it can satisfy your hunger. Now is the time to improve your strength, so it doesn't matter if it's delicious or not!

Li Bin gobbled it up dully, without any taste at all. He quickly ate up the food for ten people, just as he thought, half full!

"Master, let's have more meals for ten people, and give priority to some meat."

"Well, young man, I'm optimistic about you. Anyone who can eat in our Naval Academy will end up with the rank of colonel the worst." The master gave Li Bin a small amount of food slowly.

"Thank you, master. I will try my best to eat more. By the way, do you have chili sauce here?" Li Bin asked, eating these bland foods is too uncomfortable.

"Yes, just wait a moment," the chef turned around and fetched a bottle of special chili sauce, "This is our family's secret chili sauce, I guarantee you will never forget it after eating it."

"Thank you!" Li Bin took it and tasted it, and it was really good. It seems that he can finish these meals again.

The food can only be eaten more and more, absolutely not less and less, this is the requirement that Li Bin set for himself.

If you want to become stronger, you must first be able to eat!

The first thing to do after dinner is to visit Zefa at the Naval Hospital, brush his face in front of Ian by the way, it is best to tease her, and leave a special impression on her.

Especially when Ai En was in a period of confusion and helplessness recently, if Li Bin grasped it better, it would be easy to take advantage of it!
The Naval Hospital is not far from the recruit training camp. After all, the recruit training camp is full of recruits, and it is easy to train yourself or fight with each other and have accidents. It is more convenient to treat if it is closer to the hospital.

Li Bin soon arrived at the ward where Zefa was. On the way, he did not forget to pick a large number of wild chrysanthemums that he had just catalyzed.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that Ain was already inside. To pass the time, Ain also brought a medical book and was looking down.

Li Bin nodded to Zefa, found an empty bottle and inserted wild chrysanthemums into it, and after finishing, he did not forget to take out two or three and quickly inserted them on Ain's head.

"What are you doing, Binz!" Ain couldn't help complaining, and was about to remove it.

Li Bin said with a smile: "Don't take it, don't take it, it's so beautiful, if you don't believe it, you can ask Teacher Zefa."

"Really? Teacher?" Ain asked hastily.

"Yes, Ain's hair is really cute with flowers on it." Zefa said.

"Then I won't take it off." Ain said happily.

"Teacher, I have a question to ask you!" Li Bin thought about this question for a long time.

"You said."

"Can armed domineering shield the fruit's ability?" There is black knowledge related to devil fruit in the navy, and Zefa should know more about it.

"Haha, I thought what was the problem, it turned out to be this! Armed color domineering can resist the fruit ability to a certain extent, but it is not absolute. The impact on the fruit ability is like the coldness of Kuzan's frozen fruit, Saka The scorching heat of the Sky magma fruit cannot be completely shielded!"

"Then can it isolate the ability similar to the childlike fruit?"

"Tongqu fruit? Probably not! But the ability of Tongqu fruit is too perverted, so its side effects will be more serious. Once the ability user of Tongqu fruit eats this fruit, his mind will be limited to six years old Next, the more powerful this fruit is developed, the greater the side effects will be.”

"Oh, if you are accidentally recruited, how should you solve it?"

"The first one is to kill or knock out the fruit ability user! Overlord-color domineering is the natural nemesis of this kind of fruit ability user, because the overlord-color domineering is the innate instinct of the strong, and it cannot be suppressed by the childlike fruit. If the ability is wiped out, one impact will knock out those with similar abilities!"

"Isn't it okay to not have a domineering look?"

"A strong spirit will make childlike fruit ability users not even have the desire to attack! Someone in the new world has developed a deterrent trick with a strong body to deal with this weak existence. As long as the body is strong enough, these ability users will face You are like facing a beast, and you dare not make a move!"

"Is that so?"

"Practice the arrogance of knowledge and information, and take precautions against suspicious people who wantonly approach you, which is the key to fundamentally solving this problem." Zefa said seriously.

"Thank you teacher, I understand." Li Bin continued to ask, "I don't know when the teacher's body will recover?"

"About a month or two. Afterwards, Warring States also arranged for a scientific force to give me a weapon specifically for capable people. I'm going to have a look at that time." Zefa said.

"Well, please help me make a training plan when the teacher is bored!" Li Bin asked.

(End of this chapter)

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