Chapter 280
"It's very simple. We treat it as an ordinary case of counterfeit banknotes. When reporting to the higher-ups, we try to keep it low-key. Too concerned!

When the case is concluded, it will be high-profile. There are many gossip media in Hong Kong. They deliberately leave some gaps for these gossips to get in, let them take photos and report, and anonymously release the numbers printed on the counterfeit banknotes! "

Dong Biao shook his head: "If you do this, you are fooling the ghosts. Don't forget that the Hong Kong British government has the final say. Those British ghosts were originally on the same boat as the American devils. Do you still expect them to be ghosts?" Bite ghosts!

Not to mention anything else, when the time comes to close the case report, the matter of Wang Dongyuan's resurrection from the dead is simply not going to work out, and they are not stupid, if they sip it casually, they will feel that the taste is not right!

Your dad and I are just a small director, and you still expect me to bring down the sky for you? "

"Dad, don't worry, it's easy for Wang Dongyuan, just say that he was shot and fell into a state of suspended animation because of an internal fight. After all, the state of suspended animation is not uncommon in medicine!

After this man regained consciousness, he was willing to be a tainted witness. In order to ensure his safety, our Western District deliberately concealed the fact that he was still alive.

The reason why the counterfeit banknote case was able to be solved was that the real counterfeiter was dug out under the clues he provided! "

"But afterwards, if someone in the UK investigates, Wang Dongyuan will probably make another excuse, saying that our police forced him to submit.

Don't forget, you are the one who made him turn into a living dead, and he is not stupid. He knows that this is a game done by us in the West District, so when the time comes, won't it be us father and son who will be suspected again? "

Speaking of this, Dong Biao rubbed his brows, and complained helplessly: "Go to the street! This is also before [-], and I can't straighten up, otherwise I won't bother to talk to those ghosts!"

Dong Yi coldly lowered his voice and said: "Then let him devote his life to destroying the conspiracy of US imperialism!
The people of Hong Kong Island will remember the sacrifice he made for the normal life of the people on this land! "

In Dong Yi's heart, anyway, Wang Dongyuan was doing things for the Yankees, cheating his fellow countrymen, and it was just right for him to die, so he should take it as atonement.

Since he was someone else's dog back then, he must understand what it means to be a dog!
"You..." Dong Biao widened his eyes, thinking to himself, is my son so cruel?

He quickly lowered his voice: "Are you sure? How do you plan to do it? No, no, if someone finds out, you might be charged with murder!"

In fact, Dong Yi had already committed murder when he shot Wang Dongyuan, and the members of the task force were all his accomplices!

That's why the special case team, when they first heard Dong Yi's plan, Yazi would be so opposed, but don't worry now, they are all on the same boat. I am afraid that the members of the special case team are the ones who don't want Dong Yi to have an accident!
"Dad, where did you think you were?
What we have to do is to temporarily hide Wang Dongyuan, and wait until the day the case is solved, secretly let the gossip media know that Wang Dongyuan is going to appear in court as a tainted witness!
For the rest, some people will definitely be anxious. When the time comes, sprinkle water and bask in the sun! "Dong Yi shrugged and said.

When Dong Biao heard this, he suddenly thought: "Killing someone with a borrowed knife?"

Dong Yi nodded, and Dong Biao immediately asked, "Tell me about how you do it?"

Immediately, Dong Yi stuck to Dong Biao's ear, muttering something...

The next day, at eight o'clock in the evening, on the outskirts of Hong Kong Island.

An abandoned villa, isolated from the world, makes people feel dilapidated and desolate just by looking at it.

The mottled walls and broken windows all speak of how many years this building has been abandoned.

At this moment, in a dim room inside, candlelight flickered. Looking from the outside, it inexplicably gave this house that had been abandoned for a long time an eerie atmosphere.

In the house, on a simply built bed, an obese man was lying on it, wearing loose second-hand clothes and covered with a blanket. There was a stand next to him with a medicine bottle hanging on it, giving him an intravenous drip!

This drip removes the sugar and vitamins necessary for the human body, as well as the antibiotics specially formulated by the sprouts, in order to prevent wound infection.

After all, Wang Dongyuan, who was lying on the bed, suffered a gunshot wound. Fortunately, the bullet was made of ice, and it inevitably melted part of it when it hit it. Although it was not fatal enough, it would definitely not make people feel good!
In the room, a dozen or so people sat around the bed, watching every move of the person on the bed.

Carrying big bags and small bags, Ade came in from outside the villa, and when he got inside, he hurriedly greeted everyone: "Here comes the bento, everyone hurry up and eat!"

It was then sent to the members of the task force one by one.

After a while, Dong Yi took the lunch box from Ade, thanked him, and wolfed it down!
After finishing the lunch, he looked at his watch, frowned, and looked at Meiko aside, worried: "Isn't it said that after the antidote is injected, you will wake up within 24 hours?
I'm afraid it's too early, why is this person still awake? "

Yazi was sitting on a stool at the moment, chewing and eating his bento slowly, and said, "Don't worry, I checked his pulse, the frequency is normal, he has come back to life, maybe he was injured by a gunshot wound, or You have to slow down for a while!"

Dong Yi nodded helplessly, although he felt uneasy, he could only wait quietly!

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Dongyuan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

A moment of pain pried his nerves instantly, pulling his consciousness back from the darkness.

So he slowly opened his eyelids, the first thing he saw was the dilapidated and desolate environment in the flickering candlelight, all the yellowing marks left by water erosion in his eyes, and he recognized the dilapidated environment upon careful inspection. Leaky ceiling!

Sniffing lightly with the tip of his nose, there seemed to be a musty smell in the air. At this moment, a head poked out.

Wang Dongyuan saw a young man with short hair and sword eyebrows, and looked at him with joy.

Wang Dongyuan struggled to wriggle his white lips, and wanted to speak, but suddenly felt his lungs tingling as if someone had poured chili water into his lungs, he couldn't help moaning immediately, took a breath, and murmured weakly: "This... this... ...what is this place...where am I..."

The handsome young man curled his lips and said...

"The Underworld!"

Hearing this, the thunder in Wang Dongyuan's mind suddenly rang, and he suddenly remembered the moment when he was hit by a bullet and fell to the ground during the Longtou Festival!
"I'm dead? Am I really dead?"

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but feel sad, and despite the discomfort in my lungs, I started sobbing and choking!

On the side, Yazi rolled his eyes at Dong Yi and complained: "What nonsense are you talking about, it scares people!
Don't be shot to death by then, but you are scared to death, what do I think you should do? "

Dong Yi smiled shyly and spread his hands: "Who knew he was so careless!"

Yazi snorted coquettishly, and immediately said to Wang Dongyuan: "Mr. Wang, don't listen to his nonsense, you are safe now, don't worry, you are still alive and well!"

Hearing this, Wang Dongyuan breathed a sigh of relief, turned his neck with difficulty, looked around, and found that there were no less than ten people beside him!
Immediately, fear appeared in his eyes: "You...who...are you..."

Dong Yi didn't hide anything, he took out his ID and said, "Hong Kong police, Mr. Wang, you should be clear about the fact that you were shot before this!"

Wang Dongyuan nodded with difficulty: "Yes, but... what is this place?
I... my lawyer...

And I... people around me... where did they go..."

(End of this chapter)

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