Chapter 279
"Aren't I discussing with you!" Dong Yi touched his nose, somewhat guilty in his heart!

At this time, Dong Biao just felt his head hurting. This poor boy of his family was really daring and misbehaving. He got a group of people to play a game of escape from the shell. The key point was that the risk was too great. A little carelessness would result in intentional murder!
The most important thing is that they made a lot of people alive and ended up being killed. Fortunately, there is room for reversibility in this matter.

"If I weren't your father, would you still dare to do this?" Dong Biao looked at Dong Yi coldly.

"Yes, but there may be another way, I will do it in private and slowly!"


Dong Biao let out a long sigh. Fortunately, his son became a policeman. Otherwise, he would go astray, and it might be a big disaster for Hong Kong Island!

Rubbing the center of his brow, Dong Biao sighed helplessly and said slowly: "Okay, I won't tell you whether I have something or not. Tell me, what are you going to do next?"

"The next step is to wait for Wang Dongyuan to wake up, let him confess honestly, and then turn him into a tainted witness for the police. Anyway, he is a living dead now, so he can only cooperate with us obediently!"

"It seems that his death certificate has been handed over to the family members, but aren't you worried that the family members will investigate this matter?"

Dong Yi nodded: "No, it was his nephew who issued the death certificate. This man is eager to let Wang Dongyuan die thoroughly. Even if Wang Dongyuan's family thinks something is wrong, they will pay more attention to who assassinated Wang Dongyuan. In this matter, they would never have thought that Wang Dongyuan was still alive!

Today's Wang Dongyuan, whether it is legal or social, he is a dead man!
I just want to force him to the point where he can't help the sky and the earth!

Next, I hope you, dad, will be noble and help us make this happen! "

Dong Biao was helpless, always feeling like he was rushing a duck to the shelves, and he said in a low mood: "It seems that we can only put him in a situation where he can't prove his identity, and force him to cooperate with us!"

Dong Yi was excited: "Dad said so, you agree?"

What can I do if I disagree?
Throw you into a big prison?
You can go any day you want, as long as you leave a seed for our old Dong's family, I won't bother to care about your life! "

Dong Yi smiled sheepishly, and then his face became solemn: "By the way, Dad, there is one more thing. I have a hunch that the counterfeit banknotes may be involved in a wide range of things. Maybe there will be unexpected situations behind it!"

Dong Biao frowned when he heard the words, he was puzzled: "How to say?"

"Dad, think about it, who can make the U.S. dollar as real as it is, if everyone can do this, the U.S. dollar will be rotten.

I'm afraid that what can be done will be related to the origin of the US dollar! "

"This..." Dong Biao was stunned for a while, his eyes hesitated, and he couldn't believe it: "I'm afraid you think too much, it shouldn't be, the Americans are full, and they set themselves up for themselves? "

Dong Yi shook his head: "No, Dad, your eyes are only on Hong Kong Island. Last time I learned about Longxin Building, most of the things they do, especially the smuggled arms, are Russian equipment. !
If I didn't make a mistake in judgment, under various appearances, this counterfeit banknote case is a very big situation! "

"What game?"

"Use counterfeit banknotes to cover the Soviet Union's arms, wait until the time is right, and then declare that the US dollars handed over to the Soviet Union are all waste paper!
Especially in recent years, Dad, have you noticed some changes in the Soviet Union? "

Dong Biao shook his head: "The western district of Hong Kong Island is enough for me to have a headache. I don't have that much free time. I don't care what foreigners do!"

Dong Yi nodded. He also took advantage of the foresight. Although he is now in a world composed of film and television, the background of the times will not be much different.

Calculating the time, a very big event in the world will happen next year, that is the disintegration of Soviet Russia!
Today, Soviet Russia is unstable internally, and a large amount of weapons and equipment are flowing overseas.

Many generals took advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune. It is estimated that the value of various armed equipment that has flowed out in recent years may be tens of billions of dollars.

But those Yankees will really let others, especially those who are hostile to them, make a lot of money!
Anyway, Dong Yi thinks that this is impossible. I am afraid that under the behest of the United States, arms dealers like Long Yao can move freely in Asia, and there are many similar arms dealers in Europe and America.

Under the matchmaking of the Yankees, the arms merchant exchanged a small amount of real banknotes for fake US dollars, and then used the fake banknotes to buy Soviet generals, and then transported the weapons away in batches, thereby pulling out the fangs from the lion's mouth.

I am afraid that when the time is right, the US will disclose information about the counterfeit banknotes!

At that time, the money placed in the hands of the Soviet generals may be a pile of waste paper!
In this process, the Americans not only did not lose anything, but also made a lot of money.

In other words, Americans bought tens of billions of fake dollars with a small amount of real dollars.

Then let arms dealers like Long Yao, with more than tens of billions of fake dollars, go to Soviet Russia to bribe generals and buy weapons.

Then they resold the weapons to African warlords, and they didn't even need to sell more to make a fortune.

On the other hand, Long Yao and his gang will make confessions to the United States on time. After all, everything is done with their acquiescence.

They will definitely hand over part of the benefits to the US. Longyao is just one of the many arms dealers in Asia, not to mention people in the US, Europe and the United States. Little money!

When the time is right and the official announcement is made, it will be a wonderful empty glove white wolf drama!
Seeing that his father didn't know why, Dong Yi uttered his conjecture. Hearing this, Dong Biao frowned, and then said, "No wonder, no wonder!"

Dong Yi was puzzled when he heard the words: "What's wrong with Dad?"

"No wonder, when some experts from Hong Kong Island Bank greeted our police, saying that some money was not right, the major banks were silent, it seems that they all turned a blind eye!

But in this way, the case of counterfeit banknotes will be difficult to deal with. We have no control over foreign affairs, but ordinary people on Hong Kong Island who have received fake US dollars have suffered! "

Dong Yi nodded. A small policeman can't control the battle between big countries and big countries. Anyway, it's all intrigues between foreign countries, but banknotes have one thing in common, that is, circulation!
These counterfeit banknotes, which look like real banknotes, will inadvertently flow into the hands of ordinary people. It seems that nothing happened now, but after the event in 90 years, the US side will definitely make big moves!

At this time, I don't know how many people on Hong Kong Island will usher in a catastrophe!

After all, it’s not just once or twice that the United States has cut off the whole world. As long as it doesn’t affect their homeland, it doesn’t matter what the people of other countries do!
As the so-called dead Taoist friends do not die poor Taoism!

Within two years, Dong Yi is sure that the hard-earned money in the bank accounts of a large number of people on Hong Kong Island will evaporate overnight, and how many families will be torn apart by then!

Thinking of this, Dong Yi suddenly thought of something, which means that the counterfeit banknote numbers made by the counterfeiters were not fabricated by themselves, but someone gave them a long time ago!
Just wait until the time is right to announce it and declare it invalid!
Dong Yi immediately looked at Dong Biao: "Dad, although this matter is mostly speculation now, it is still close to ten. I am afraid that many people have become victims unknowingly. The only way is to get rid of the source of counterfeit currency manufacturing as soon as possible. , in order to stop the loss in time!”

Dong Biao nodded: "It seems that this case can't be done without some unconventional means, but I'm worried that if the case is solved by then, what if someone with a heart notices us?"

Dong Yi smiled mysteriously: "Then we have to deal with this matter in a low-key and high-key way!"

Hearing this, Dong Biao was stunned: "How do you say this, why can't I understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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