Chapter 278 Showdown
In the mortuary room of the Western District Police Station, stainless steel corpse refrigerators, also known as mortuary cabinets, are densely packed against the walls of the house.

The hard texture and cold metallic color give people an illusion of coldness.

Wang Hai, led by the staff of the police station, came to the refrigerator.

Shout out!
With the help of police officers, a drawer of metal stretchers was pulled out of the cabinet.

On the stretcher, there was a cold and fat body with a sutured wound on the chest.

With a mournful face, Wang Hai bared his teeth, and immediately knelt down in front of the stretcher with tears streaming down his face, crying, "Uncle, you died so miserable! Uncle! What would I do without you!

woohoo woo..."

Immediately, trembling hands touched Wang Dongyuan's icy cheeks, while weeping uncontrollably, his brows trembled imperceptibly, and then with the support of his subordinates, he struggled to get up.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Gao Yanbo: "I want to transport my uncle's body back and give him a grand burial!"

Gao Yanbo shook his head, and sighed in embarrassment: "Ah..., we can understand your feelings, people cannot be resurrected after death!
But according to the relevant procedures, we still need to dissect the body and check the relevant clues. I hope you can understand. After all, this is an assassination case, and the police have to investigate it further! "

Hearing this, Wang Hai wiped away his tears, and nodded reluctantly: "It seems that this is the only way to go. If you need help, please let me know. After all, the police and civilians are family members!"


Immediately, Wang Hai issued a death certificate at the police station and left the police station accompanied by a group of subordinates.

Just sitting in the car, the whole person's eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth were disdainful: "Shovel, that old thing is finally dead, by the way..." Looking at the subordinate beside him: "After all, that old thing is my name in name. Uncle, I have to take care of his posthumous affairs, and I have to take his place, so I leave this to you!"

His subordinates quickly nodded in agreement, and Wang Hai immediately urged the driver in the front seat: "Hurry up, hurry up, get out of this damn place, I'm not happy staying in this police station!"

The roar of the car sounded, and when Wang Hai left, Dong Yi looked at the car that was drifting away from the other side from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office building.

Immediately, he picked up the headset and ordered: "Attention the members of the task force, the target has left, move Wang Dongyuan as soon as possible, and don't let other police officers find out!"

On the other hand, Wang Hai, who returned to his home, laughed happily while sitting in the living room of his mansion, went to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of decades-old red wine, and filled himself a glass.

He planned to take two sips, but at this moment, the landline in the living room rang suddenly, and Wang Hai immediately put down his wine glass and picked up the phone.

Hearing the voice from the other end of the phone, his eyes lived up to his previous arrogance and became respectful.

I just heard a voice coming from the other side of the phone: "How are things going?"

"It's been done. I just confirmed it at the police station. That old thing is dead and can't die anymore!"

"That's good. If you take his place, I will support you. As long as I can continue to guarantee sales, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

"Sure, sure, I know the rules!"

On the other end of the phone, there was a handsome young man with gray hair at a young age. He wore a pair of glasses and looked like a scholar.

At this time, there was another person beside him. This person had an unshaven beard and messy hair. He looked in his early thirties. He couldn't help wondering: "Is it really necessary to kill Wang Dongyuan? After all, he and your father are old friends. I don’t want to do it anymore, I just quit halfway!”

The young man raised his head and sighed, then slowly said: "Don't mention our old friendship with me. It has only been two years since my father died in Thailand, and he already wanted to get out of control!

The reason why Dongyuan Group has been so smooth and has become a famous company in Hong Kong Island these years is not because my father praised him for his obedience!

Otherwise, with him being the leader of a small society, he would have the status he has today!
Why, as soon as my dad died, he immediately thought of getting out of control and going ashore in vain, seeing how young I am, can't hold him back!

Our family has been in this business for three generations, with customers all over the world. He, a little Wang Dongyuan, dares to come out and make trouble. Since he is unwilling to obey, why keep him! "

Hearing the words, the people beside him sighed, and looked at the young man. When the young man's father was alive, he called him the master. The man was ruthless, but he didn't expect that the young man who seemed gentle and full of bookishness, To be even more ruthless than his father is really a shame!

He also knew that everything the young man said was true. After all, there was a colossus hidden behind him. Many powerful people in the world secretly cooperated with him!

On the other side, Dong Yi ordered other team members to transfer Wang Dongyuan to an abandoned villa in the suburbs.

After tidying up, Wang Dongyuan was injected with the antidote immediately, and the toxin would be slowly neutralized by the antidote after 24 hours.

Dong Yi ordered the team members to keep a tight watch. He planned to go home and have a showdown with his father. After all, the next plan needed the cooperation of the police station.

Then Dong Yi returned home in the evening. After the family had dinner, Dong Yi took Dong Biao to the study on the grounds of handling the case.

The father and son were sitting on the chairs in the study at this time, and Dong Biao looked relaxed: "How is it? Is there any clue about the counterfeit money case?"

Dong Yi nodded, just about to speak, but took it back, then fell into hesitation, not knowing how to organize the words to explain the facts.

Seeing Dong Yi's hesitant to speak, Dong Biao chuckled: "What are you doing, brat, you've already come to my father, and you have nothing to hide, just tell me if you have any difficulties!"

Dong Yi touched his nose, intending to vaccinate his father first, so he said: "Dad, this matter is a bit unacceptable. I'm afraid you won't be able to control your emotions when the time comes. One you can't accept..."

Dong Biao narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, hesitantly said: "Could it be that you did something shameful behind my back?"

"You can't say that. Everything I do is to solve the case as soon as possible. It's just a bit of a preemptive act. You may not be able to accept it for a while!"

Seeing this, Dong Biao curled his lips: "Tell me!"

"I told you, don't be angry!"

"Well, as long as you have a valid reason for this matter, I will not be angry."

Hearing this, Dong Yi chuckled and muttered: "Actually, this is what happened. Dad, you must know what kind of case I am handling. As for me, first...then...finally..."

When Dong Yi revealed what he had done, Dong Biao stared in disbelief, pointed at Dong Yi's nose and said loudly: "Sai Zi, you are so funny, how dare you..."

Before he finished speaking, he quickly lowered his voice, tried his best to control his emotions, and said cautiously: "Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me first!"

(End of this chapter)

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