Chapter 281 Weakness
Seeing Wang Dongyuan's sincere and apprehensive expression, Dong Yi casually said: "You will know about this matter in two days, so stay here for the time being and take care of your wounds!"

As he spoke, he led everyone to another room, and began to discuss the next action.

Three days later...

West District Police Station, Dong Yi's office, Wang Hai looked at the porcelain vase on the desk, and looked at Dong Yi with a dazed expression!
Early this morning, he heard his assistant tell him that the Western District Police Station called and informed him to take Wang Dongyuan's remains home.

As the nephew of the president of Dongyuan Group, even if it was just a pretense, he would personally pick up the body.

However, when he came to the office of the person in charge of the homicide team, he saw a handsome man pointing to the jar on the desk with regret and said, "Sorry, Mr. The power outage caused Mr. Wang Dongyuan's body to be highly decomposed, so we had to cremate him, so I'm really sorry!"

" this really my uncle's ashes?"

"100% yes, it was really an accident. If it hadn't been so rotten and smelly, we wouldn't have disposed of Mr. Wang's body without informing your family!"

"What did you do!" Wang Hai pointed at Dong Yi's nose and yelled: "Don't think that just because you are the police, you can act recklessly, I will file a complaint against you!"

Dong Yi shrugged: "No way, this matter is indeed our police's problem. If you want to complain to us, we will accept it, but..."

Speaking of this, Dong Yi rubbed his chin with one hand, and squinted his eyes in doubt: "I have handled many cases, and your reaction seems to be a bit wrong..."

Seeing the other party looking at him suspiciously, Wang Hai frowned slightly, and for a moment, he immediately showed a look of anger, and shouted: "What is the wrong reaction, don't talk nonsense, be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

Dong Yi shook his head: "No, no, according to a person's normal emotional reaction, especially when seeing one's relatives die and encountering successive misfortunes, ordinary people's stress reaction is first grief and then anger. Mr. Wang...

Why did you get angry as soon as you came up, and your performance just now was really suspicious..."

Hearing this, Wang Hai burst into tears, pointed at Dong Yi's nose, and choked up: "What a Hong Kong policeman, he's corrupting people's innocence for no reason!
I am my uncle's nephew, I was already sad when he died, and I have been holding back the grief in my heart!
Now they doubt me out of nothing!

I... I... I, I want to sue you, this matter is endless!
Do you dare to tell me your name? I will sue you to the point of bankruptcy! "

Dong Yi said indifferently: "I'm just out of duty, this case has not been solved for a day, and everyone is suspected.

If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then I'm sorry, you can tell me whatever you want, my name is Dong Yi, and I'm waiting for you anytime! "


Hearing that Wang Hai's mourning face froze, he was secretly surprised. He had also heard about the legend of Mr. Dong in the Western District Police Station.

Unexpectedly, the legendary fierce policeman stood in front of him!
For a moment, Wang Hai lost all courage, after all, the other party was the one who chopped down the Bailaihao in the street, and I am afraid that it would be like that if the second brother Guan was alive!

What's more, what he did in the Kowloon Walled City, and some time ago, Gu Huaxing, who seemed to be the leader of the Longxin Group's club known as the king of kung fu, was also beheaded by this kid!

Wang Hai took a sneak look at Dong Yi, feeling worried, and then seeing that he was on someone else's territory, he gave Dong Yi a stern look, picked up the ashes jar and left with a sad face, cursing and cursing!

Seeing Wang Hai leaving the office, Dong Yi went to the window to observe, until he saw Wang Hai leaving in the car, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Yazi quietly came to Dong Yi and wondered: "Why do you express your suspicions? This might alert the enemy!"

"No way, that guy's attention is all on the ashes, I have to get him to divert his attention, and I can't let him see the abnormality!
After all, the top priority is to confirm Wang Dongyuan's death, this is the key!

In my opinion, Wang Hai is just a small character. As long as the real person behind the scenes is found out, it is just a matter of incident to deal with him! "

Yazi suddenly realized that Dong Yi's actions would indeed make Wang Hai turn his attention to himself, thus ignoring some details.

This Dongyuan Group seems to be an enterprise, but it is actually an association with a corporate shell.

As for the Hong Kong Island community, they always pay attention to inheritance. This is the rule. If you want to become a leader, you must get the approval of your uncles.

If Wang Hai wants to rise to the top, he has to guard against death, and bury the fact that he killed his own uncle in the soil, even if everyone suspects, he can't let others find a flaw!
If you want to ignore the rules and go directly to the position, this is a big taboo in the world!
After all, the leaders of the many associations on Hong Kong Island have reached a certain position. How do these people rely on to command their subordinates?

It's nothing more than family law, the so-called rules!

If you want to be ruthless, you can only be a young and Dangerous boy. If you want to rise to a certain status, you have to implement family laws to make the people under you obedient!
Once someone breaks this rule, at that time, a subordinate can take the position as long as he kills the boss on his head. Now, whether it is the elders or the leaders of many societies, everyone will be in a dangerous situation!
In this way, if you meet a daring person, your life and status will be lost!

Therefore, the higher the status in the club, the more intolerable it is for someone to break the rules, even in other clubs!
In other words, Wang Hai's method of killing his uncle's superior position is actually damaging the rights in the hands of a group of old guys. If it is leaked, it will be attacked by the group, even if other associations that have nothing to do with it will not hesitate to intervene. One kick, and will desperately try to kill Wang Hai, the crueler the means, the better!

The purpose is to tell a bunch of juniors under him that killing his boss is treacherous, and he wants to kill his body intact, in order to consolidate his authority!
If Wang Hai is careless and actually kills the boss, even if he goes overseas, he will not be tolerated wherever there are Chinese gangsters!

So Dong Yi knows that this is Wang Hai's weakness. If he is killed, he just needs to let out the wind, and Dong Yi doesn't need to do anything. This guy will finish the game by himself!

He is too lazy to be tough with such a thing that can be played at any time like the original plot. In the original story line, whenever Li Ying turns his head around the corner, he doesn't have to fight Wang Hai so hard in the end!

Now it seems that under Dong Yi's deliberate stimulation, Wang Hai has become a bit of a ghost, ignoring the strangeness in the handling of Wang Dongyuan's body.

Dong Yi has done all the groundwork that needs to be done, it's time for that old man Wang Dongyuan to enjoy with his own eyes a big play directed by his nephew himself!

(End of this chapter)

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