Darkness Rises

Chapter 180 Hell on Earth

Chapter 180 Hell on Earth
The partners had never heard Lorna's horrified cry, and seeing the other party's unbelievable appearance, they quickly realized the seriousness of the matter.

Marcus frowned and looked at Lorna and said, "Who is this person, and what does she have to do with the countless corpses we saw along the way?"

Lorna's body has actually started to tremble slightly now, and she tried her best to take a few deep breaths before trying to calm herself down.

"This woman's nickname is 'Night Walker', and she is also a member of our mutants, and she is a very important subordinate of Ivan Hammer!"

Clarice answered Marcus first at this time, but the horror in her heart was equally profound.

"Then what should we do now, help him collect this woman's body?"

The companions were somewhat disapproving, after all, they didn't know each other at all, and they didn't understand how terrible this was.

At this time, Lorna finally figured out something, her eyes were full of shock and she said: "The Mutant Containment Center has already attacked Ivan's people.

If I think right, and Night Walker dies outside like this, and no one cares about her, then the situation inside will be even worse, and it is very likely that Aiwen's power has been wiped out.

And what's even more frightening is that, along the way, the entire Hell's Kitchen has been strewn with corpses, regardless of mutants or humans.

These people are already crazy, or they are simply killing people deliberately, what on earth do they want to do, under such circumstances, even the US government will not let them go! "

"I feel like I might know who killed these people!"

At this time, Wes walked to the dead body of the night girl, one meter away, and covered his mouth and nose with his hands. After observing the other party for a while, he said suddenly.

Everyone's eyes turned to him immediately, and Weiss said timidly: "I remember that there was a strange person in the detention center, that is, a Japanese who likes to wear some kind of kimono.

Although we were all wearing the 'suppression collar' and couldn't use our abilities, I also heard from other people that this guy's ability is to create plagues.

I was thinking that the corpses we saw along the way all died of a terminal illness or acute infectious disease.

Could it be that the other party was deliberately released by the detention center to deal with that Ivan Hammer, but what I don't understand is why he slaughtered ordinary people wantonly.

Don't the people in the detention center ignore him? "

Hearing this, a flash of lightning suddenly lit up in Lorna's mind, and she suddenly remembered what the monitor asked Wes to do when she was on Fifth Avenue.

"Do you still remember that at the parade just now, the people in the detention center kept asking Weiss to create illusions to mislead the red dragon. The other party didn't care about the death of ordinary people at all, or they were deliberately guiding the red dragon to kill the police and other ordinary people. .

Coupled with the fact that there are ordinary human corpses all over the place along the way, I suspect that they are killing ordinary people on purpose.

What the hell are they trying to do? Are they trying to frame us as mutants? What the hell are they trying to do! "

A burst of deep unease suddenly emerged in the hearts of Lorna and the others. Based on their relationship with the detention center, the other party would definitely not do anything useless.

They actually went so far this time, so the picture behind it must be not small.

"It's useless to think too much, let's go into this nightclub to have a look first!"

Marcos on the side saw that his girlfriend was very unstable, so he quickly changed the topic in an attempt to divert everyone's attention.

After hearing what he said, Lorna also nodded in agreement, and they briefly restrained the body of the Night Walker. Fearing that the germs on the other party's body might be contagious, they simply put the body aside.

But when they entered the nightclub, their expressions instantly became ugly, because from the corridor they entered, there were already many corpses that fell to the ground.

And when they entered the hall and looked at the luxurious dance floor, everyone was shocked in place, and Wes and Jeffrey couldn't bear it even more, and ran aside and vomited.

This is simply hell on earth!
The hall on the first floor was full of corpses, layer upon layer, in a miserable state of death, full of painfully dead corpses.

Their death conditions were really miserable, their faces were all extremely hideous, as if they had suffered great pain before they died, and many of them were still trying to crawl outwards, it seemed that they wanted to leave this terrible hell on earth .

And that mixed air mixed with vomit and inexplicable smells directly impacted the hearts of several people, causing their will to suffer a destructive blow.

"Quick, let's get out, this way of death will definitely cause a terrible plague!"

Without saying a word, Marcus immediately pulled Polaris, who was already standing there, as if he was unconscious, away, while the others followed up while vomiting.

But just when they were about to leave the nightclub, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and the two sides bumped into each other suddenly, and couldn't help blurting out: "It's you!"

It was Russell and John who came.

They were sent back to the vicinity of the villa by Clarice's space gate before, but how could the two of them who were extremely worried in their hearts do nothing.

Not daring to disturb the boss, they kept calling the night girl and others, but unexpectedly, no matter whether it was the night girl, the hedgehog, or even Arc Light, no one answered their calls.

The two people who didn't know what happened, but they knew that all the people gathered in the "Darkest" nightclub tonight, so they decided to come here immediately to report the news.

I want to tell them that Lorna and Clarice are probably insiders, and bringing a few people with them is likely to be bad for the boss.

But what they didn't expect was that they would arrive later than Lorna and the others, despite their haste.

But they can't be blamed for this, after all, the taxi driver was completely terrified when he saw the corpses all over the floor after entering Hell's Kitchen.

If the two hadn't reacted quickly and relied on John's powerful strength to forcibly seize the steering wheel and open the car door, they would have been taken out of Hell's Kitchen by the taxi driver again.

And the two of them ran all the way over, trembling with fear, the corpses all over the ground really made them terrified.

And just outside, they just saw the body of the night girl, and this scene has deeply stimulated them.

After all, this warm woman has been taking care of them all the time, and when they entered the nightclub with a heavy heart, they unexpectedly bumped into Polaris and the others head-on.

John, who had no trust in them at all at this moment, looked at them angrily and said, "Bastards, did you do all this!"

(End of this chapter)

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