Darkness Rises

Chapter 181 Conflict

Chapter 181 Conflict
Confused by John's sudden questioning, Weiss said in a bit of astonishment: "It's none of our business, we've just arrived, and there are dead people everywhere!"

Hearing the other party's unconscious answer, John and Russell gasped, and they subconsciously looked behind these people.

They saw the tip of the iceberg in the lobby on the first floor of the nightclub, but just this glimpse made the expressions of the two of them change.

Those are layers upon layers of dead people!

"You guys, what the hell did you do!"

John almost gritted his teeth and looked at them. Until now, both he and Russell believed that the other party did all this.

After all, at the parade site before, they saw with their own eyes that strangers contacted the Polaris group, and they also heard with their own ears that they planned to harm Boss Ivan.

Not to mention the appearance of the three "Eclipse" Marcus, which is extremely suspicious. The few people who were detained in the mutant holding center did not have someone as powerful as the boss to rescue them. How could they escape from such a place? escape.

So there is only one possibility, and that is that they cooperate with the bastards in the detention center, or submit to them, which is not good for the boss.

In addition, Russell and John were sent away by Clarice's space gate when they were about to expose each other's true colors.

When they felt the "darkest" nightclub for the first time, they saw the dead night walker and even more terrifying corpses everywhere.

At this time, no matter how innocent Polaris said they were, it was hard for John and Russell to believe it.

And Polaris felt very uncomfortable when he heard the two questioning them at this moment, because all this really has nothing to do with them, but now it feels a little indisputable.

"Hey, you two better get the hell out of here, there are dead bodies everywhere because of deadly germs, we don't want to be infected with some damn germs and die!"

At this time, Marcos, who had always had a bad impression of the two of them, would not be used to them, and started to chase them away without any politeness at all.


Hearing the words of this bastard who had often bullied him when he was in the mutant shelter center, Russell's old and new hatred came to his head, and he couldn't help but curse.

And hearing Russell's abuse, Marcos exploded directly. This fat man who had been bullied by him all the time dared to stab him in front of him at this time.

"Russell, get the hell out of here, or believe it or not, I'll let you die in pain like these guys!"


Hearing Marcus's words of pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, Lorna and Clarice knew that the misunderstanding could not be solved.

Sure enough, Russell and John were shocked when they heard Marcus's threatening words: "You really did all of this!"

"You two are enough. It's not like you don't know what we are capable of. How could we do all this? You two should be more rational!"

Lorna explained to the two irritably that now she really felt that she was caught in a dilemma.

"Yes, you guys can't do it, but that doesn't mean those bastards in the detention center can't do it, you must have done it together!"

John immediately made up a seemingly reasonable chain of evidence in his brain, and Russell, who was beside him, was filled with unspeakable resentment.

He looked at Polaris, whom he had been secretly in love with, and Marcos, who was standing beside her staring at him with a gloomy face, and the night girl who died in a miserable state outside the nightclub appeared in his mind.

For a moment, he collapsed, the little fat man almost came out with tears and snot, and shouted full of despair: "Lorna, I misread you, I killed the head of the night girl, I will avenge her!"

As soon as the words fell, two groups of blazing flames appeared above Russell's fists, and then he threw them towards Marcos viciously.

Even in extreme anger, he never tried to hurt the girl he liked.

The sudden attack shocked Marcus, who could not resist these two terrible flames.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a space gate appeared in front of him, diverting the deadly attack elsewhere for him.

Clarice said helplessly: "Russell, listen to our explanation, things are really not what you think, the situation in the nightclub has nothing to do with us, we also just came here.

And the purpose of our coming here is also to help Nightcrawler and the others, preventing them from being harmed by the mutants sent by the containment center.

It's just that we came a step late..."

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Before Clarice finished her explanation, she was suddenly interrupted by the furious Marcus, who couldn't accept that she was almost killed by the little fat man who had always looked down on her.


Russell looked at the furious Marcus with disdain, and sneered: "When we were in the mutant shelter center, we all wore 'suppression collars', I can't beat you all by myself.

But now my ability has been released, you know, in my eyes, you are not even a dog! "

Russell's outspoken words made Marcus furious instantly, and Polaris saw this scene and said directly to Weiss: "Create illusions, don't let them hurt each other!"

"it is good!"

With the activation of Weiss' ability, Russell and Marcus' sights were all misaligned. Even if they were close at hand, they couldn't throw flames or beams on each other.

But John, who was standing on the side, rushed up suddenly. He had already discovered the clue, knowing that Russell had been fooled, but fortunately, Wes couldn't create two illusions at the same time, so John rushed up directly.


Marcus was sent flying by John's sudden punch. Seeing that John was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him, a bright light that could blind people's eyes suddenly bloomed.

It was Marcus who used his ability to emit light energy to push John back.

But that's all, John, who took half a step back, actually suppressed the discomfort, and rushed towards him again, seeing that Marcus was about to use his own ability to burn John.

But Polaris suddenly shouted: "Marcos, don't really hurt him!"

There was no way, Marcus, who listened to his girlfriend very much, withdrew the beam, but John continued to rush up unreasonably, causing the other party to turn around and run.

Marcus used his ability to slow down John's pursuit, and he hit and ran to the second floor of the nightclub.

There were also a few miserable corpses here, but Marcus who ran up first didn't care, he didn't know these people, and there were hundreds of corpses below, and these few were not bad.

But when John saw these corpses, his eyes became bloodshot instantly, and he looked at Marcos angrily.

"Hedgehog, Arc Light...you bastards, I must kill you!"

John went crazy in an instant, he immediately jumped down from the second floor, and frantically chased after Marcus who had already left from the other side.

"I am going to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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