Darkness Rises

Chapter 179 The Silent Hell's Kitchen

Chapter 179 The Silent Hell's Kitchen

In a dark alley in Hell's Kitchen, purple light suddenly flourished, and a space door that could tear apart barriers appeared, and several young children rushed out of it.

"Quick, Lorna!"

With a roar from the solar eclipse, the last Polaris finally rushed over. Through the space door that was about to close, bursts of noisy and chaotic exclamations, cursing, and crying crazily spread.

The world on the other side is in such chaos, as if the end of the world is about to come, the crowd is running away in all directions, there are terrible gunshots, and there are even terrible dragons flying in the sky.

Immediately following Polaris was another mutant called Bliss, who obviously wanted to escape from the terrifying hell that was about to usher in the end.

But with a terrible dragon roar, a fiery flame spewed out from the mouth of the angry dragon hovering in the air.

Everything encountered along the way, whether it was police, National Guard soldiers, armored vehicles, or buildings, was instantly engulfed in that terrible flame.

Under the control of Blink, the space door was quickly closed, leaving these young mutants only the body of Bliss that was quickly swallowed by the flames.

And the terrifying Dragon Flame that almost passed through the space gate!

The sound of tense and rapid breathing resounded in this quiet alley. For several young mutants, they could be regarded as narrow escapes.

Who knew that that damned giant dragon could actually spit out terrible dragon flames, it could almost be regarded as a mythical creature, okay?

That woman is also a mutant with extremely terrifying abilities.

From their terrified expressions, it can be seen that these little guys are really terrified.

It wasn't until they slowed down for a while that the rapid breathing in the alley gradually disappeared, and everyone's mood finally gradually calmed down.

"Haha, it's great that we're still alive!"

Jeffrey, a black man with hidden abilities, laughed happily.

And Weiss said with a pale face: "Fortunately, Clarice's ability is strong, otherwise we will all die there today.

That damned monitor kept asking me to stimulate that giant dragon with illusions.

It's a good thing Lorna killed him, otherwise we really might not be able to escape! "

Hearing Weiss' words, the scene became quiet again. After all, they all recalled that Polaris killed the monitor of the containment center with coins at the last critical moment.

"Lorna, can you tell me what you think, I finally saw what you asked Jeffrey to do, you didn't just kill the monitor, you killed everyone else .

Aren't you afraid that the mutant shelter center will retaliate against us? You should know that we can't escape their grasp at all! "

Even though Lorna was his girlfriend, the other party's self-assertion still made "Eclipse" Marcos very uncomfortable, because she was risking everyone's lives.

Hearing the question from her boyfriend, Lorna replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and I also understand the style of the bastards in the mutant shelter.

But I have found a real support for us. In my opinion, he can be said to represent the future of our mutants.

That's why I'm going to get rid of all those jerks so we can hang out with him from now on. "


Marcus looked at Lorna suspiciously.

Lorna nodded and looked at everyone seriously: "That person is Ivan Hammer!"

Everyone except Blink was stunned. Isn't this the goal of their mission? Lorna actually had such a high opinion of this person.

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say, and finally Marcus asked hesitantly: "Will the other party take us in? After all, we came to trouble him!"

"Don't worry, based on what I know about him, it shouldn't be a problem, and we can join each other's actions, so it's just a vote of honor.

Not far from here is their base camp, let's go! "

After all, Polaris had made up his mind a long time ago, and he would not shake his will because of some accidents, so he took everyone out of here.

At this time, Clarice, who had been watching, seemed to feel something was wrong, and said worriedly: "Lorna, do you feel anything wrong?"

"what happened?"

Hearing Clarice's question, Lorna's heart also trembled, because she also felt a weird atmosphere, but she couldn't tell where this feeling came from.

"This is Hell's Kitchen. It's only nightfall. How is it possible? There's no one there!"

Clarice's weird expression was seen by Lorna, and she was also stunned, yes, how could there be no one in Hell's Kitchen at this time.

Even though the alley they were in was rather dark, it wasn't that there were no pedestrians.

Thinking of this, Polaris involuntarily quickened his pace and came to the entrance of the alley.

The scene that caught her eyelids made her stop instantly, and a shocked and extremely frightened expression appeared on her face.

"What's wrong with Lorna, it's, oh my god!"

The other people who came to the entrance of the alley were all stunned at this moment. The scene outside gave them great shock, even fear.

Following their line of sight, they could see that the streets of Hell's Kitchen outside the alley were full of people's... dead bodies.

Yes, a dead body, a deadly dead body.

They seemed to be suffering from some serious illness in an instant, and when they died, their expressions were very hideous and terrifying, as if they were infected with an extremely terrible virus.

These corpses are really dotted all over the streets of Hell's Kitchen, filled with miserable New Yorkers.

"how so!"

Clarice kept whispering, and Lorna didn't know what to say, but she knew in her heart that they had no turning back.

So, taking the lead, Lorna walked into this hell on earth, and led the trembling guys behind her to find someone she recognized.

But the closer to "darkness", the more ugly Lorna's expression is, because she has already discovered that the source of death seems to be ahead.

When she came to the front of the nightclub, Lorna stopped involuntarily, because she had already discovered many miserable corpses around the nightclub.

When she continued to walk in with her partner, she suddenly saw a very familiar figure in front of the nightclub gate.

"No, Nightcrawler!"

Lorna rushed up immediately, and then she saw the miserable death of the Night Walker, as if her body had been hollowed out by some serious illness.

She knew that this was one of the core subordinates around Aiwen, who died outside the "Darkest" nightclub just like this.

Something really happened!
"how so!"

Lorna looked at Clarice with a look of horror, and the other party was also giving her horrified eyes at this moment.

They knew how much Aiwen valued their subordinates, and also knew the character of the other party who never suffered, but the night girl died like this,
Then a fierce revenge will inevitably happen!
(End of this chapter)

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