Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 Black Magic Movie Lesson

Chapter 59 Black Magic Movie Lesson
Early the next morning, Ash put on his robe and came to the classroom. Today is Monday, which means that Ash will teach the third grade students this morning.

After reading the book on the podium, the students didn't keep Ash waiting too long. They walked into the classroom and sat down in twos and threes. Percy, who was walking behind, was holding a stack of parchment in his hand.

"Professor... this is our homework." Percy put the parchment on the table, and Ash nodded slightly. These were the papers he assigned last week, and he glanced at them without looking carefully.

After the students were all done, Ash nodded slightly, "Students, last class we mainly studied the origin of black magic..." He flicked his wand slightly, and a thin layer of silver mist appeared behind him.

The students stared at the mist with excited faces. Although they had already had several classes like this, they still liked this kind of class experience like watching a Muggle movie.

"You know, it costs a lot of money to watch movies in the Muggle world." A little lion muttered, causing dissatisfaction from the little snake beside him, but the little snake still kept its eyes on the "movie screen" behind Ash .

"Our class today is about the story of the Dark Lord... Does anyone know about the Dark Lord?" Ash looked at the students in the audience calmly.

"Mr. Leonard." Ash pointed to Percy, this somewhat rigid boy was always quick to answer questions.

"There are two Dark Lords, one is Gellert Grindelwald, and the other is the mysterious man." Leonard sorted out his language slightly and said: "The legend of Grindelwald and Principal Dumbledore in 1945 He was defeated in the duel, and the Mysterious Man was killed by Harry Potter."

"Yeah." Ash nodded slightly, "That's a good answer, Mr. Leonard."

"Five points for Gryffindor."

Watching Leonard sit down, Ash continued to ask: "Is there anyone else who needs to add?"

Seeing the few people who raised their hands, Ash called out to a Slytherin student: "Mr. Roman."

"Grindelwald's main activities are in continental Europe, while the mysterious man is mainly active in the UK... It is said that the mysterious man has high mana and is good at all kinds of death curses. He relies on his personal charm..."

"Bah!" A little lion boldly spat on the ground.

"Five points deducted from Gryffindor." Ash glanced at him and said indifferently, "No matter who is talking, I hope everyone can keep quiet."

"Sorry, Professor." The spitting lion cub apologized softly, but he still glared at the little snake talking about Voldemort.

"Go ahead, Mr. Roman."

"Well, the mysterious man has many subordinates. He preaches the theory of pure blood supremacy, and there are many holy pure blood families around him, fighting for him." Roman swallowed, as if he wanted to continue.

But Ash looked at the glaring lions and had to ask him to sit down, "Mr. Roman answered very well, and he has a comprehensive understanding of the mysterious man."

"Heh!" The little lion next to Leonard sneered: "As expected of a Slytherin guy, he knows his master well."

"Enough." Ash clapped his hands, "Slytherin plus five."

He watched the students who gradually became quiet and continued: "Let's take a look at the story about the first Dark Lord today...that is, the story of Grindelwald."

Ash flicked his wand, and a man in a black robe emerged from the silver mist, with a faint blue figure beside him, indicating his identity: Gewalt Grindelwald.

"It should be Gellert, right?" Leonard muttered, he subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to tell the teacher, but the little lion beside him quickly stopped him.

"Don't disturb the professor...what if you can't finish a class?" The little lion reminded: "Professor Embers has been unable to remember his name, have you forgotten?"

Thinking of the "movie" he hadn't finished watching in the last class, Leonard had no choice but to give up. He didn't want to lie in the dormitory at night and still think about how Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore.

The wand in Ash's hand kept flicking lightly, and the picture on the silver mist kept changing. There were countless wizards in black robes standing beside Grindelwald. It was obvious that they were all Grindelwald's followers.

The long story is condensed into a short movie. Grindelwald's speech in the priest's cemetery in Paris can't help but fascinate those little snakes, but his murderous character makes timid students can't help screaming.

"For the greater good!" Grindelwald shouted from the cemetery, and then stirred the blue flames towards the bustling city in the distance.

"That's crazy!" muttered a lion cub.

"It's so handsome!" A little snake said to his best friend: "I like Lord Grindelwald so much!"

There are even little stars popping out of her eyes.

But soon, the bad times didn't last long, and Grindelwald's flame was stopped by many wizards with magic wands, and finally turned into a big firework that scattered sparks over Paris.

"Thank you... Newt." The Auror patted the smiling freckled boy, and the lions in the audience cheered for the victory of justice.

But the scene stopped here, and the silver mist gradually dissipated, returning to Ash's wand.

Looking at the little wizards who were lamenting unsatisfactorily, Ash smiled slightly. The cold smile made these students sit up straight.

"The professor's laughter is still so penetrating..."

"Today's class time is running out. Next, I hope everyone can put forward their own understanding and evaluation of Grindelwald."

"Mr. Geer."

"My name is Green." Green, who had already emphasized it countless times, muttered, and then slowly stood up.

"What kind of person do you think Grindelwald is?"

"Bad guy!" Green said almost without a pause: "He is a complete bad guy!"

"How dare you?" Several girls from the Snake Court said dissatisfiedly.

"He's the Dark Lord! As expected of a stupid Gryffindor!" said a male snake.

"Mudblood!" muttered some daring Slytherins.

Ash shook his head slightly. He didn't expect Gryffindor and Slytherin to have such a big conflict... Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had always been in class together, but Hufflepuff's Headmaster Ms. Sprout Said she wished to take the Hufflepuff students to observe what herbs were newly born.

So Ash was forced to change the course... But he didn't expect the hatred between the two houses to be so great... He had to clap his hands to make the students stop, and some lion cubs even raised their wands.

"Ten points for Gryffindor, ten points for Slytherin." Ash said slowly, then took off his sunglasses and looked coldly at the students who had calmed down.

His cold eyes made the students have to lower their heads. For a moment, they thought of the cruel man who dared to use the Avada Kedavra in the first class...

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Ash said: "Let me reiterate a few points of our class requirements, the first point: no matter who is answering the question, please don't interrupt him, even if you disagree, you have to listen to you The opponent has finished speaking."

"The second point: Even if you are very dissatisfied with his statement, please use your logic to refute him instead of scolding him... If anyone says words such as mudblood in class, it will be confinement."

"The last point: we are wizards." Ash looked at the students with their heads down. "We are wizards, not trolls. Please don't just take out your wands in my class."

After Ash finished these three points coldly, he looked at the students in the audience and said unhappily: "If anyone violates any point, they will be locked up."

After finishing speaking, he called up a few classmates and asked them to share their views on Grindelwald.

In the end, Ash left after arranging to write a three-foot dissertation entitled: Grindelwald's Black Magic Explained.

He wasn't angry. There were factional disputes in Biheim, even more intense than Hogwarts, but no one dared to interrupt others in class. Generally, people who did this in Biheim either had their arms turned into tentacles or Horns on the head.

But what he was dissatisfied with was only the discipline of the class, he didn't care about the college disputes, I was here to win the soul, and a good class is good enough... It's better not to count on me to bridge conflicts.

 Ask for recommendation and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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