Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 58 Dumbledore's Thoughts

Chapter 58 Dumbledore's Thoughts

The deep basement looks even darker at the end of autumn. As the cold wind gradually gathers, it becomes colder here. With the dark environment, most people will not like it here.

This is the classroom of Potions, and it is also one of the most hated places by Gryffindors. Apart from the strong Slytherin atmosphere, they hate it because of the substitute teacher: Severus Snape.

The famously narrow-minded and cold-faced killer concentrates on a throbbing beetle.

"Bang bang." As the classroom door was knocked, Snape frowned and killed the beetle.

"Who?" He asked slowly, dissatisfied that someone came to disturb his great project.

The door was slowly pushed open, revealing the dark green robe of the visitor. It was Dumbledore, the vanguard of Hogwarts fashion.

"Severus, what are you thinking?" Dumbledore smiled, and he approached Snape slowly.

"Oh." Snape sneered, "You'd better not expect me to join this boring... game." He paused every word, it was obvious that he was really not going to participate in that magical plan.

"Severus, this is a very necessary thing..." Dumbledore said with a smile, his rather confident appearance proved that he was prepared.

"I have a lot to do, Dumbledore."

"I know." Dumbledore pushed his glasses, "but I have a plan..."

"About the Death Eaters?" Snape said slowly, holding the motionless beetle in his hand.

Dumbledore nodded, and then said with a serious expression: "Professor Somme and Professor Embers will both attend this banquet..."

"What are you going to do at the banquet?" Snape asked, although his eyes were still fixed on the beetle, his mind was undoubtedly attracted by Dumbledore.

"Someone was there the day I took the Philosopher's Stone." Dumbledore said, and when he walked out of the Gringotts vault, he felt more and more wrong, and when he returned with an excuse, there was no sign of the man.

"The Philosopher's Stone..." Snape shook his head slightly, "Does anyone believe its immortality lie?"

Dumbledore nodded, and then continued: "All the professors will be in the auditorium that day, and I will tell a joke about the Philosopher's Stone..."

"Trap." Snape understood Dumbledore's intentions, "It's a big deal to bet on the Philosopher's Stone..." he said slightly ironically.

"If a professor leaves at that time... please keep an eye on him, Severus," said Dumbledore. "Once he gets the Philosopher's Stone, I will be able to detect..."

"I see." Snape nodded, indicating that he agreed with Dumbledore's plan, but the thought of him wearing that ridiculous outfit...

"Can I change a set of clothes?" Snape asked, looking at the pile of clothes in the corner with disgust, "I can prepare it myself."

Dumbledore shook his head, with a smile in his eyes, "I also hope you can enjoy a Halloween banquet... You never liked to attend it before."

After chatting with Snape for a while, Dumbledore left. He still had important things to do... It was not easy for Snape alone.

Of course, Ash, who was distressed in the office at this time, didn't know all this. Since the Philosopher's Stone was taken away by Dumbledore, he didn't expect anything anymore. After all, he couldn't beat Dumbledore.

The reason for his distress was not because of Halloween, it was nothing more than wearing some strange costumes. Ash had a lot of strange costumes in Rodland's wooden box.

The reason for his distress is because of the little owl in front of him, Phil.

If it is said that the most unexpected thing in Hogwarts at present should be related to Phil, this owl who masters simple language actually wants to use a magic wand now...

"You need hands, not claws." Ash looked at Phil a little strangely. The owl took a wand from nowhere.

"Goo! I know how to use a wand, Goo!" Phil muttered vaguely, and it seemed that his English was not particularly standard.

"Where did you get your wand?" Ash asked. "Did you steal it?"

"Goo!" Phil watched Ash's face gradually darken and shook his head quickly, "Goo! Not Phil!"

"Goo! The old man with the white beard sold it to Phil! Gold coins for money! Goo!" Phil said a long string of words with great difficulty.

"Money?" Ash touched the pocket of his robe subconsciously, and Garen inside was indeed gone.

"So you took my money, right?"

"Hey? Master, give it to..."


"Cuckoo! The golden follower, isn't it normal? Cuckoo?" Phil tilted his head, not feeling guilty about stealing anything at all.

"My Lord Gwen." Ash patted his forehead, "Anna will teach you..."

"As for the spells..." Ash thought for a while, and with a wave of his wand, he summoned a first-grade spells textbook, "Look carefully, maybe you will learn it."

"Goo? Maybe...sure? Cuckoo?" Phil threw his wand on the table, and jumped to the front of the book.

"Anna, remember to teach it to steal..." Ash said.

"Okay, okay..." Anna seemed to be having a headache, preaching to a bird who couldn't speak clearly... chatting with a ghostly old man... chasing away the children who came to the office... Merlin's beard...

"I've already contacted the artist." Ash thought of something, and turned his head before stepping out of the office door, "It's probably tomorrow:"

"I see." Anna nodded, she was a little happy in her heart, and finally she could get something good.

That's right, Anna chose to paint something new for her residence as promised by Ash.

Of course, Ash would not refuse such a simple decision. He spent a few Galleons to hire a painter at Bojinbok. The short old man had a very strange expression. He seemed not expecting Ash to Playing so much...

Of course, Anna didn't know this. At this moment, she was imagining her big fireplace, big fruit plate, big bed, big... Anyway, those things she didn't have.

After Ash finished speaking, he left. He was going to visit Hagrid to get some materials for tomorrow's class, so only Anna and Phil were left in the office.

"Googoo? What is a painter? Coog?" Phil tilted his head and looked at Anna in confusion.

"Shut your beak, you stupid bird." Anna was very dissatisfied that Phil interrupted her fantasy, "Learn the spell carefully."

"Coo, stingy! Coo coo." Phil ignored Anna, who had her eyes closed, and concentrated on reading the small book of spells.

"Cuckoo... Grab the magic stick with your hands... Cuckoo?" Phil raised his paw and looked again and again...

"Cuckoo! Isn't there an owl book about spells? Cuckoo?"

(End of this chapter)

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