Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 60 1 painting 1 ghost 1 ashes

Chapter 60 A painting, a ghost, and ashes
On Thursday afternoon, Ash had just returned to the office when he saw a white guest.

"Good afternoon, Embers." Binns showed an ugly smile, holding a notebook in his hand, which densely recorded a lot of things.

"Good afternoon." Ash nodded. He knew the origin of the ghost, and it should be to study the history of the Victorian period. Although the two of them didn't analyze anything in those plants, Binns was obviously still very interested in that period of history. .

He comes here every week, according to him, because he is writing a book about the history of magic in Victorian England... Ash is quite interested, but Binns said that he will naturally put the book when he is finished show him.

Ash sat quietly on the chair, patiently waiting for Binns to finish recording the answer he had just received.

"I have to say, Embers." Binns looked at Ash with a little excitement, "Ms. Florent's experience is very exciting, she has been in many places... There are too many materials to get!"

Ash glanced at Anna who was lying on the sofa drinking coffee and shook his head. He didn't expect that the materials he was going to use to study the soul would be so useful...

It made it seem like he couldn't experiment with Anna anymore.

"It's just that she can't remember what happened before she was alive... It's a pity for Embers." Binns shook his head regretfully. He looked at Ash and continued: "The records of magic history in the Victorian period are too vague. If this If this book can be published, I believe it will definitely cause a sensation in the circle of magic history!"

"Have you figured out the name of that book?" Ash asked casually, and he put away his lesson plans in the drawer.

"I haven't thought about it. Let's talk about it when the book is finished." Binns shook his head, and he looked at Anna with a smile.

"Ms. Florent, I have a few more questions here."

"Ask." Anna glanced at Ash, and had no choice but to agree to Binns' request.

"What time did your first master usually get up? What did he usually eat in the morning? Did he mention anything about the Muggle world in 1860..."

Questions like these kept popping out of Bins's mouth. It had to be said that he was indeed a master in the hypnosis class. Even a simple question could make Anna yawn uncontrollably.

Ash didn't say much. He took a book about the red hat and read it. This is the content of his next lesson. As a filmmaker, he still needs to fully understand the male protagonist.

As dusk fell, Binns finally finished his investigation. He coughed lightly and woke Ash from his book.

"How about Grindelwald's story? Do the students like it?" Binns asked about what happened on Monday. Ash is a bit busy this week, and the two haven't had a good chat yet.

"Very good." Ash thought for a while, "The students liked his story very much."

"Hmm..." Binns frowned slightly, and subconsciously wanted to criticize Grindelwald, but when he thought that he told Ash the story, he couldn't slap himself in the face.

"I'm a little curious about the process of that legendary duel." Ash said suddenly, the reason the movie had to end in the middle was because he didn't know what happened in the duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

"I don't know either." Binns shook his head, "No one knows what happened between them."

"We only know that the final winner is Dumbledore." Binns said slowly, "One of the two parties was imprisoned, and the other is his friend."

"No one wants to poke his sad story. It was the highlight moment of his life, and it may also be the trough." Binns spoke slowly, seeming to mean something.

Ash was stunned for a moment, he only knew that the two were friends in the past, but what Binns said made him a little puzzled...

"Then Dumbledore..." He was interrupted by Binns just as he opened his mouth.

"Forgive me, Embers, this is Dumbledore's private matter." He looked at Ash quietly, "Anyone who knows will not say anything."

Ash nodded helplessly, it seemed that he, like those students, would never know the ending of the movie.

Looking at Ash's appearance, Binns sighed slightly, and then said, "Did you also participate in the Halloween festival?" Binns' tone was rather troublesome.

"Yes." Ash nodded, "Dumbledore said I couldn't refuse."

Binns nodded sympathetically. As a "non-staff" character at Hogwarts, he did not expect Dumbledore to find him in person.

"Then do you have any ideas?" Binns said slowly, and what he said made Ash stunned.

What about the old-fashioned and stubborn characters?Author, you come out, this is not right with what you introduced!

Binns coughed in embarrassment: "You are also a young man, and I am a little curious about your young people's views."

"Uh..." Ash actually wanted to tell Binns that the combined age of the three creatures in this room is estimated to be almost 1000 years old.

"I'm also worried about this." Ash thought for a while and said, "After all, it's my first time participating in this kind of activity."

Binns nodded slightly disappointed, he pushed his glasses: "Why don't I just go like this... Anyway, there is nothing scarier than ghosts."

What sounds self-defeating is also a good idea in Ash's opinion... Is this the ghost's innate advantage?

Ash shook his head slightly. At first he wasn't thinking about it, but he just counted with his fingers, and it's only a few days away. Today is already the 24th... The Halloween banquet is on NO.30.

"I still expect you to come up with an idea..." Binns shook his head in disappointment, and he also fell into thinking. Although he didn't really want to participate in this kind of activity, since he decided, at least he should do it well. ?
Anna looked at the silent two and coughed softly, "Actually, I have an idea." She smiled and looked at Ash.

Ash who read her meaning nodded slightly, "The painter can come again tomorrow."

"Hmm~" Anna nodded in satisfaction. She first looked at Binns and said, "Professor Binns has an innate advantage as a just need to change your clothes."

"As for you..." Anna gave Ash a big up and down, "Have you ever seen a vampire?"

Binns was taken aback, "I had the honor to chat with a vampire before..."

"Oh! Not that kind of vampire." Anna shook her head, "I've seen a Muggle movie about vampires before."

"Pale face, fiery red eyes...a black windbreaker and a glass of wine, it's better to have another soul follower!"

Ash chuckled. He looked at Binns and seemed to say that you are my ghost follower.

"It just so happens that that stupid bird can also stand on your shoulder..." Anna thought for a while, "It can pretend to be a bat."

Ash thought for a while, and felt that Anna's suggestion was not bad. He nodded, "Thank you, Anna, your suggestion is very good."

"It looks like you are my vampire master?" Binns chuckled, causing Anna to chuckle too.

Ash shook his head silently, hearing the laughter of the two, he couldn't help but chuckled.

One painting, one ghost and one ashes, the painting style is surprisingly weird, but the relationship between the three is unexpectedly harmonious.

Of course, this removes the semi-compulsive nature of a painting.

(End of this chapter)

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