Chapter 99
Explosions at close range detonated the fuel tanks of nearby vehicles one after another, and the flames engulfed Tony, Chris, and Obadiah, and the ensuing shock wave sent the three of them flying in all directions.

Although it looked like an act of death, because of the thick armor protection of the Iron Overlord, Obadiah did not suffer much damage, but was just blown away.Although only the footsteps are equipped with flying propellers on Tony's Mark I design, but because of the huge weight of the modified Iron King, Obadiah also installed additional propulsion on the Iron King, and the balance was easily restored.

Because Tony had many experiences of being unable to maintain balance in the previous experimental stage, he installed two propellers in his hands, which can be used as attack weapons and can also be used to adjust the balance.Therefore, he regained control of his flying ability by only flying upside down for a certain distance, and rushed towards Obadiah again.

Chris is miserable.His flying ability was only derived from the ice wings. Under the sudden explosion, he could only use the ice wings as a shield to block himself, and he had no way to fly to restore his balance.Under the explosion, he was wrapped in ice wings and hit the metal barricade beside him, rolling on the ground several times together with the barricade.

"Obaday!" Tony's palm cannon accompanied his roar, and hit the iron bully's chest directly.

But Iron Bully's armor was worthy of his bulk, and although Tony's impact did damage, it wasn't very useful, and it wasn't even one-tenth as painful as the previous explosion.

And Obadiah's counterattack was much more ruthless.He picked up a sparkling motorcycle from the side, treated it as a baseball bat, and was about to swing it at Tony.If this is hit, even if the shock absorption system of the Mark-III can reduce Tony's injuries, Tony will lose the chance to resist when he is hit.

Tony just had time to release the Palm Cannon, which exploded the motorcycle's fuel tank in the air.Although he was also blown away again, Iron Overlord's body also fell back, and the offensive came to a halt.Chris, who had just recovered, seized the opportunity, kicked Obadiah down with a flying kick, and sat on the bus beside him.

"Sir, the energy is less than 20%." Tony was still attacked by Obadiah in his villa and took away the Ark reactor.Therefore, the reactor he is using now is the old one made in the cave, and the energy is not abundant.In addition, it took a lot of money on the way here, and in Tony's battle suit, Jarvis, the artificial intelligence butler, issued an energy reminder alarm to Tony.

Obadiah's Iron King climbed out of the bus on the side of the road.Despite one setback after another, Iron Overlord remains a force to be reckoned with thanks to thick armor and excellent built-in safety features.

"I'll help you and your father for 30 years!" Roaring, he rushed down in front of Tony, and before Tony could fly, the Iron Bully grabbed Tony's feet and controlled him.Then, he grabbed Tony's waist with one hand, lifted the Mark III over his head like a weightlifting dumbbell, and threw it to his feet. "I even started the company from scratch!"

Jarvis kept broadcasting the damage to Tony's suit, which was not optimistic.

Tony struggled a few times trying to lift the iron tyrant's feet, but he couldn't lift such a huge object.Seeing Tony struggling like a dead fish, Obadiah laughed loudly: "No one gets in my way!"

He grabbed Tony like a chicken with one hand, and flung it violently.Tony flew straight into the bus that Obadiah had just climbed out of.

Iron King's attack did not end. The mechanism bracket on the back of the left shoulder was opened, and a missile rose from it. It was comparable to the biggest explosion just now and landed on Tony at zero distance, directly blasting him into the sky.

Tony knew that Iron Bully would not give him a chance to react and go into the air on the ground, so he maintained his balance in mid-air.

The missile in Obadiah's left hand flew out again, blowing Chris away again.After that, he looked back at Tony.

"It seems that you have upgraded your configuration!" Obadiah looked at Tony in midair, showing a ferocious smile: "I also upgraded mine."

While speaking, the parts of the huge Iron Overlord's feet changed, and the thrusters under his feet started.

When Chris raised his head, he could only see one small, one large, and two sets of armor flying towards the sky over the city one after another.


As we all know, high air temperature is very low.

Mr. Tony understood this as early as when he was studying, and then he considered high-altitude icing when designing aircraft or other things.But it wasn't until he experienced it personally that he almost became a contemporary "Icarus" that he engraved vigilance against high-altitude icing into his DNA.

Now, Obadiah has it etched into his DNA, too.If he landed alive.

Just now, because of the gradual lack of energy, although Tony took off earlier than Obadiah, the slowed down Tony was gradually overtaken by the Iron Bully.

Stretching out a hand, the Iron Bully directly grabbed Tony in his hand like pulling an onion. Tony tried to break free, but it failed.

"Maybe you are indeed a genius, Tony. You always surprise me." Obadiah's voice couldn't express the joy, "But I have improved a lot, and I am better than you in every aspect." Relying on Tony Running low on energy, Obadiah brazenly declared himself an all-around win over Tony.

Holding the Mark III helmet close to his monitor, Obadiah planned to crush Tony to death.

"Then how do you deal with freezing at high altitude?" Tony knocked on the iron overlord's frost-covered outer armor.

"Frozen at high altitude?" Because of the freezing, Iron King's power suddenly lost control, the system disconnected, and the propulsion under his feet also stopped.The hands of the iron bully who didn't contribute much were just two movable metals, and Tony broke free with a twist of his waist.

"You may have to do your own research." After punching the Iron Overlord heavily, gravity overwhelmed the remaining lifting force of the Iron Overlord, and the immobilized Iron Overlord fell freely.

Tony just wanted to see his awkward posture when he fell in the air, and then he was embarrassed to find that his energy was less than 10%.

There is no good way, Tony can only fall a certain distance, turn on the propulsion to reset the landing speed, and land on the roof of Stark Industries one after another.

"Pepper, are you okay?" With the backup power activated, Tony was still able to use the suit.Although it looks lighter, the Mark III is not something Tony can use with his body without power.

"I'm about to run out of battery, I have to take off my battle suit first." First disengaged the propeller on the left hand, and opened the mask with the right hand.Tony took a breath of fresh air.

The huge figure of Iron King suddenly landed behind Tony, startling him a lot.

Turning around and closing the upper mask in an instant, avoiding the punch of the sneak attack, Tony was about to punch the Iron Bully with his left hand.Only then did he realize that he had just disarmed his left hand.

It was too late to fire the cannon with his right hand, but Tony had time to fold his palms together to cover his chest, and punched heavily on the metal gauntlet. Tony was knocked into the air and rolled a long way on the ground.

"Jarvis! Report the status of the weapon!" "Concussion gun lost contact, missile lost contact." "Oh, please."

He rushed forward to punch the Iron Bully but was caught. Tony asked Jarvis about the condition of his weapon, but the result was not optimistic.

Iron Overlord's grip increased, and several pieces of the Mark III's back armor were blown away.

"Tracer bomb!" Tony thought of something, the armor on the side of his knee opened, and the tracer bomb used to guide the thermal missile flew out. The intense light filled the display screen of the Iron King like fireworks, and the smoke screen also covered his sight.Tony let go of the Iron Bully and hid behind a bunker.

If it was the original world line, Tony should call Pepper at this time and ask her to detonate the Ark reactor below.If it is the original world line.

Just when Tony was thinking about how to solve the problem of Iron Overlord and Obadiah was searching for Tony's whereabouts, a voice sounded like it would call for people to fight together came from behind Iron Overlord:
"Joker! Maximum Drive!"

A green whirlwind appeared on the rooftop, and a two-color figure flew up from the whirlwind, split into two sides, and kicked through the Iron Overlord whose back was facing "him"—or "them"—one after another.

Iron King's Ark reactor was detonated by this blow, and Obadiah was swallowed by the explosion along with Iron King.With their backs facing the explosion, the two-color figures merged into one, standing in front of Tony.

The Joker memory was removed from the kill slot on the side, and the Cyclone memory on the belt disappeared automatically, and the transformation was released, revealing a man wearing a jazz hat.

"I'm not too late, am I?" Bruce smiled at Tony who was sitting on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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