Chapter 98 Iron Overlord

Chris is on his way to the campus where Stark Industries is located.He also called Bruce by the way, but he said he was far away and probably couldn't make it.

Although I have already reminded Tony to cancel Obadiah's access to Tony's villa, but with Tony's personality, it would be good to remember to breathe once he is involved in the research.Furthermore, Jarvis's management of access rights to the villa is just a joke, and even the reporters who want to interview Tony can't stop it.

As long as there is a beauty trick, Tony will very consciously bring the reporter to his villa for "in-depth communication".

Nick Fury can easily invade Jarvis's management like coming home.And the gunship sent by Killian in the future even blew up Tony's villa directly to the bottom of the sea.

Therefore, Chris felt that Obadiah's capture of Tony's Ark reactor to complete Iron King was almost inevitable.However, this time because of Chris's intervention, Coulson did not take a group of agents to give away the head in front of Iron Bully. Pepper should not give the head in vain without protection, right?

Landing on the roof of a building near Stark Industries, scaring away a group of pigeons that had gathered there, Chris sat on the edge of the roof, recovering his strength, waiting for the upcoming battle.

After a while, Chris saw a figure running out of the Stark Industries office building in a panic, standing in the open space in front of the building, anxiously making a phone call.Who is it but Pepper?
"Pepper." The other end of the phone was connected, and Pepper's call was to Tony.Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Tony was probably flying here in his battle suit.

"Tony!" Pepper was pleasantly surprised, "Tony, are you okay?"

Pepper called Tony just now, but was hung up after being connected.Since then, Tony's calls have remained unanswered.At this time, Pepper heard that Tony's call was finally connected, and the big stone in his heart seemed to fall to the ground.

"Obadiah is crazy!"

At this time, under Pepper's feet, there was a violent vibration from the concrete floor.The ground cracked, as if some giant beast was colliding underground.The next moment, the cracked ground suddenly bulged, and Obadiah drove the Iron Tyrant to break through the ground violently, and came to Pepper.

Iron Lord's massive armor is mounted with various weapons, and from the back of his right hand protrudes a huge Gatling.Pointing at Pepper with Gatling, Obadiah laughs maniacally in the armor as he gets the powerful weapon.

"Pepper, in fact, you didn't have to die." Obadiah's voice came from Iron Overlord's chest, "When you get to hell, remember Tony who dragged you into death!"

Gatling began to spin and accelerate, and was about to open fire, and Pepper was about to die in the hail of bullets.

At this time, five ice guns were neatly inserted in front of Pepper, and quickly froze between each other, forming an ice wall.Gatling fired, but failed to penetrate the ice wall.

Iron Overlord kicked at the base of the wall, and together with the concrete, the entire ice wall was kicked by Obadiah and fell down.But there was no sign of Pepper behind the wall.If Pepper hadn't stolen the evidence that could convict him, he wouldn't have broken up with Tony so quickly.Obadiah began to search for Pepper, vowing to kill her.

The temperature-sensing radar mounted on the armor quickly found Pepper, and she was taken to a place quite a distance from Obadiah by a man in armor.The armored man settled Pepper, and was rushing towards him with a spear that looked like ice crystals.

"Go to hell, Tony!" Obadiah mistakenly thought that the guy in front of him was Tony, and raised the machine gun again.Not only that, but the micro-missile on the left arm also began to aim.

"Stan!!!" Tony's voice suddenly came from the sky, causing Obadiah to turn the machine gun on his right arm and shoot at the comet-like red light spot flying towards him.

However, because the aiming was not completed, all the bullets of the machine gun were fired.Wearing the restored Mark III, Tony, who had just flown over Stark Industries, knocked the Iron King out, but he also crashed into the street with the Iron King.

From the gate of Stark Industries, the No.16 area below it, all the way to the street where cars come and go.After smashing through the buffer of a passing truck, the two barely stopped.

Obadiah took advantage of Iron Overlord's huge size and put Tony's battle suit under it like a child.Tony struggled several times but failed to push the Iron Bully away.

It's like a fight between a fat man and a thin man. Even though the muscles can provide the same strength, the thin man will still be pushed back because of the tonnage.

"I surpassed your design!" Obadiah was very excited to see that his Iron King had the upper hand.He took advantage of the situation and used his weight advantage to suppress Tony's resistance with one hand. On his raised right arm, the Gatling machine gun was aimed at Tony's head, and he began to spin and accelerate.

The location of the two is in the middle of the road, with cars coming and going.At this time, a car was driving towards the two people fighting in the street.

Unlike other drivers, this car was driven by a mother with her children, which means it was a car driven by a female driver.Maybe it was due to her unskilled operation, or maybe she was too nervous. When she saw the huge steel figures fighting on the road, she didn't choose to go around like everyone else, but chose to stop at a very close distance.

But at this moment, Chris, who had just arrived, landed from the side of the car, smashed the window with a punch, grabbed the steering wheel in the female driver's hand, and turned to another direction.This frightened the driver, put his foot on the accelerator, and the car sprang out, brushing behind Obadiah and leaving.

Immediately afterwards, Chris condensed a huge ice hammer in his hand, swung it and hit the Iron Bully hard, knocking him into the air heavily.

"You were beaten hard?" Chris reached out to the fallen Tony.Tony grabbed Chris' arm and stood up: "It was just a surprise attack."

Tony shook his shoulder, and there was no injury at all where he was hit just now. After all, the steel suit has a lot of experience in cushioning protection.But in the same way, Obadiah's Iron Overlord did not suffer any damage from Chris' sneak attack.

"You all have to die!" Getting up from the fall, the Iron Overlord drove the propeller under his feet to jump over the obstacles of the vehicle and came to Chris and Tony.He waved his fists and hit the positions of Chris and Tony at the same time, but they avoided them nimbly.

The positioning of Mark III is exoskeleton armor, which is a close-fitting battle suit.And the huge "Iron Overlord" is closer to a large mech than a battle suit.As an advantage, the Iron Overlord has more energy reserves and weapons than the battle suit.But the disadvantage is that even if the output is equal, the weight of the Iron Overlord itself determines that its speed is slower than that of the battle suit.

Therefore, after wrestling and finding that they were no match for Iron Overlord, Tony and Chris decisively chose to use harassment tactics, alternately launching feint attacks on Obadiah, while the other waited for an opportunity to sneak attack, defeating Iron Overlord in a row.

Obadiah also found that the situation was very unfavorable to him.As soon as he was cruel, the anti-tank missile bay in his left hand opened, and he didn't try to aim at Chris and Tony who saw the missile bay open and moved to avoid aiming. His left hand turned towards the ground not far in front of him.


(End of this chapter)

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