Chapter 100 After the War
Somewhere in the ocean of the Internet, five people are talking.

"Obadiah failed."

"It doesn't matter, we don't expect him to do anything."

"This guy is nothing but a steal from Anthony Stark."

"Who is planning next time?"

"I contacted General Ross in the military and offered him Bruce Banner's blood."

"You want to create a second Hulk?"

"I just want to see what he can do with the blood. After all, the blood I gave him is not 01:30, enough to create an army."

"Or, an astonishing monster?"

"'Binary', what's your situation."

"That idiot just put me on hold. I acted completely harmless in front of him. How could he suspect me? What about the 'King of Conquerors'?"

"I have already obtained the algorithm of the 'Insight' plan you gave me, and Nick Fury was fooled by me into agreeing to the plan. Now, just wait for the guys from the World Security Council."

"Mystery and I experimented with poison gas, and Chris Obenzed showed a detoxification ability that had never been seen before. I think the 'Mist City' project needs to be shelved for a while, leaving me time to improve the potion."



"Second. By the way 'snakehead', you are not under suspicion?"

"That guy just suspected me, and I didn't leave any clues to prove my identity."

"If there is nothing else, I'll go first."

Five pieces of data disappeared in this temporary chat platform one after another, and even the clues of mutual communication were completely wiped out under the control of one piece of data.


"'Iron Man'? Sounds good, but it's actually made of gold and titanium." Tony grinned as Pepper applied medicine to his wound, reading the headlines. "But it's very expressive as a slogan."

"Here's your speech." Coulson handed a few blue slips of paper to Tony, but he didn't take it. "You were on the yacht."

Pepper took the paper and put it on the table.Tony picked it up and flipped it a few times: "It seems that Steiner and Oppenzeid were not written?"

"We took care of it. Mr. Chris was a passing actor who imitated the White Knight. Obadiah was on a business trip. You know, small planes are prone to accidents."

"Don't you think it's too much like a movie script? It's still about superheroes." Tony put on a suit. "My bodyguard made a robot?"

"Those are things considered by the people above, Mr. Stark." Coulson didn't show much of his smile today.Because today was supposed to be his day off, and he happened to grab tickets to a game show, because he didn't go to Tony's business, but had to stay here with this playboy. "You just need to read it accordingly, we have arranged everything."

Coulson left the lounge.Outside the lounge, Chris was leaning against the door and playing games with a handheld.

"Consultant Chris, I have already arranged for Anthony Stark."

Chris didn't even raise his head: "It doesn't matter how detailed you arrange it for him, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't listen to you."

Coulson didn't show a surprised expression: "Mr. Anthony Stark has always done his own way, and I don't think he will follow our script. However, the director ordered that we give it a try."

At this time, at the podium outside.

This is the scene of the press conference where Tony is about to explain the "gas explosion" that happened near Stark Industries last night, and it is also the place where Tony announced the closure of the Stark Industries weapons department.

"I know it sounds outlandish. Of course you can question the official statement, but don't insinuate that I'm a superhero or something."

The female reporter who had a one-night exchange with Tony in the audience responded: "I never said that someone like you would be a superhero."

"No? Indeed, because it sounds too sci-fi." Tony glanced at the venue. "Honestly, I'm not superhero material."

"I've got so many personality flaws and caused so much trouble for everyone..." Tony babbled on stage.

Rhodes noticed something was wrong, walked to Tony's side and said, "Read it according to the script."

"Okay, okay." Tony nodded in agreement.

Picking up the manuscript, Tony read: "The actual situation is..."

But he was silent.He raised his eyes to look at the reporters in the venue, staring into the distance, he seemed to recall something.

"I am Iron Man." Putting down the manuscript, Tony said something unexpected but reasonable.

All the reporters present stood up, except for the female reporter who had already guessed. They couldn't wait to interview Tony.

Tony looked down at the female reporter who was still sitting, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if to say: I can't be a superhero?


"I'm Iron Man? Do you think you're the only one in the world who is a superhero?" When Tony returned home at night, he heard Jarvis' alarm as soon as he entered the door.

He walked into the room, and in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, a figure in a long black trench coat looked at the sea, with his back to Tony.

"Mr. Stark, you will become part of a larger universe, but you don't know it yet."

He turned slowly, with a blindfold covering one eye, his one eye staring at Tony.

And Chris was sitting on the sofa, eating French fries and drinking Coke alone, too busy playing games to look up.

"A new friend you brought in?" Tony asked Chris.

Chris didn't look up: "He's been waiting here for a long time before I entered the door, and he's already read to me the lines you heard just now."

"Mary Falk." Nick Fury yelled out his standard expletives when he heard Chris dismantling himself and destroying his majesty and mystery, then turned his head and continued to say to Tony, "Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I want to talk to you about joining the Avengers."

"Sounds like a debt collection scheme. And S.H.I.E.L.D. sounds familiar."

Nick nodded: "Chris Oppenzed is the special consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. This time, I'm here to invite you to be the technical consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony curled his lips, walked to Chris, and grabbed a handful of French fries while he was playing games: "It sounds like I'm a mechanic, and I'm still a hard worker. Besides, I don't even know what you are doing. I don’t even know, why join?”

"We are the guardians of world peace, and everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. shoulders a major mission and responsibility." Nick said this, paused, and glanced at Chris: "Chris is an exception, he One of the three founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and your father is also one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"The organization founded by the old man? Very good, then I choose not to join." Tony casually threw a few french fries that had become limp after sitting for a long time back on the plate, picked out the crispy ones and ate them up. She clapped her hands and dusted off the crumbs on her palms.

Nick frowned: "Listen, Tony Stark, since you have admitted your superhero status in front of the public, you should take that responsibility, at least keep your own attitude."

Nick invited Tony to join S.H.I.E.L.D. because Tony admitted to the public that he was Iron Man.But who knows, Tony's identity as "Iron Man" seems to be child's play at all.He felt that Tony could even dance on the dance floor in a suit, very reckless.

He somewhat regretted his decision.

"Listen, brat, you broke into my house on your own, and it was my kindness that I didn't kill you on the spot." Tony waved his hand at Nick disdainfully, and pointed the other hand in the direction of the exit, "I didn't Interested in joining an old fashioned institution. Now, leave."

Nick snorted, flung his windbreaker, and walked out of Tony's villa.

 In the past two days, I feel that my mood has been affected by book reviews, and I feel that the quality has also declined. I would like to apologize first.

  Then there is no more, I will try my best to write a plot that I plan to write recently.

(End of this chapter)

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