Chapter 87 Back to New York
Chris's memory of Tony's escape was very wrong.He always thought that Tony used the Mark I to kill the Quartet and leave the Ten Rings base after Ethan's sacrifice.But just before Tony destroyed the weapon arsenal, he finally remembered: Tony set fire wantonly after escaping from the cave, and was besieged by people with machine guns and other weapons within two steps, which destroyed a lot of circuits on his body and made it difficult to move. Then he left in embarrassment.

It's just that Chris's impression of Tony's escape at the beginning only left Ethan's death and Mark I flying out of the explosion, so he had a wrong memory.

The three managed to survive the explosion and escape from the base.

However, the three were not unscathed.Chris's ice wing was melted and blown up by the heat wave, forcing him to expend a lot of physical energy to repair the ice wing and maintain his flight.Tony is not much better, although the parts of his armor are made of special alloys used in missiles, which are resistant to high temperatures.But the cables everywhere in the powered armor are relatively low-quality civilian products.After being baptized by the flames, many cables were directly fused and burned, and the armor also lost power.

Now, Chris's ice wing had to bear the weight of three people and two armors to fly.Chris was a little physically weak due to the previous continuous explosions, and the overloaded flight was a severe drain on his physical strength.In the end, he had no choice but to take Tony and Ethan headlong into the desert.Fortunately, the flying altitude is not high.

Tony lay on the dunes surrounded by broken parts of the Mark I.The landing just now didn't have any runway or deceleration, it was all cushioned by the sand.Taking the helmet off, Tony tried to untangle the melted cables that had wrapped around him.He felt a severe pain in the bone of his left hand, which seemed to be because he touched the ground first with his left hand when he first landed, probably due to some fractures.

Neither was Chris. Of course, Aegis still maintains its "invincible" essence, but the wearer inside almost vomits blood due to the impact.Using time to recover from the injury slightly, Chris undid Ethan's freeze.

On the contrary, Ethan's condition was the best among the three. Under Chris's ice protection, he didn't get hurt at all, but he was slightly uncomfortable because the extremely cold ice transformed into the extremely hot desert under the scorching sun.

"It seems that everyone is not bad. Hey, Chris, can't you become a big bird and take us flying for a while, at least near the oasis or something." Tony was even in the mood to joke.

Chris removed his armor, sat casually on the sand, and handed over the walkie-talkie he got from Rhodes when he left the military base to Tony.

Although it is not as good as the walkie-talkie in Nick's hand and can even communicate between universes, the walkie-talkie provided by Rhodes also has the most basic positioning functions and mutual communication built in.Chris sent a message to Rhodes before making the move, and Rhodes should have already set off towards Chris' signal.

Another free crate of ice dew was bought from the system, and after Chris drank a bottle, he built a small semi-circular igloo with his slightly recovered physical strength.The three hid in the igloo, waiting for Rhodes to come.

When Rhode's helicopter unit arrived near the signal from Chris's walkie-talkie, the pilot easily noticed the small igloo on the sand dune with an extremely wrong style and the extremely conspicuous "SOS" made of ice on the roof .The helicopter skid landed on a relatively flat sandy ground. Rhodes came to the igloo and knocked on the roof. Tony and Ethan helped Chris out of the igloo.

It’s not that Chris’s physique is too weak, it’s that the deflation he suffered this time is the biggest deflation he has ever suffered. Even in the decisive battle with “Red Skull” Schmidt, he lost his strength due to the excessive power of using the ice barrier for the first time. Yes, I haven't been so tired this time.

However, looking at the rewards issued by the system, he was very satisfied.It's been so hard and tiring this time, and it's worth it to get this thing.

Rhodes helped the two of them put Chris, who was out of strength, into the back seat of the helicopter first, and then Ethan.Before Tony got on the plane, Rod said to him, "How does 'Joyful Jeep' feel?"

"Tense and exciting, unforgettable." Tony smiled wryly, "But now that I think about it, your 'boring Jeep' at least has good shock absorption."

Rhodes helped Tony onto the helicopter and patted him on the shoulder: "Come with me next time, OK?"

The plane quickly returned to the Bagram base.Tony has been missing for such a period of time, the people from Stark Industries are worried about him, and the people from the military are also restless. After all, Tony disappeared under their protection.

You can't even protect a capitalist who is usually the most valued by you. Just this kind of military department still wants to protect the United States?Most netizens tend to think this way about Tony's disappearance.

Therefore, after Tony was found, not only was he in a hurry to return to the United States, but even the military was in a hurry.Therefore, Chris can only take the military transport plane to go back, instead of taking the first-class cabin of Afghan Airlines that can be reimbursed.After all, there is no reason for reimbursement.

Ethan had no intention of leaving Afghanistan with Tony.

"Ethan, won't you go back with me? I need a private doctor to help me deal with my 'heart' problem." Tony kindly invited Ethan, "You don't have to worry about your family either, you can bring them along. "

Ethan was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm sorry, Tony. I lied to you before, and my family has gone to heaven long before."

"Oh, sorry, I mean, I forgive you for lying to me." Tony's excitement of getting out of trouble dimmed a little, "In that case, do you still want to go back to Grammy?"

Ethan's hometown is in Grameen, Afghanistan. It is a small town with the common problems of Afghan towns - backwardness, war and poverty.

"Well, I want to go back to my hometown. I may be needed as a doctor there." Ethan pushed his glasses.

The stationed officers were entrusted by Rhodes to send Ethan back to his hometown.He will also take the military plane back. For Tony's return, Rhodes needs to go to New York to participate in various press conferences as one of the military's spokespersons.

Before Tony boarded the plane, Ethan said goodbye to Tony.

"Goodbye buddy, if you miss me, come and see me in New York, You know who I am." Tony hugged Ethan with one hand, his left hand was fixed by plaster.

"I hope you won't forget me like you did in the millennium, Tony." Ethan hugged Tony, it seemed a little too hard, and Tony bared his teeth in pain.

"Of course not, I don't have any beautiful women around me this time."

The two separated and looked at each other.

"Thank you, Ethan, you saved my life."

"Then cherish it, Tony. Don't waste your life."

Tony nodded earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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