Chapter 88 Press Conference

2008, April 7.

Sitting on a military transport plane, Tony and his party landed at the airport in New York.After three months of disappearance, Tony returned to the United States again.

As soon as he landed, the hatch opened halfway, and Chris saw Pepper and Tony's bodyguard Happy in front of Tony.

Holding Tony's hand, Rhodes pulled him off the plane, Chris and Coulson walked behind.

"Be careful, go from here."

When the medical staff on the side saw Tony get off the plane, they hurriedly pushed a stretcher for Tony to lie down, causing him to frown: "Are you kidding me? Let them go away."

Seeing Tony's complexion was bad, but he was in good spirits, and Pepper, who had been worried about him, smiled.

"Should we lean back?" Chris said in Rhode's ear.

"When couples meet, we should give way," Rhodes continued.

Walking in front of Pepper, Tony curled his lips: "Your eyes are red. Some miss your missing boss?"

"I'm happy for the job. I hate having to interview for a job again." Wiping away unshed tears, Pepper feigned relief.

"Yeah, the vacation is over." Tony said, walking to the car, Happy quickly opened the door for him.Pepper sat in the back seat with Tony, tending to Tony's bandaged left hand.

"Where are you going, sir?" Happy put on the sunglasses, adjusted the rearview mirror, and boasted to himself: The sunglasses are so handsome.

Pepper replied, "Take us to the hospital, Happy."

"No." Tony interrupted Pepper.

"Not going? Tony?" Pepper was puzzled. "You have to go to therapy."

"My answer is no." Tony was firm.

"The doctor wants to examine your body..." "Don't force me to do anything." Tony interrupted Pepper again.

"I feel like I've been locked up for three years and I just want to do two things right now. Eat a cheeseburger and..."

Pepper closed her eyes and said helplessly, "That's enough."

"It's not what you think." Tony glanced at Pepper, who do you think I am? "I want you to hold a press conference for me."

"A press conference?" Pepper calmed down a lot when he heard that it wasn't what he thought.


"What about the release?" "I'll talk about it at that time, drive first, food is more important."

Rhodes is going to report to the superior.Logically, Chris would also report the trip to Nick.However, he decisively let Nick go.

"I'm a little hungry after being told by Tony, so I'll go buy a hamburger and eat it." Chris was playing with a gold and blue bottle-shaped object in his hand, "This thing may not be ready yet."

Lost in space, Chris can no longer teleport as he pleases.But just like when playing games, teleportation points can save a lot of time, but sometimes the scenery along the way is also part of the game experience.Chris took a taxi provided by the airport.


Happy drove Tony's luxury car into the driveway in front of the press conference.

Before Tony got out of the car, the people who greeted him at the venue began to applaud.Since Tony's accidental disappearance three months ago, while the stock price of Stark Industries has been falling steadily, the entertainment industry has also been calm for a long time because of the absence of Tony, the "catfish".Now that Tony is going to hold a press conference after his return, the reporters naturally surrounded him like sharks smelling blood.

At the head of the welcoming crowd was Tony's uncle Killer 47, I mean Obadiah Stein.

Seeing Tony get out of the car, Obadiah quickly stepped forward and gave Tony a hug: "Oh, Tony."

Tony wiped the mustard from his lips with a wipe, and gave Obadiah a one-handed hug because his left hand was in a cast.

"We were going to see you at the hospital."

"It's not necessary, I'm fine." Stuffing the wipes into the car, Tony looked back into the car.

"Oh, look at you." Looking at the cast on Tony's right hand, Obadiah pretended to be distressed, but Tony didn't see it because he turned his head.

Chris had already been waiting near the venue, also holding a cheeseburger in his hand.Tony's favorite is the cheeseburger. Chris tasted it, and it was really good, comparable to the sandwich in Del Mar.

Seeing Tony looking back at the car, Happy quickly took the Burger King packing bag and put it on the seat of the car.Tony reached out and felt inside, trying to pull out the last one.

"I also brought a hamburger, I have to eat some." Obadiah patted Tony on the shoulder.

Finally took it out, Tony Bian opened the wrapping paper of the burger with one hand while walking: "Okay, let's go."

Obadiah looked at the only hamburger in Tony's hand and the empty delivery bag, and said suspiciously, "Do you have anything else for me?"

Tony lowered his head: "There's only one, and I haven't eaten it yet."

Obadiah remembered the sauce on Tony's mouth when he got out of the car, and thought: Damn Stark!
Among the reporters who watched Tony walk into the venue, Pepper let go of the big stone in his heart and let out a sigh of relief.Chris walked to Pepper's side: "It's really hard for you to take care of such a young child."

"It's okay if it's just capricious," Pepper sighed, "It's too worrying, and if I have a child in the future, it must be a girl."

"Then she must kiss Tony a little bit more. She loves you only seven or eight hundred times, and she may love Tony three thousand times." Chris smiled like an old father, and Pepper blushed directly.

"Who would marry that Tony guy and have children, just such a playboy!" Pepper hurried away and walked into the venue.

As Pepper walked into the venue, the people outside the venue had dispersed in sevens and eighties.The onlookers were not invited reporters, and they didn't have the relevant passes, and the reporters had already followed Tony to enter the venue.Only Chris and a few idlers were left outside.

"Hey, isn't this Chris?" The guard patrolling the venue was an old man with white hair, wearing a police uniform and sunglasses.

"Does the old man want a hamburger?" Chris bought a lot of hamburgers after tasting it. At this time, he took one out of the paper bag and handed it to the old man.

The old man took a bite of the burger: "Wow, it tastes really good."

"Yeah. I remember eating at other places before, but not anywhere else." A hand rested on Chris' shoulder.

Turning around, it was Coulson with a smile on his face: "Mr. Consultant, the director asked me to come to you. About Anthony Edward Stark's movements."

"Then it's a coincidence for you, we can just stay outside, and it will end soon anyway." Chris pointed to the hall.Tony's meeting was not held in a conference room or something, it was simply posted in the lobby.

After receiving the hamburger from Chris, Coulson, the old guard and Chris squatted on the tiles of the flower bed and listened to the movement in the venue.

Soon, Tony's voice came out of it: "So, I decided to close the Stark Industries weapons department." The clubhouse instantly became noisy, and the reporters asked questions one after another, and then Obadiah's voice came out through the microphone to reject them. ask questions.

Facing the slightly deceived Coulson, Chris swallowed the last bite of the hamburger, wiped his fingers with the supplied tissue, and stood up: "Come on, now we can report to Nick."

(End of this chapter)

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