It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 86 1 Soaring into the sky!

Chapter 86 Soaring into the sky!
It took Chris five full days to find the base of the Ten Rings Gang - in a big mountain, by using the ultra-high mobility of space descending.

The price of efficiency is that the arrival of space is completely turned into a white card.Now, of the Advent Cards in Chris' hands, there is only one hour of Advent of Time left and the Advent of Reality, which is also not much left.

In this case, he can only rely on his other abilities as much as possible to deal with the siege of the Ten Rings Gang.Although the explosion made by the Ten Rings was not as powerful as the pumpkin bomb of "Green Goblin" Norman Osborn last time, they were superior in numbers, and the explosions were almost uninterrupted under the tacit cooperation.

After all, it was not ordinary civilians rioting. Although the Ten Rings Gang were not professional kidnappers, they were professional terrorists.Otherwise, it would not have been possible to hide in Afghanistan for so long, even though he had been fighting against the army without leaving his name.

Chris also tried to intrude into the crowd, so that they would throw a mouse.But immediately two people tried to bypass Chris and enter the cave.Chris could only retreat into the cave and continue to defend.

Compared with the original world line where Tony killed them like chopping melons and vegetables, Chris felt that he was playing on [Human] difficulty, and he was [Dante Must Die].

He also tried to make weapons such as throwing guns, but he was often interrupted by explosions only halfway through, and he couldn't succeed at all.Even the previous spears were destroyed in successive explosions.These nasty homemade explosives were like punching Chris in the face, not fatal, but he just didn't have the room to fight back.

However, slowly, the frequency of explosions began to decrease.After all, although these freedom fighters are good at various types of explosions, they will never store too many explosives in the base.

Looking at the situation, Chris felt that as long as he endured for a while, he would be able to wait for the opportunity to fight back.

Sure enough, within a few breaths, the bombing of the Ten Rings stopped.Because of the sound of the explosion, Chris couldn't hear the muttering outside the cave.

Holding an ice tower shield in his hand, he carefully poked his head out of the cave cover.The tower shield was transparent, so his vision was not blocked, and he could clearly see several freedom fighters aiming at him with their guns.The bullets were easily blocked by the shield, and even the grenades thrown by the ambushing people were perfectly tolerated.Chris showed a smug smile and easily repaired the slight crack on the shield.

It seemed that this group of people was just trying to lure themselves out before the reserves of explosives were completely exhausted, and came up with a wave of fierce fighting, but they were seen through by themselves.Thinking about it this way, most of these people are at the end of their rope.

Time to perform real techniques!Chris pressed on the tower shield, and a knife handle was created from the center of the tower shield.Chris pulled it out slightly, and was about to walk out.When it comes to miscellaneous warfare, Chris is quite confident in himself.

The right foot stepped outside the cave, but before the left foot fell into the air, Chris felt as if his foot was caught by something, and suddenly lifted it upwards.The balance of his whole body was also destroyed because of this, and he was hung upside down on one foot like a prey caught in a net.

Although only one foot is bound by a rope, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.However, it is very difficult to break free from this simple and effective trap.Either someone unfastens the other end of the rope to allow Chris to land, or Chris has to bend forward in a sitting position against gravity while suspended in the air, and cut the rope with a sharp weapon.

A group of members of the Ten Rings who hid themselves and set up a trap came out from the blind spot of Chris's vision.The cave is his hiding place and cover, but the cave's wall has also become a blind spot for his vision.It was the cover of the explosion and the cover of the bunker, and these people almost set up a trap against Chris in front of Chris.

Chris had just reacted from the sudden attack, and reached out to grab the handle of the knife on the tower shield that fell to the ground.He has already made part of the ice blade, as long as he pulls it out from the tower shield, he can cut the rope hanging from his feet upside down.Another grenade hit Chris.Not only was the action interrupted, but the tower shield was also sent flying.

He fell into the predicament of being unable to fight back again, and it was not even as good as before. He didn't even have a bunker, so he could only be beaten.

Two members of the Ten Rings who had just fired grenades were about to continue bombing Chris when a burst of fire suddenly interrupted their actions.The cycle of bombing was interrupted.Chris seized the opportunity and created an ice wall in front of him that was strong enough to cover him.Holding his hand on the ice wall as a point of strength, he pulled out a short knife from the ice, and Chris cut the rope and landed.

Only then did he have time to look back.

In the cave passage, Tony was wearing a thick wasteland-style armor, holding the gate that was just blown away by homemade explosives as a shield in his hand, protecting important joints on his body.And Ethan hid behind Stark, attacking the Ten Rings as a supplementary firepower in the gap.He shot the shuttle bullet just now.

"Old Antique really should retire." Tony's smiling voice came from under the helmet, "It's too miserable to be in such a mess."

"I hate explosions the most in my life, and there are nets." Chris began to assist the ice crystal, and the power of the sky gun dragon was attached to the armor.When he walked out of the cave at the beginning, Chris only used the five-star bombardment, thinking that this alone was enough to deal with the enemies that Tony could easily annihilate.

But Chris suffered a big loss again because of his slowness.Although his current strength can be said to be very strong, slowness is his biggest weakness.Even if he has fallen twice in the hands of the "weak" in his eyes, he may still not be able to change this.Come to think of it, it's not just Chris, this situation is actually quite common.

Just like when the player's combat power reaches seven or eight thousand, if you go to a dungeon of mobs with a combat power of two or three thousand, you will naturally not take it as seriously as before.Not only may they not even add buffs, but some players even don't even bother to use their skills, thinking that they can level A in seconds, and then accidentally overturn at the end.

For another example, it doesn't have to be too far.It often appears in Kamen Rider's Tokusho. After the protagonist and his party get a powerful transformation, they encounter enemies who need to open a new form to defeat before, but they continue to use a relatively weak basic form, and then they have to roll on the ground After being exhausted, he reluctantly took out Bandai's new toys.

The most Chris can do is to go all out to make up for it after suffering a loss.This may be the so-called "white knight, full fire."By the way, he thought: Is it because he used too many guns that his luck was constantly changed to E?
The three pushed forward outside the cave.

Tony's Mark I ignored the bullets with its solid armor, and set fire to it with the flamethrower in his hand.The flame turned into a huge wave and spread among the Ten Rings gang.They could withstand the fear that Chris could kill their comrades with a precise shot, but they couldn't resist the instinctive fear of flames. Many people ran away howling, and those who were on fire rolled on the ground trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies. .

Under the cover of Tony, Chris successfully lifted off and turned into a flying dragon, throwing ice guns and bombing wantonly, venting his previous embarrassment.

Ethan is OMO at the edge of the battlefield, only poking his head out from time to time to confirm that everyone's attention is attracted by Chris in the air and Tony in the crowd, and then sneak attack a few shots, even without seeking results, shrink back after the fight go back.

At this time, Tony noticed the warehouse in the corner of the base sharply.In front of the warehouse door, there are a lot of Stark Industries weapons and even several missiles, but they are not as advanced as the latest Jericho.He raised his left hand.

Chris turned into a bomber in the air and noticed Tony's figure.Seeing Tony's arm pointing to the location of the warehouse, he suddenly remembered something, and just about to tell Tony to stop temporarily, a homemade explosive thrown high into the air exploded.Although he used his high mobility to make up for the explosion, and shot the thrower into a string with a backhand shot, the words he just said were completely covered by the sound of the explosion.

Tony tapped his left arm with his right hand, revealing a tiny missile under the left arm armor.The missile was manually activated by Tony and flew straight towards the warehouse.The weapon in front of the door was instantly detonated by Tony, and even caused a series of explosions among the weapons in the warehouse.

Chris swooped down to the front of the cave, picked up Ethan and put him in the ice, and flew up first.Seeing Chris take Ethan away, Tony didn't stay any longer. He pressed a button on his body, and the propeller was turned on at the foot, and the fuel was quickly converted into kinetic energy, pushing Tony into the air like a rocket.

The moment the three of them flew up, all parts of the base of the Ten Commandments gang fell into a big explosion, and the flames almost reached the height of the mountain.In the flames, Chris flew out holding Ethan, followed by Tony.The three of them flew out of the flames and soared into the sky!
 To paraphrase Guo Degang's words:

  General ability, limited level, just give more (not)
(End of this chapter)

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