Chapter 8
On the night of June 6st.

Today is the last day of training, and tomorrow is the weekend.

The army gave the soldiers a vacation to relieve the exhaustion and pressure accumulated in this week's training.

The soldiers in Steve's class all took money to go out and drink, or smoke and drink, or pick up girls, or both.In short, Steve was the only one left in the camp, sitting on his bed and reading a book quietly.

In fact, he was a little nervous, nervous that he would be selected to participate in "that plan" out of a group of outstanding soldiers.He was so nervous that he couldn't read the book.

He didn't know what "that plan" was, why was he chosen, what would he face?As far as he is concerned, his reason for joining the army is to want to do something, so as not to be mediocre.Although his dream is to end the war so that people will not sacrifice, but he knows that it is just a dream.

With my own ability, I guess I can only realize this idea in my dream.Sighing, Rogers came back to his senses and ended his cranky thoughts, and returned his attention to the book to continue reading.

And at this moment, the door of the room was knocked, and after the door opened, half body leaned out from the outside, it was Professor Erskine: "Is it convenient for me to come in?"

"No problem." Steve put the bookmark back, closed the book and put it on the bedside and got up quickly.Anyway, I just planned to continue watching, and Professor Erskine didn't bother me.

Besides, I have never spoken to Professor Erskine alone since the day of the military inspection, and now I have the opportunity to express my gratitude.

The professor walked in from outside the door. He was blocked by the door before, but now Steve found that the professor was holding a bottle of wine and a glass in his hand.

"Can't sleep?" Professor Erskine put the cup on Steve's bedside table and sat on the opposite side of his bed.

"I'm a little nervous."

"Haha, me too."

Steve picked up the cup and put it in a position to prevent it from falling: "Professor, can I ask you a question?"

"Just one?" The professor put the folded quilt on the other side of the bed to make himself more comfortable.

Steve worked up his courage: "Why me?"

The professor was silent for a while.

"I think that's the most critical question." The professor looked at the bottle in his hand, "The answer goes back to Augsburg, my hometown."

Augsburg, located in Germany.

"Many people have forgotten that the first country China invaded was actually their homeland."

"You know, after World War I, our people struggled." The professor seemed to be thinking of better words to express himself clearly, "They feel weak, they feel small."

"At this time, Hitler appeared with a parade, a grand show and colorful flags."

Pushing his glasses, the professor continued: "He heard about me, me and my research, and then he found me."

"He said, 'You'."

"He said, 'You'll make us strong'."

"And I'm not interested in it." The professor looked a little decadent.

"So, he established 'Hydra'."

Steve has an impression of this term: "Hydra in Greek mythology?"

"Chop off one head and grow two." The professor nodded. "That's his research institution. The leader is a brilliant scientist—John Schmidt."

"Right now, Schmidt is a member of his inner circle."

"He was ambitious, and both he and Hitler were interested in Germanic mythology and the supernatural."

"Hitler inspired his followers with his fantasies," the professor said, becoming more serious, "but with Schmidt, it was not a fantasy."

"It was all real to him. He came to believe that God had buried a great power in the ground, waiting for a superhuman to acquire that power."

"So when Schmidt learned about my formula and how it worked, he couldn't resist the temptation anymore."

"Schmidt has to be that Superman."

Rogers listened carefully: "That really made him stronger?" He seemed to have some idea of ​​"that plan" in his mind.

"Yes. But, there are other side effects as well."

"The serum formula was not perfect at that time, but the most important thing was the injection target." The professor's face was full of fear caused by memories, "The serum strengthens everything in the body, so good becomes super strong."

"Bad, very bad."

Steve recalled what the professor said just now, "Schmidt is full of ambition", and seemed to understand: "His character"

The professor nodded: "That's why you were chosen."

"Because a powerful man may lose respect for power by knowing it from his birth."

"And a weak man, who understands the value of strength, and compassion."

Steve lowered his eyes to digest everything the professor said: "Thank you for saying this."

The professor saw that Steve was a little understanding, smiled, waved to him, and picked up the wine bottle he had put aside.Steve understood what the professor meant and picked up the empty glass from the bedside table.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing." The professor unscrewed the lid, poured a glass of wine for Steve and himself, and said, "Keep your current mentality."

After pouring the wine, he put down the bottle and pointed to Steve's heart: "Not a perfect soldier, but a good man."

Steve thought for a moment and raised his glass: "To the weak."

The professor smiled, agreed to raise his glass, and clinked glasses with Steve.

Just when Steve had brought the cup to his mouth and was about to tilt the cup to drink, the professor remembered something and said in a panic: "No, no, wait, wait. What am I doing?"

He snatched the wine glass from Steve's hand: "No, you have something to do tomorrow, don't drink." He said, pouring Steve's wine back into his own glass.

Steve was left speechless by the professor: "Okay, let's drink after we finish."

The professor shrugged: "No, I don't have any plans for tomorrow. Why do I have to drink it later? I'm going to do it now." Then he drank the wine in the glass.

It's not as deep as it was when I communicated with Steve just now.Seeing this, Steve smiled.

Steve stayed in the tent and continued to read while the professor walked out the door.Outside the door, Chris was leaning against the wall and waiting for the professor.

"Dean, have you finished communicating with Steve?"

"Well, I'm sure again that I made the right choice." The professor handed the glass to Chris and asked him to hold one for himself. "Unfortunately, I may not have the chance to get drunk with him again."

Chris patted the professor on the shoulder.

What the professor meant was that after the experiment was successful, Steve might not get drunk again.

But Chris knew that this was the last time the professor and Captain America drank.

 The update time is temporarily fixed at [-] o'clock in the morning, and then it will be uploaded separately after the code is finished.
(End of this chapter)

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