It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 7 Wisdom and Character Far Better Than Strength

Chapter 7 Wisdom and Character Far Better Than Strength
Steve walked closer, observed the flagpole from top to bottom, and sighed slightly how high the flagpole was.

The counselor was a little unhappy: "Rodgers! As I said, I'm included!"

Steve didn't respond to the instructor's brusque tone, but leaned over and pulled out the pin that held the flagpole in place.Then give it a light push.

The tall flagpole lost its fixation, was easily pushed down, and fell to the open space.Steve threw away the unplugged pin, walked a short distance towards the flagpole, and picked up the flag that was originally high above.

Almost everyone looked at Rogers without speaking.Carter, who had been bored from just now, smiled now.

Steve rolled up and folded the flag, walked to the counselor in small steps, and stuffed the flag into his hand: "Thank you, sir."

Then, he jumped into the back seat of Carter's jeep.

Hodge kept staring at Steve, didn't speak, just "hummed" in disdain.

Carter looked back at Rogers, showed a charming smile, wrote something casually on the clipboard resting on his lap, and directed the driver to drive away.

Carter's screening, over.

On June 6, the open space on the training ground.

Carter is responsible for today's training, she let the soldiers push-ups. "Come on girls, come on."

Which one can stand being called a "girl", the big guys struggled up and down one by one.Steve didn't change from his previous performance, the stretching remained the same, even though he tried his best, his upper body was supported, and his waist really didn't have the strength to pull his lower body up again.

"My grandmother is more passionate than you. May the Lord save her soul." Carter was not only aggressive, but also poisonous. At least she was a young girl just now, and now she has become her dead grandmother. "Move!"

Not far away, Professor Abraham, Chris and Colonel Phillips came, but the soldiers did not see them.They are already exhausted from training.

"You don't really want Rogers, do you?" Colonel Phillips said to Professor Erskine.

"I really think so, he is the best candidate."

Chris interjects: "I know Steve, he's a friend of mine. I also think he's the best fit."

"You all think a 90-pound tuberculosis can be a role model for soldiers? Don't be kidding!" Colonel Phillips was stubborn. "Professor, when you put him in my barracks, I let him go."

"I thought he might be useful to you, but like a gerbil."

"But I never thought you would choose him?"

"Unbelievable?" Chris smiled, "But a noble character and extraordinary wisdom are far better than a strong physique."

"Noble character on the battlefield can't help you hold a machine gun, and extraordinary intelligence doesn't mean you can stun a gun with a head hammer." Colonel Phillips still insisted on his own screening method.

"I even wondered if the needle would go right through the arm of that little guy when he got the injection."

At this time, the three of them had already walked not far from the soldiers.Carter's push-ups were over, and now they were jumping and clapping.Other people's movements are uniform, and they look masculine.On the other hand, Rogers' movements were weak and weak, like elementary school students doing radio gymnastics without the supervision of a disciplinary committee, weak and weak.

"Look at him, I'm going crazy," Phillips complained.In fact, if he didn't know Steve's character, the side effects of the medicine, and Steve's future, Chris would have been a little bit reluctant to see Steve's performance.Well, in fact, I can't watch it now.

"I also agree with what the lieutenant colonel said, wisdom and character are far superior to strength. What I seek is quality other than physical fitness." Professor Erskine explained to the colonel, "I believe you already know the test results of Agent Carter yesterday, Rodgers was the only one to get the flag."

"I don't approve of people who play tricks." The colonel looked unhappy, "Do you know how long I spent on this plan?"

Knowing that the colonel was about to start complaining again, Erskine turned his head aside, but Phillips ignored it and complained to the professor on his own:
"How many times have I groveled before the Senator. What's his name?"


"Yeah, I know."

"I know all the hard work you put in."

"Then throw me a bone. Hodge passed every test we had."

"He failed Carter's test, and I don't think he's a good character," Chris countered the Colonel.

"But he is strong and fast, and he obeys orders. He is a qualified soldier." The colonel gave Chris a white look. "If the target is him, he will be stronger and faster."

But the professor disagreed with Phillips' assessment of Hodge: "He's a stupid cow."

"You don't win wars with grace, Doctor," said Phillips. "We want soldiers, not gentlemen or inventors."

"Then let me prove the usefulness of character in war." Chris took out a model grenade from the ammunition box loaded on the truck beside him, and pulled out the safety and latch.

After speaking, he threw it into the training team. The throw was accurate and the model rolled to the front of the team, at Hodge's feet.

The professor said very cooperatively: "Grenade!"

Halfway through the training, the soldiers only saw a black spherical object rolling over, and heard "grenade" again, and they all panicked instantly.

Hodge was the quickest to react, and rushed out in a short time. With his long legs, he hid behind a car in the distance to avoid it.

The others were a little slower, and they also moved away from here one after another, dodging as if fleeing.

Steve at the end of the team was the slowest to react, but contrary to the Colonel's expectations, he instead flew against the fleeing crowd and covered the grenade model with his body.And even Carter didn't move as fast as him.At the same time, he also shouted: "Run away! Back off!"

At this time, he was thin and small, but his voice was extremely loud in the training ground that was instantly reduced to silence.

After waiting for a long time for no explosion, the soldiers who had fled before turned back to look in Steve's direction with some regret.Hodge also stuck his head out from behind the armored vehicle.

Steve himself wondered, why didn't it explode for so long?Opening the eyes that were closed due to nervousness and fear before, he looked at Carter who was standing in front of him, looked around, and sat up.

"This is just a model of a grenade." Chris threw the safety latch casually, walked up to Steve and pulled him to stand up, and said to the surroundings, "The crisis is over, and everyone returns to the team."

Professor Erskine smiled and looked at Colonel Phillips.Even an old stubborn Colonel Phillips couldn't say "Hodge is better than Steve on the battlefield" anymore, but his face was stiff and embarrassed, and he didn't look away from Erskine: "He's still too thin. "

But anyone who knows the truth knows that this is no longer a problem.In other words, Phillips has agreed, and he agrees that Steve is the target of the super soldier project.

Carter looked at Rogers with admiration in his eyes.

Steve still didn't recover, and asked Chris, "Is this a test?"

Chris spread his hands: "Don't worry, you are the top scorer in a single subject."

 The time I like to code is in the dead of night, with a cup of hot water to enjoy the undisturbed time slowly
  just think

(End of this chapter)

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