Chapter 6 Screening

Carter hit Hodge, and Hodge didn't dare to say anything at all.This is to offend myself first, but Carter is just a girl who is easy to bully.But who knew that this beauty was so tough, one second she spoke calmly, and the next second she punched her in the face.

Hodge couldn't fight back either.Making fun of your boss can also be justified as an exchange of feelings. If you dare to fight with your boss, you will have to go to a military court.No matter how aggrieved I am now, I have to endure it now.

"Agent Carter." Someone called Carter from the back of the line. Carter put away his fists and stood still, looking at the middle-aged man who circled back to the front from the back of the line, "Colonel Phillips."

"I see you're mingling with the candidates, which is good." But no, it's really "fighting" together.Colonel Phillips naturally had something to do in the back, but he also watched the whole process.If Carter was his relative being molested by Hodge in this way, the colonel doubted whether he could restrain his temper and not draw his gun.

"Get up from the ground for me, and stand on that line obediently before someone gives you other orders." Although the colonel's tone seemed more emotionless than flat, Hodge sounded more intimidating than Carter, and hurriedly walked away Staggered up on the ground.Looking at his face again, his nose is a little crooked, the corners of his eyes are a little dark, and his nose is even bleeding.

Carter's punch was really hard.

"Yes, sir!" Having learned such a painful lesson, even a bastard like Hodge became honest and obedient.

"General Patton once said that war is fought with weapons, but it needs people to win." Colonel Phillips began to walk around the team, "Because we have the best soldiers, we will win this war."

Before he finished speaking, his voice gradually decreased.Why?He saw Steve here.Steve, who was already thin, was so conspicuous against the big muscular fighters on both sides.

Colonel Phillips crossed the line and looked at the professor at the back of the line. The professor didn't say anything, so Colonel Phillips had no choice but to continue to talk about his own situation: "It's also because they will become better and better."

With that said, Colonel Phillips concluded his speech and walked aside.

Another person came from the back of the team and said as he walked, "Let me introduce our organization."

Steve was a little surprised that someone came, it was actually Chris?

How could Chris be an officer, and looking at his shoulder, he seemed to be a lieutenant colonel?

That's thanks to the props that Chris opened from the novice gift pack.

"Identity certificate", obtain an identity that adapts to the current situation on the basis of one's own identity, and obtain certain supplementary props, there is a possibility of being seen through, and the use is restricted (2/3).

Compared with all kinds of magical abilities that can destroy the world, Chris thinks this thing is really easy to use.After all, I didn't live in the Middle Ages, and it was difficult to move forward without an identity in modern society.

After using the "identity certificate" once, Chris obtained a key and a wallet. There are various certificates and a considerable amount of money in the wallet. Labeled.

At the same time, he also got a considerable part of memory instillation, from basic military literacy to scientific research skills.Although it will not reach the sky in one step, it can be guaranteed that it will not easily reveal its flaws.

The current Chris is a member of the Institute of Strategic Sciences and a liaison officer of the military. His military rank is Lieutenant Colonel. Among the few people present, he is second only to Colonel Phillips, and the right to speak is due to the bonus of the Institute of Strategic Sciences. , almost equal to Colonel Phillips.

"The Institute of Strategic Sciences is an organization that brings together the best scientific talents of allies in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history." Chris followed the "tradition" of Agent Carter and Colonel Phillips, walking back and forth Walking around, patrolling the team while explaining.

"But every great army starts with a soldier."

"After the training, we'll screen out that guy this weekend, and he'll be the first new super soldier."

"They will personally escort Hitler to the gate of hell." Colonel Phillips on the side added, which can be regarded as an affirmation of Chris's introduction.

The week-long training and screening of targets for the Super Soldier program began.

As the most special person, Steve is always so "outstanding" in the team.

In the camp, Steve passed the time by reading some books to feed his brain.The figure has been fixed from birth, and Steve can only supplement the brain the day after tomorrow.The other comrades in the camp chose to fight and wrestle.

Climbing the net frame, the movements of the others were quick and skilled, especially Hodge.Although this man's personality is not good at all, he is indeed the soldier with the best physical fitness.

On the other hand, Steve not only moved slowly, but also often let go of the net rope due to lack of energy, and fell headfirst with his feet hooked on the net and hung on the net.

In the project of crawling on muddy ground, Steve alone can fall behind the long line, and the people behind him also slow down because of him, like a traffic jam during the evening rush hour.Hodge, on the other hand, is often able to move quickly.

It's just that this person has a really bad personality. Seeing Steve like this, he often even caused damage, such as kicking a wooden stake and falling the barbed wire above the mud floor, making Steve's column even more blocked.The people in the back couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to bypass other teams to move on, leaving only Steve alone, with the mud on one side and the fallen barbed wire behind him, unable to move.

The training time is extremely long for the soldiers, but it is much faster for the bystanders.In a few days, it will be the weekend.

The closer to the weekend, the higher the intensity of the training. Even the big muscle fighters can't stand the increasingly severe training, not to mention the thin and small Steve.There are only a few people who can barely survive, but even the strongest Hodge feels exhausted from the spirit.

In the four-person discussion, the first few days will be completely handed over to Colonel Phillips to conduct physical training for the soldiers, and the next few days will be discussed by Carter, Chris, and Professor Abraham Erskine who discovered Steve. Screening for qualities other than target physical fitness.

However, the selection of the latter three will not be put on the bright side. Soldiers will only know that the most "excellent" soldiers will become better super soldiers.

Then again, the final pick won't be decided by Chriss, Carter or Phillips.The final goal of the project is determined by Dr. Erskine, who invented the super soldier serum, and he has one vote.

June 6th, today's main training is long-distance running
Carter's postgraduate entrance examination came first.She parked a jeep in the middle of the soldiers' long-distance running training, next to a tall flagpole.

"Come on! Speed ​​up! Go, go!" The instructor led the soldiers and encouraged them.Soon they were at Carter's jeep, "Every class, pause!"

The soldiers stopped, took a breath and stood together.Except for Rodgers, who is a long way behind the team.He put his hands on his knees, and although he knew it was not good, he still couldn't stop panting.

"That flag means that we have only run halfway. The first person who gives me the flag can go back in the car with Agent Carter." The counselor pointed to the flag fluttering in the wind on the top of the tall flagpole, and then waved to urge everyone ,"hurry up!"

I heard that not only can you not continue the long-distance running, but you can even go back in the car with the beautiful agent Carter. The young men in full swing couldn't bear it. They seemed to have forgotten the exhaustion and muscle soreness after the long-distance running. They crowded around the flagpole one by one, scrambling to climb.

"Come on! Climb up!"

But the fatigue and physical exertion after exercise are not so easily overcome by will, and the flagpole is smooth and straight without relay points, and no one person can climb higher than one person.

"If you only have this ability, this army will be in trouble!" The instructor's urging didn't stop.

On the other hand, Hodge, who climbed very safely, actually surpassed the height of a person.The onlookers stepped aside, as if to see how high and if the strongest among them could climb.

It is a pity that even Hodge did not create a miracle. He was only a little taller than the other person. His clamped feet were slightly loosened due to the soreness caused by the long-distance running, and the whole person slid down the flagpole.

"No one has got that flag in 17 years." The counselor didn't forget to throw out all kinds of attractive words to make them work hard.It's like casting a bait. No one got that flag in 17 years, which means that once he succeeds, he will be the first person in 17 years.

Even so, no one ever succeeded.So the counselor also gave up and blew the whistle to order the soldiers to return to the team.

"Come back quickly and form a team, hurry up and line up!" Even though the counselor has spoken, there are still a few people trying to challenge, just in case.

But none of them succeeded. After failing, they had to leave the crowd and return to the queue to be challenged by the next unbelieving challenger.

"Start, hurry up and form the team!" The counselor urged to return to the team again, and almost everyone had already become the loser of this challenge and returned to the team in despair.

Except for Rogers, he just regained his breath and walked towards the flagpole step by step.

 The update time is automatically set, but sometimes it will be passed on after the code is finished

(End of this chapter)

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