Chapter 5
The Red Skull put the Cosmic Rubik's Cube into the prepared instrument, twisted it, and locked the entire handle and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in the instrument.

Schmidt had finished the work, and Zola began to operate the instrument automatically.

Taking caution as his credo, he didn't drive too high for the first time, "20%"

Seeing that there was no problem with the instrument, he continued to turn the knob.A smile appeared on Red Skull's stiff face, and he "rubbed" the skin under his chin with his hands, as if smoothing it out to prevent it from wrinkling.



"70%, very stable."

Zola is calm and steady, but Schmidt is impatient and can't wait: "I've done so much, I didn't do it to save my life, Doctor." With a sigh of relief, he turned the knob to the maximum.

The instrument can't stop the shining of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Blue light leaks out from various gaps in the instrument, and the energy is visible to the naked eye. Through the conduit connected to the instrument, it leads to another part of the room.

In the room, the leaked energy is almost distributed in the air, but at the same time it gathers in the collecting bottle at the other end of the instrument.The turbulent energy seemed to be screaming piercingly, and Zola and Schmidt almost stared blankly at the scene in front of them beyond their cognition.

After all, the energy is too ferocious to be tamed.As a battery somewhere exploded due to overload and leaked sparks, the blue energy all over the room quickly disappeared, and the room returned to silence.If it wasn't for the electric sparks still beating, Zola and Schmidt couldn't be sure whether the scene they saw just now was real or their delusions.

The two looked at each other. "What's going on?" Zora asked in a low voice.

Schmidt's gaze was attracted by someone somewhere, and he didn't even look at Zola who was approaching, but just stared at that thing in a daze, put one hand on Zola's shoulder, and pointed at that with the other: "I You should be congratulated, Anim."

"Your designs didn't disappoint me, although they could use a little more work."

Staring at the collection bottle emitting the same faint blue light as the Rubik's Cube, Zola hardly heard what Schmidt was saying, and silently watched the thing.

It seemed to be an unparalleled masterpiece in the world. Although the artificial carrier was mixed in to make this work of art appear a little flawed, it could not conceal its holiness.Although it is slightly inferior to the peerless beauty of the main body, this collection bottle is indeed a proof that human beings have reached out to the great gods!

Slightly recovering from this "work of art", Zola responded to Schmidt: "The exchange process is very stable, eye-opening!"

"The energy we just collected can drive my products, all products!" Even Zola, who was a little timid, showed the crazy look of a genius scientist at this time.Taking off his glasses, he looked into the distance, "This will change the course of the war!"

"Dr Zola," Schmidt said, standing beside him, half-affirmative, half-negative, "this will change the whole world!"

In the depths of the snow-capped mountains, apart from these two, no one knew what terrible and great thing was born at this time.The situation of the war will be rewritten, and the destiny of the world will be reconstructed.

—————Can you believe that Zora is actually a geneticist———

April 6

Steve had an excited night yesterday.

As early as before, he had participated in four military inspections, three of which he used forged information to participate in.

And just last night, his falsified information to participate in the military inspection was exposed by a person dressed as an old scientist.

The moment the soldier wearing the armband walked into the medical examination room, Steve felt like his heart was about to jump out of panic.

The old scientist asked Steve a simple question—whether he wanted to eradicate the virus.Out of his heart, Steve did not lie in order to pass, and answered him that he wanted to join the army not to destroy anyone but to stop the war.

Surprisingly, the man seemed very satisfied and said he would give himself a chance.He then printed "1A" on his military inspection report.You know, this is the highest level of the US military enlistment appraisal, and the previous self has only been 4F.

With the enlistment notice and the military inspection report, Steve came to the army to report early the next morning, received his military uniform, and learned about his unit.

The strange thing is that according to the soldiers who distributed the uniforms, their unit will not participate in the war in the near future.Obviously the front line is so tense, is it to train us?But Bucky went to war without even participating in a lot of training?

With doubts, Steve joined the team.The team was not large. Although I didn't observe it carefully, there were only about a dozen people, barely considered a class.

Moreover, the soldiers in the team are over 1.8 meters per capita, and there are not many thin ones. Steve seems to stand out from the crowd, directly lowering the average height.

Steve and his team didn't have to wait for a long time. After a while, a yellow-painted military jeep drove up from a distance, and four people got off from it and stood not far behind them.

With a whistle, the instructor on the side shouted "Get ready, practice!".But the old fritters in the team still didn't take it seriously, they were still chatting with each other, exchanging interesting and trivial things they encountered with each other, or discussing the new Steve as a joke.

"Recruit, stand at attention!" A pretty female officer walked out from the side of the team.Even though he didn't look back to see who got in and out of the jeep, Steve figured she was one of them.

You can ignore what the counselors said before, but the superior officer has already walked in front of you and asked you to stand at attention, so they will naturally stop pretending to be deaf and pretend not to hear, and stand up in military posture one by one.Although Steve had already stood in a military posture before, compared with such a big and tall military posture, Steve seemed nondescript, especially in terms of height, no matter how you looked at it, he was "prominent".

"Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter, and I am in charge of all operations of this organization." While talking, Carter patrolled the team.

"What's the matter with your accent, Queen Victoria?" But one woman in the team seemed to be confused by Carter's beauty, and mistakenly thought that he was a weak and bully person, "I think I joined the US military."

The provocation was simple and effective, and Carter was indeed attracted by him: "What's your name, soldier?"

"Gilmore Hodge, Your Excellency." With the title of "Your Excellency" in his mouth, there was no half respect on Hodge's face.

"Get out, Hodge." Hodge was indifferent, looking around while walking forward, with a leisurely look, "Put your right foot in front."

At this time, the counselors were distributing materials, but most of them did not focus on the files in their hands, but looked at Carter and Hodge together, wondering how the situation would develop next.Steve is no exception.

Hodge twitched his lips, and said with a teasing smile, "Are we going to wrestle? I know several moves in this area, and you will definitely like them." That look doesn't look like a soldier, but more like meeting a beautiful woman on the street to stop him Hooligans from other places.The point is that he didn't tease enough, he even blinked, as if teasing.

Not to mention Carter, even a commoner girl would be angry when she heard such words.Carter hit Hodge in the face with one punch. He was asked to stretch his right foot forward, but now that he received a punch, Hodge's body balance was destroyed and he sat down on the sand.

Steve felt a phantom pain in his jaw, and thought: This girl looks beautiful, but she is really not easy to mess with. I don't know who will be unlucky in the future.

 I set a small goal for myself, three chapters a day for the time being
  A chapter of 2000 words is considered the minimum requirement for myself.Hmm, it seems a bit low?

(End of this chapter)

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