It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 9 Neither protein powder nor height-increasing shoes are so powerful

Chapter 9 Neither protein powder nor height-increasing shoes are so powerful

"Is the injection catheter all connected?" "All ready." "Okay, very energetic."

"Has the cabin been inspected?" "It has been inspected three times." "Go and inspect it three more times. We must make sure there is nothing wrong."

"Has the capacitance of the ray device been tested?" "Not yet." "Hurry up, many people from above will come today."

Chris took off his military uniform and put on a researcher's big white robe, and directed his assistants to check the equipment.On the side, Professor Abraham Erskine was debugging the console.

"Are you confident about today?"

Dr. Erskine pushed his glasses, without looking up: "Although I don't want to mention it again, I have actually succeeded once."

At this moment, the door above the experimental platform was pushed open, and Agent Carter and Rogers walked in. Almost all the researchers stopped what they were doing and stared at today's protagonist, a lucky skinny young man.

Carter and Steve looked at each other, and walked down the long stairs first, and Steve followed.With the sound of footsteps on the metal stairs, everyone got busy again.

When Steve walked down the stairs, the professor temporarily put down his work, came to meet Steve, and said good morning to him.

Steve shook hands with Professor Erskine.

The recorder who was in charge of taking pictures was about to raise the camera. Erskine wanted to say "please don't rush to take pictures", Chris quickly raised his hand and took the camera.But before the professor was sure, Chris took a group photo of the professor and Steve himself.

The professor's concern was that he would be exposed to Schmidt's sight.But Chris knew that at this time Schmidt had already learned of the whereabouts of the professor, and even the date of the experiment was today.At this time, he had even arranged for a killer to be sent to deal with Professor Erskine.

This photo, one is the only photo of Professor Erskine and Steve, and the other is to compare the drastic changes before and after Steve's experiment.

After taking the picture, Chris returned the camera to the recorder.

Steve was caught by the spotlight of the old-fashioned camera, turned his head to relieve the discomfort of his eyes, and observed the huge "bed" in front of him by the way.

Steve was also a little puzzled - he knew more or less what medicine he needed to inject, but what was such a large operating table used for?And there are many conduit cables connected to the side.

"Ready?" Seeing Steve nodding, Professor Erskine waved his hand, "Okay. Then take off your shirt, tie and hat."

Steve took off his hat a little nervously, and Chris took the clothes one by one.When Steve was stripped down to his trousers, Chris let him lie down on the operating table and threw the clothes to the lady beside him to throw them away.

"The clothes look fresh to me?" She seemed unsure.

"It doesn't matter." Chris didn't care, "Anyway, I won't be able to wear it later."

At this moment, people from all walks of life were present in the glass-separated observation room above, from members of Congress, military reporters to government officials, and Colonel Phillips was among them.From time to time they talked about Steve, the skinny guy who "hit the jackpot."

Seeing Steve lying down, the professor walked up to Steve: "Are you still used to it?"

"To be honest, this bed is a bit too big." Steve smiled cautiously.

Chris heard that his subordinates reported that the test was about the same, and he also came to Steve, "It's okay, maybe you will think it's too small later."

Steve took a deep breath to relieve stress and tension: "By the way, professor, do you still have those wines?"

The professor glanced at Chris, a little sorry: "I don't seem to have saved as much as I should have, and then Chris drank the rest. Sorry next time."

"Yeah, definitely next time." Chris also smiled and walked around the experimental table to the other side. "Mr. Stark, how's the situation?"

"Let's see. It can't be better." Stark, whom Steve had seen at the Future World Expo in 1943, walked up to Steve with a record in his hand, still with his charming mustache on his mouth.

"Well, it's 1000% no problem." Chris took the record handed over by Stark and glanced at it twice.

"We may cause a widespread blackout in Brooklyn, but we are fully prepared, as always." Howard Stark said with such certainty.

"Stark science and technology is the best in the world." Chris said.Although it is indeed a famous saying of this era, it seems that the original words are from Germany.However, no one will correct it.

"Agent Carter? Wouldn't it be more comfortable to stay in the observation room?" Erskine said to Carter.Although very friendly, but more or less can hear the meaning of driving people away.

At this time, the staff and guards near the experimental platform were almost dispersed, and the only few people were related to the experiment.It is indeed a little inappropriate for Carter to continue to keep it.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry." Carter also saw the surrounding situation clearly, apologized quickly, and followed the leaving crowd up the stairs to the observation room.Just before leaving, he still turned his head and stared at Steve for a while.

The leader of the experiment is Dr. Abraham, so at this time, the task introduced to everyone in the observation room is also his.

"Can you hear it? Is the microphone turned on?" Picking up the microphone, flicking the sound with your fingers, the radio connected to the microphone made a noise, which also attracted the attention of everyone communicating in the observation room, "Ladies and gentlemen, today What we are taking is not another step to doom, but the first step to peace."

"We will first deliver a series of microinjections into the subject's major muscle groups, and the injected serum will immediately cause changes in the body at the cellular level."

Following the professor's explanation, the medical staff took the doses of the medicine and put a strap on Steve.

"Then, in order to stimulate muscle growth, the subjects will receive saturation exposure to Vita rays."

Chris wiped some rubbing alcohol on Steve's shoulder, patting the skin a few times to make the blood vessels more visible.Then he gave Steve a shot.

Steve's face was tense, his entire face almost crumpled.But until Chris pulled the needle out, he didn't feel much pain.At least it was much easier than he imagined.

"It doesn't seem so bad, I feel that this injection is surprisingly easy." Steve smiled at Chris with a little relief.

"Of course, it's just penicillin." As soon as Chris spoke, Steve's face became ugly again.

"Countdown to serum injection." Dr. Erskine began to direct all participants.

"five, four"

The delicate instruments around the operating table began to operate, and the real syringe was placed on Steve's arm.

"three two"

Chris pressed Steve, who was out of breath, to relieve him, and then took a step back.


The final countdown ended, and the staff began to operate the instruments. The super soldier serum inserted on the side of the operating table was quickly guided into the catheter and injected into Steve's body.

Steve could feel the coldness caused by the rapid flow of foreign matter into the blood circulation system in his body, but then the coldness turned into hotness. He felt the heat flow along the blood vessels and quickly circulated to the whole body, and he couldn't help showing a hideous expression.

"Start shining, Mister Stark."

As Howard Stark pulled down the lever, the entire operating table stood up from a lying flat state, and the surrounding large blocks quickly closed together tightly, turning from an operating table into a capsule cabin.

The staff inserted various catheters into the reserved holes, tightened the locks, and signaled to Professor Erskine that all preparations were completed.

Erskine walked to the only tempered glass window left in the cabin and knocked: "Steve? Can you hear me?"

"It must be too late to go to the toilet now." It seemed that Steve was feeling pretty good, and he was even in the mood to joke.

The doctor nodded: "Then let's continue."

Stark turned the knob on, and immediately, all the staff near the cabin put on professional black goggles.

Howard Stark walked over to a two-handed valve and turned it slightly. "Dose 10%."

Intense light overflows from the reserved windows in the cabin.



As Howard turned, the light became more and more dazzling, even wearing goggles still made people feel a little uncomfortable, and most of the people in the observation room who did not wear goggles began to squint their eyes.


Chris looked at Steve's vital signs: "The vital signs are normal."




When it reaches 70%, the light is already extremely dazzling, and even the machine that emits light has gradually made abnormal sounds.Steve in the cabin seemed to be a little bit unbearable to bear the irradiation, and let out small and loud yells.


This situation made Carter and Erskine a little restless, and Carter in the observation room even rushed out to the handrail of the stairs.

"Steve!" Regardless of the strong light, the professor lay down on the edge of the window of the cabin, calling Steve's name. "Steve!"

"Turn off, turn off the device!"

Professor Erskine yelled several times, but Steve in the cabin only shouted and didn't respond to him at all.Agent Carter, who was anxious about Steve, yelled on the stairs to turn off the equipment.

Although he cares about experiments, as a scientist with a conscience and a bottom line, Professor Erskine values ​​human life more. After being reminded by Carter, he turned around and shouted at Chris: "Chris, turn off the reaction device!"

"Turn it off, turn off the reactor quickly!" Almost everyone was busy planning to turn off the instrument at hand.At this moment, Steve finally held back the pain in the cabin and spoke:


Professor Erskine turned back again, looking at the cabin.

"No, I can hold on!"

The professor hesitated slightly, and nodded to Stark who let go of his hands.

Howard saw the professor nod, put his hand back in place, and continued to turn: "80%"



Everyone resisted the dazzling light and focused their eyes on the cabin.

Sparks flashed from the instruments, as if the intensity of the rays had overloaded them.

Starting with the instrument in front of Howard, almost all the instruments splashed electric sparks one by one.

Almost all instruments are overloaded.

After all the instruments in the field were overloaded, the dazzling light quickly disappeared, and the test bench returned to silence.

Even the big shots in the observation room stood up one after another and walked to the glass, intending to see the results of the careful experiment.

"Mr. Stark?" Dr. Erskine's voice recalled Howard, who was distracted. He took off his goggles and pulled the button to open the cabin.

The cabin opened with the sound of rapid gas leakage, and it was a robust carcass.

"Unbelievable, protein powder and height increasing shoes are not so powerful." Chris admired.

(End of this chapter)

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