It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 65 is titled "Hulk"

Chapter 65 is titled "Hulk"

"When did you find out that Howard wasn't dead?"

"There are too many doubts left by you. Although the evidence that can be collected can perfectly prove Mr. Howard's death, it is such perfect evidence that makes me suspicious." Detective Nick described his story in detail. reasoning process.

Chris covered his forehead.When feigning death, Howard swore that his arrangement would not be discovered [-]% of the time. He is the one who has read all the detective stories of Sherlock Holmes.

Howard's wisdom, Bucky's arrangement method, and Chris' ability to deal with the aftermath.Howard, who combined these three to arrange his "death scene" to his heart's content, enjoyed it quite a lot, and even wanted to sing a song.

When he made the promise, Chris had a premonition that he would be seen through, so he used reality to help deal with the aftermath. Unexpectedly, he still failed to stop the Flag set by Howard.

"If you find out that Howard is not dead, does it mean that other people also know the news?" Chris expressed concern.

"It is estimated that anyone who has worked as an agent for seven or eight years can find loopholes, if I don't help you deal with the aftermath."

Nick seemed a little boastful.

"Are you even hiding it from the people in S.H.I.E.L.D.? What a man who has no sense of trust."

Nick left from the glass window, walked to the water dispenser and poured two glasses of water: "It's not that I want to hide it from others, it's that others have insufficient authority."

"Don't talk nonsense." Chris took the water that Nick handed over, "When did you start to doubt?"

Nick drank half a glass of water in one breath: "Since I joined. At first I didn't know anything about other situations, it was just pure mistrust, until I knew about Operation Paperclip."

Nick spoke to Chris in a positive tone for the first time: "I have to be sure that you were quite prescient when you tried to prevent the development of Operation Paperclip within S.H.I.E.L.D. But now it seems that it is always the man's arm blocking the car."

"People in countless fields such as the government, the military, and the business world are absorbing talents, and their influence has been deeply entrenched. Even in SHIELD, I suspect that at least one-tenth of them has been invaded."

Chris swears in his heart: one tenth of the people is just for fun, at least 90% of the people are their own people.The original S.H.I.E.L.D. was nicknamed Snake and Shield. Hydera is completely anti-client. At least five or six of the ten people belong to Hydera. The high-level executives have also been infiltrated. Level [-] Agent Sylvère is all undercover.

After drinking the water in the disposable paper cup, Chris threw the paper cup into the trash can and stood up from the sofa: "I will keep the serum, then I will go first."

With that said, he walked towards the door.Nick also returned to the desk with his hands crossed, thinking about something.

"By the way, Fury, 'Hulk'." Chris suddenly turned around and said, "The monster's name is 'Hulk'."


Bruce felt aggrieved, very aggrieved.

Originally, he could not be said to be from a poor family, but he could barely be considered a poor boy. He was self-taught without background, and was even lucky enough to be valued by a prominent figure in an intelligence agency, allowing him to lead the research on a serum.

And even more fortunately, the military partner of this project is the father of his girlfriend, General Ross.This made Bruce feel that he had found a channel to prove his ability to his father-in-law who had never thought highly of him.

The bigwigs above seem to value this research very much, not only providing unlimited supply of various experimental instruments and consumables, but also arranging a heavily guarded research institute.

The people who participated in the experiment came from all walks of life, and they were all carefully selected. At least one person was randomly selected, and their resumes were better than Bruce's.

The experiment went smoothly. With the help of the information left by the predecessors, this serum with the ability to strengthen the human body was quickly restored by Bruce.

The results of animal experiments are also very gratifying. After injecting the serum, the body of the little white mice has been extremely comprehensively strengthened, and the little mice can even catch cats.Although the fact that the originally docile mouse could overcome the genetic fear and attack a cat more than twice its size was very novel, it didn't attract anyone's attention.

It's like a poor man who wins a few million. He would feel ashamed when he sees a well-dressed office worker. After winning the lottery, he directly takes a few thousand dollars and slaps him in the face.Although exaggerated, it is also quite realistic.

Animal experiments have been successfully completed to verify the effect of the serum, and the next step is human experiments.However, I don't know what went wrong, and the application for human experimentation sent by Bruce has not been approved by the above.

The boss, General Ross, doesn't understand the data and process of the experiment. He only knows that Bruce's experiment has made some progress, but he failed to complete the serum.In the eyes of the consequentialist Ross, what is not completed is not completed, and no matter how high the degree of completion is, it is useless.

Therefore, Bruce, who was eager to make some achievements, injected himself with serum and used himself as the subject of human experiments.

The neglected side effects of the serum were fully exerted under the stimulation of gamma rays, and Bruce's muscles were indeed strengthened like Captain America.As a price, he turned into a green monster who lost his mind.

When he closed his eyes, he was still in the laboratory, and his father-in-law and girlfriend Elizabeth Rose were outside the observation room; when he opened his eyes again, he was in the ruins, completely naked, only There was a pair of tattered suit pants that were barely wearable, but they also changed from long pants to shorts.

Serums are powerful, but dangerous and out of control.Bruce felt that if he got angry, or if his heart rate went up just a little bit, he could feel something in his body wanting to rush out and occupy his body.

There were also patrolling soldiers on the street, and their own arrest warrants were being distributed on the side of the road and on the Internet.

He just took a nap, and he went from a promising and talented scientist to a wanted criminal who is the enemy of the whole world.

There is no longer any place for him in America, coupled with the monster in his body who does not know when it will reappear, Bruce fears himself and contacts the snake head.He intends to escape to a place far behind abroad.

Sitting in the boat arranged by the snakehead, Bruce covered his head firmly with the hood, lowered his neck and faced the ground.He didn't want anyone to know his face, that would increase his risk of exposure.

The snakehead just learned that Bruce was a scientist and was wanted.The smuggler's guess is that Bruce is just another person who researched and sold something abroad and was wanted. He has seen this type of person a lot.

However, if the smuggler knows that the person on board is not a helpless scientist, but a time bomb that may turn into a green monster at any time, he will definitely not accept the order even if he is killed.

(End of this chapter)

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