It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 64 Who is a serious person who writes a diary?

Chapter 64 Who is a serious person who writes a diary?
2005 4 Month 16 Day.

Level [-] of the Trirotor Building, "Guardian" Room
"May 1945, 3

I’m going to go fight the Red Skull tomorrow, I’m so nervous, I was so scared that I ate two bowls for breakfast today

February 1945, 3

The car was so bumpy that I almost choked to death while drinking water.


A little seasick, but the fried cod steak for lunch was delicious.


On the first day of the New Year's Eve, Carter took Howard and me to a meeting to discuss some logistics department without giving him a holiday. The name is really hard to remember.


Old Fu Rui, who was watching the elevator, said that he was going to ask for leave to go home. His daughter-in-law was pregnant. I really don't know why he was so excited.

Wait, is there something wrong?


Cole said before the mission that he would marry his wife when he came back. It seems that he will not come back.But his daughter-in-law is actually bald, and I don't know if it will be passed on to the children.


Gan, I forgot to dry my clothes when I went out.


Natasha closed the diary and looked at Chris delicately.

"What are you looking for? Have you finished reading the diary? Give it back to me." Chris put his feet on the table and took a sip of the Sprite with ice in the thermos.

"I've seen someone who writes a diary, but it's the first time I've seen someone who writes a diary like a text message." Natasha complained.

Although Natasha has already passed the test, Natasha is also used to the leisure and noise when getting along with Chris.Therefore, when she is not on missions, she usually stays in Chris's "janitor" office.

Natasha is 21 years old this year, and she has grown into a delicate and big girl.It's just that it's okay to say that when you go out on a mission, your skills are vigorous and your movements are capable and decisive.But in normal times, I didn't learn anything else, and under the training of Chris, I grew into an excellent joker.

"Ham, it's fine if you can't read the diary yourself, and I don't care how I write it."

"You can write it yourself, and you don't care if others read it or not. Besides, whoever keeps a diary is a decent person." Natasha threw the diary into Chris's box and lifted her foot off the table. Take it back and sit on the chair, "However, it's still a good read to pass the time."

This proves once again how important it is to be a good role model. Chris’s bad habit Natasha has learned it all over the place. Because Natasha’s legs are quite "win~win~win~", they can be ignored. But Chris likes to froth over coffee as much as he drinks tea.

Just as the two were chatting nonsense to pass the afternoon, Natasha's phone rang.When I saw the call, it was Nick.

With a Pepero in the corner of her mouth, Natasha picked up the phone: "This is Natasha Romanov. Director, please speak."

Well, Nick has been promoted to director general.About three years ago, Pierce announced his abdication to Nick, and entered the government department himself, changing from director to minister.

"Agent Romanov, an urgent mission." Although Nick was talking about an urgent mission, Nick's voice was unhurried, "By the way, call the special adviser, it's time for him to work."

After Natasha and Chris came to the top office, Nick pretended to turn his back to them.There are also plenty of familiar faces in the room: Sylvère, Coulson, Patton, and more.

"Boss, what task is so important?" Natasha asked.

Nick turned around with a solemn expression: "Agent Romanov, I need you and Agent Patton to track down someone, probably someone."

"This morning, there was an explosion. But that's just what we said perfunctorily to the media." Nick said, clapping his hands, and the projector projected onto the wall behind the office.

Most of the projected photos are some demolished walls and cars with half of the body deformed.The news media also mentioned that many witnesses did not see the explosion, but only saw a lump of green monster.

"The real situation is that the super soldier serum research project cooperated by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. has achieved results." Fury pressed the remote control, and the photo switched to the next one: "This is the picture captured by the on-site surveillance."

The angle of view of the surveillance is not normal shooting, but lying down on the ground.A group of soldiers were fully armed and blocked an entrance and exit, shooting continuously.

The next moment, a wild roar sounded.

Half of the piano flew out from the door, the music touched people's hearts in a physical way, it flew into the crowd like a millstone, and a few unlucky soldiers were crushed to a pulp.

A green humanoid beast of at least two or three meters rushed out, no matter whether it was a concrete building or a pre-set metal barrier, nothing could stop it.

The bullet screen like raindrops hit its body as if it was fine, and it didn't even hurt its skin.The green monster covered its eyes and nose with one hand to prevent these "peanut beans" from getting into its relatively fragile body, and kicked a car at its feet into the direction of the surveillance.A puddle of meat muddyed the lens.

Then, the video ends.

"Let me confirm first, sir, are you sure this is a human being? Not some alien biological weapon?" Clint Barton felt that his young heart was greatly shocked.

"Its name is Bruce Banner, and it turned out to be one of the main leaders of the super soldier serum research team." Nick Fury showed a picture of Bruce Banner when he didn't turn green, and it was with General Ross A picture of my daughter taking a photo.

"After the preliminary biological experiment, he voluntarily became the human experiment subject of the restored super soldier serum. After restoring the captain's birth process and undergoing gamma ray irradiation, he became the 'it' you saw .”

Natasha looked at Chris: "Don't tell me that Captain Steve Rogers will also turn green."

"He can't transform himself, but it's not certain whether he can be green."

After Nick assigned Natasha and Barton two field missions, he began to order the missions of Coulson and Sylvère.

They are responsible for solving the problems afterwards, such as shirking responsibility with the military, recovering the materials in the hands of witnesses, and so on.

Several people received the task and left the office, leaving only Chris and Nick staring at each other.

"So, did you call me here just to be in a daze with you?"

"Not everyone is as free as you." Nick took out a few test tubes from under the table, which contained green reagents.

"This is?"

"The serum injected by Bruce Banner, these are the last few." Nick replied, and handed the test tube to Chris, "I don't feel at ease with these things in S.H.I.E.L.D., so I plan to hand them over to you for safekeeping. "

"Hey, you really trust me. Are you not afraid that I will inject this thing myself?" Chris flicked his finger on the wall of the test tube.

The corners of Nick's mouth curled up slightly: "I trust the judgments of Mr. Howard and Miss Carter."

"Oh, by the way, has Howard been back recently?"

"No, Tony complained too!! How do you know!"

Nick turned around, his back to Chris and didn't speak.

Chris also reacted.I and Howard are so tired, it turns out that Nick has always known the truth.

Think about it too, although both of them have a little bit of tricks, but Nick's "King of Agents" is not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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