It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 66 Uncle, I like naval battles the most

Chapter 66 Uncle, I like naval battles the most

Taking advantage of dusk and nightfall, the stowaways sailed out of the port quietly.

It is not easy to be a snakehead with a boat.First of all, you must have the relationship to clear the port, and then you must be familiar with the operating rules of the coast guard, and you must have enough courage to do this illegal and criminal thing.

Stowaways are easy to talk about, but how can you get huge profits by transporting contraband?Hiding among the wooden boxes, Bruce kept a distance from the other stowaways.

They have to be smuggled, and it is difficult to pick a few good people among these people. Most of them are wanted people who fled abroad.But the reason Bruce stays away from them is not because he is afraid of being bullied and hurt by them, but because he is afraid that they will be hurt by himself.

Naturally, it is impossible for a stowaway ship to sail with its lights on. It is purely shouting "I'm here, come and catch me" at the patrolling coast guard.The lights on the boat were not turned on, and even the engines were specially refitted with two electric and oil mixes. One has a lot of horsepower but is loud.

The boat was driving very fast. According to the sailors on board, it would take about 10 minutes to sail into the open sea.Once there, the ship can switch to diesel engines and move forward at full speed.

The destination of this trip is Brazil.There is a very large slum there.Bruce felt that with his medical knowledge, he could barely make a living as a doctor there.

Just as Bruce's heart gradually calmed down and relaxed, he heard the sailors at the stern shouting: "There's a boat behind! It found us!"

A beam of light suddenly lit up from the direction of the stern, and the light sources of the two beams of light looked like the eyes of giant beasts drilled from the bottom of the sea on the dark sea.At this moment, the giant beast's eyes quickly approached in the direction of the stowaway.

In the case of this discovery, there is no need to worry about concealment, and the engine has been switched to a powerful diesel engine.

The silhouette of the pursuer also showed the whole picture as it gradually approached.The visitor is a rather high-end speedboat, and the overall shape has a futuristic sci-fi feel.At the front of the speedboat, a person can still be seen squatting on it.

It's not that the smuggling boat is not strong enough, the boss said that he spent all his money to modify his eating guy.It is true that the high-tech level of the speedboat in pursuit is too strong, and almost within half a minute of the pursuit, the speedboat flew to the side of the stowaway.The figure standing on the speeding speedboat waited until the distance between the stowaway and the stowaway was about the same, and jumped onto the deck of the stowaway.

"Stop the boat for me, you are surrounded by me!"

People who are capable of smuggling will not be good stubble, and it is impossible to catch a person without a fight.The sailors on the deck looked fierce and picked up their weapons one after another, ranging from steel rods and sharp daggers that can be seen everywhere to the classic AK47.

The searchlights on the ship turned on and shone on the figure on the deck.

The white armor seemed to be made of bones, and the sharp-edged steel helmet concealed the expression of the visitor.In the howling sea breeze, the gray-white cloak behind his back fluttered with the wind, rustling.

One of the crew members recalled something, screamed suddenly, threw the weapon away in panic, ran to the edge of the railing as if fleeing for his life, and jumped into the sea.Before entering the sea, he shouted loudly: "It's the 'White Knight'!"

The smuggling ship stayed in the United States for a while, and many crew members had heard the legend of the "Pale Knight" in Queens.Compared with the person in front of him, except for the "ice that brings death", the characteristics are quite consistent.

"Everyone, don't panic, he is only one person!" The boss of the boat raised his rifle and fired the first shot of the battle.

Unfortunately, we were unable to break through the enemy's armor.Aegis, who evolved into a complete body after being broken and recast, covered the hole in his chest. Chris did not dodge or dodge, and pretended to block the bullet with his chest.It's a pity that the existence of the protection of avoiding arrows did not allow him to pretend to be this cowardly.Although the automatic turning of the bullet is more powerful than blocking the bullet in the eyes of others.

"Sometimes I wonder, can you guys have no other lines?" Chris waved his left hand, and the ice condensed on his hands, forming a giant sword and a giant axe , "Who was the last one who said this? Anyway, I repaired it badly."

Well, the characteristics of the ice that brings death are completely matched, and the sailors are very satisfied, Ye Qingjie.

Although a considerable number of sailors who had heard the legend of the "Pale Knight" lost their will to fight and gave up resistance, most of the sailors patronized drinking and shooting guns after going ashore, knowing little about relevant information, and launched an attack under the encouragement of the captain.

Chris didn't dare to say anything else. It can be said that he is quite confident and experienced in mowing grass like this kind of miscellaneous soldiers.

Although the ax in the left hand is not very wide, it can always accurately block the swung weapons and make the attacker stagger.At this time, the giant sword in his right hand swung smoothly in a circle, and the blue frost spread on the deck along with the trajectory of the giant sword.Those who failed to leave the radius of the giant sword in time were instantly frozen into a lifelike ice sculpture.

Of course, Chris is simply controlling the enemy, and has no intention of killing.The moment the two ice weapons hit the human body, they will turn into energy. It will not have any effect except freezing people into ice sculptures, and the people in the ice sculptures are still alive and healthy. Chris even thoughtfully left two holes for his nose. stomata.

But for a moment, the sailors who tried to resist honestly followed the companions who surrendered early, discarded their weapons, and squatted on the ground to show the French military salute.It is also very simple to talk about the French military salute. Natri's salute is to raise one hand high, and to raise two hands is the French military salute.

The captain's sense of resistance was quite strong, and instead of surrendering with the crew, he ran to a high platform and pointed the large harpoon launcher used for fishing on the boat at Chris's position.Since small-caliber bullets are ineffective, try a harpoon with stronger penetration and more impact.

The harpoon flew towards Chris with a long steel cable.Chris' side, the harpoon almost brushing his cheek.Grabbing the handle of the harpoon with one hand, relying on the physical enhancement effect brought by the ice barrier coat of arms and the ability of avoiding arrows to protect the stagnant flying objects, Chris grabbed the harpoon in his hand abruptly, turned around , like throwing a javelin in the direction of the harpoon launcher.

This wave, this wave is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

The launch port of the harpoon launcher was pierced by the harpoon, and the built-in mechanical structure was also destroyed. Sparks flashed all over the launcher, and it was completely scrapped, emitting a puff of black smoke.

The captain fully understood that the person in front of him could not be confronted by manpower, so he obediently surrendered.

After suppressing the resistance on the ship, Chris turned to face the cabin handle and reached for the door handle, about to start looking for Bruce.

Before the doorknob could be touched, the door flew out like a cannonball, knocking Chris flying into the sea.Two huge green palms protruded from the cabin, forcibly pulling the metal door frame to deform and expand it.

Because the scene of Chris fighting was too shocking, and the fear of being arrested soon made his heart beat faster.Bruce Banner reincarnates as the green monster again.

Huge humanoid creature, "Hulk" debut!
Just as Hulk was about to hit the deck with a fist, an ice arrow pierced his leg.

Crush the Frostbolt with his fingers, and Hulk looked towards the sea.Chris held up an ice crystal bow and was maintaining his archery posture: "Tsk, I'm obviously aiming at the head."

Under Chris's feet, an ice slide quickly extended to the ship. Chris's armor, which was moving on a pair of sleds, began to attach ice crystals, and a large amount of cold air visible to the naked eye gathered behind it to form a pair of wings.

"Kid Hulk, uncle, I like sea battles the most."

 The last part of this chapter comes from the Assassin’s Creed Hall of Valor. I prefer to hold two-handed weapons to block bullets. The performance of long-range counterattack is really cool.
  So actually I’m not playing games but collecting materials (laughs)
(End of this chapter)

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