Chapter 48
Howard pulled over to the side of the road.

Maria is also big-hearted, but she is not afraid of the car accident that almost happened just now, but rather excited.

"Ms. Maria looks so energetic, she seems to be twenty years younger than you."

Howard counted his fingers: "It's about the same, Maria is 55 years old this year."

"Huh?" Chris felt something was wrong, "When did you get married?"

"Uh, what happened after the victory of World War II in 45 years?"

"Tsk." Chris made a disdainful voice.

It is known that Maria is 55 and Howard is 74. It can be obtained that Howard is 19 years older than Maria.And because Howard was 37 years old when he got married, Maria was 18 that year.

Facing Chris's disdainful gaze, Howard was unmoved: "What are you doing, who stipulates that I can't like someone younger than me."

That's right.Actually, let Chris choose, and Chris will also choose beautiful young girls.How can I say that men are the most dedicated, no matter 18, 48 or 78, they all like beautiful 18-year-old girls.

It's just that not many people are as thick-skinned as Howard and can say it without changing their faces.

"What to do with Barnes?" Howard pointed to the comatose Bucky bound by the dark red energy of reality.

"I haven't had time to ask carefully just now, what happened to Bucky's disappearance?"

"It's a long story." Howard leaned back against the car. "Because of your obstruction, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not implement Operation Paperclip, but other departments and organizations did not let the German scientists go in vain and took them into their own hands."

"In the beginning, the joining of those people did enable them to successfully accept Schmidt's inheritance and achieved a lot of results. But relatively, it also planted hidden dangers."

Chris curled his lips in disdain: "There will always be some people who are short-sighted. I don't even know if Hydra has been resurrected through those absorbed scientists?"

Howard nodded, then shook his head again: "I don't have any definite evidence to say that, but there are indeed clues pointing to this fact. However, many clues have been cut off, and the methods can be seen to be written by the people above. "

"And Zora? How is he?"

"Accidentally quite honest, should I say that he has not been brainwashed too deeply or has not too much ambition? He even helped us expose a few Hydras who sought him out."

While the two were chatting, the unconscious Bucky made a sound.


"Oh look, our baby Bucky is awake." Chris squatted in front of Barnes.

Bucky's eyes were blank, and his mouth was gurgling, not knowing what he was talking about.

"He spoke Soviet language." Howard understood it. The disintegration of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day in 1991, although it is only the 16th now, it is coming soon.

"What did you say?" "It probably means something like 'Mission failed'."

If Psychic is still there, Chris can also try to remove his brainwashing.Still the same sentence, heartless.But, the widow sister taught us another method of awakening hypnosis, Chris named it the secret 360°brain repair hypnosis release method of Tokiwadai.

Chris took out the golden summoner.As an old man with an ID card age of 73, it is normal for Chris to carry a crutch with him.

Howard got back in the car, closed the windows and turned on his modified soundproofing, turning the clear glass black to block the view from inside and outside.

Chris can't be as open-eyed as Black Panther.Although he wasn't swallowed by hatred like Tony, but well, there can be legitimate revenge.

Besides, this is all to wake up Bucky, a necessary sacrifice.

Holding the scepter, Chris approached Bucky with a grin on his face.

The violent collision of flesh and metal resounded in the grove, as well as words like "Suka Bulie".


"Howard? Chris?" Bucky woke up from a coma and saw the two people in front of him, "Where am I?"

"Recall it carefully, it should put everything in your brain." Chris replaced the cigarette with a chocolate chip cookie, cos a telekinetic with the singer's namesake.

"Ugh~" Bucky had a painful expression on his face, and after a while, he calmed down a little, "I remember, I remember, I remember my goal. The goal seems to be, to kill Howard?"

"Barnes, do you have any memory of the past?" Howard asked.

"I remember everyone I killed, um~" Bucky clutched the back of his head in pain.

Howard wondered, "Do you get a burning headache when you think about memories?"

"No, I feel pain all over my body, but it hurts the most at the back of my neck." Bucky denied Howard's thoughts, "It's like, someone really hated me, and gave me a hard hit on the back of the head, and didn't To relieve my anger, I beat me up and down with a stick."

Chris quietly recalled the golden summoner behind him to the [warehouse].

Bucky's brainwashed state is like a switch for switching between the normal Bucky personality and the Winter Soldier personality, but the memories of the two are interlinked.And after switching back to Bucky's personality, as long as the switch is not triggered again, he will not easily enter the Winter Soldier personality.

In other words, Bucky is pretty safe right now.

"Come on boy, the sun's already set, we gotta go home." Chris held out his hand to Bucky.Bucky helped Chris's hand to stand up from the ground.

Bucky didn't take two steps, and felt something was triggered, and an invisible net covered him, hanging himself in the air.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to remove the trap." Chris snapped his fingers against Howard's subtle gaze and dispelled the net constructed by the advent of reality, "Be considerate, if Bucky doesn't actually wake up or is hypnotized , pretending to wake up and sneak attacking us.”

Back in the car, Bucky and Chris sit in the back seat. "Speaking of which, Howard, is Tony in a rebellious period recently?"

"It's quite difficult to deal with. He is arrogant and unruly. He likes to make his own decisions, and he is proud of his achievements." Howard was quite dissatisfied when he mentioned his son, who had been a headache for him for a long time.

Chris nodded, and asked Maria with his head: "Are you often this troubled when you are with Howard?"

"Oh, child, I quite agree." Maria nodded with a smile, "The father and son seem to be carved out of the same mold."

Chris showed a malicious smile: "So, are you two interested in curing Tony's bad temper?"

Howard glanced at Chris, then at Bucky, an expression similar to Chris appeared on his old but handsome face.

The two people reached a consensus in their eyes, and laughed maliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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