Chapter 47 This is Chris
At the entrance of a convenience store in a small town, Howard sat on the steps of the entrance with a cigarette in his hand.Chris crouched next to him with a Pepero cracker in his mouth, pinching his nose against the smell of smoke.

Howard's wife, Maria Stark, chatted with the town women she met in the store about the daily chores of both rich and poor families.

Howard finished smoking a cigarette, looked at Chris, and handed the butt of the cigarette to Chris.Chris pinched his nose with one hand, gently pinched it with the tips of two fingers with the other hand, flicked it, and threw the cigarette butt precisely into the cigarette butt recycling place of the trash can.

Howard was about to take out another one. Chris moved faster than him, and took out a Pepero biscuit from the packaging bag and stuffed it into Howard's mouth: "You can't do it, you, Mrs. Maria said, you can eat one biscuit a day." You can smoke the sticks, you don’t want your lungs, so biscuits are for you.”

"That's enough nonsense." Howard muttered, but he didn't continue to smoke, "Why do you call me no big or small, and call my wife 'Madam'."

"You don't mind me." Chris finished one, took out another biscuit and continued.

The current time is still in 1991, and it was not until 1994 that South Korea slowly became popular. November 11 is Valentine’s Day, and four Pepero biscuits are arranged together. It has not been invented by profiteers to give Pepero biscuits to the other half. .Therefore, this stick-shaped chocolate biscuit only exists as a delicious and cheap snack, and the price has not been raised.

"Is time travel interesting?" "It's super interesting. I meet people you can never imagine."

"I'm 74 years old, and I haven't seen anything. People who can grow and shrink, steel suits, talking animals, etc. are all small scenes."

"The magician, the mantis alien, the boy bitten by a spider, Thor. Oh, and a tree."

"The one from the Norse mythology I thought?"

"It's not much different, the difference is that Loki is his brother, and Odin is Loki's father, but Loki is either his own."

"It sounds like God's family is not peaceful."

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite."

Howard is old. Although he is quite energetic, his waist is not very good, and he cannot sit in one position for a long time. He stood up with Chris' support.

As a young man, Howard was a veritable playboy.Young people pay off when they are old, and they understand everything.

On the road again, Howard was still driving, and Maria sat in the co-pilot.It's not that Howard is worried about Chris coming to drive, but Chris finally thought about what day it is today.

He took the initiative to sit in the back row, conjured a golden summoner from the [Warehouse], and used reality to descend and put a shield on the car body.Although it is more convenient to do this kind of thing with power gems, Chris no longer has power gems in his hand.

He tried making Advent cards out of gems again, but it didn't work.According to Tony's guess, it may be that only one gem of a world can be made.

And the original universe stones in 2023 have all been destroyed, and Chris has no chance to experiment again.

Moreover, his coming of space and time comes from the Eye of Agamotto and the Rubik's Cube in his own world.This also means that there is still some hope for other cards, and these two cards will be gone if they are really used up.

Don't look at Chris holding a golden summoner to grab a batch now, when the advent card is gone, Chris can only play the real man mode for a limited time with the ice barrier coat of arms.

"What's that?" Howard held a chocolate biscuit in his mouth, showing the aura of a business tycoon holding a cigar in his mouth.

Chris retracted the scepter so that the back seat would not be too crowded: "It's for entertaining an old friend of mine."

"What about Tony in that world?"

"The character is terrible. I brought a video back and I'll show you later."

"Ah, it is conceivable that he is also in the rebellious period now, and sometimes I can't stand him."

Maria was dizzy listening to the riddles played by the two "forgetful friends" and said, "Howard? Can't you and Chris say something that everyone understands?"

"Of course, my sweetheart." Time took away Howard's youth, but forgot to take away his coquettishness.

Chris thought for a while, "How about Zola?"

"Not long after you left, around 1972, he died. However, our experiment was successful at that time. According to your idea, we didn't tell anyone about the results."

"Where's Bucky and Steve?"

"Bucky has been 'missing' for a long time. I tried to track it down, but all traces have been erased. Steve's words." Howard hesitated, and in the rearview mirror, Chris could see the wry smile on his face, " I succeeded and brought him back. But our current medical technology cannot wake him up with a 100% success rate."

"So, Stark Industries began to enter the medical industry." It seemed that Maria had reached the area of ​​expertise, and she also joined the topic.

Howard nodded to Chris who was sitting behind Maria: "Maria has dozens of medical patents."

"I know this. Tony, the 2023 one, set up a medical institution in his mother's name, and a charitable foundation."

"Speaking of Tony..." Howard was about to say something.At this time, he noticed that the rearview mirror was illuminated white by the high beams of the vehicle behind him, and he could barely distinguish it as a motorcycle approaching Howard's vehicle at high speed.

The visitor quickly arrived at the side of Howard's car, and he hammered heavily with his left arm in the direction of the front of the car, looking as if he was looking for death.

But the visitor is very clear that under the attack of his metal left arm, the vehicle will be easily hammered to the side of the road, hit a tree or other obstacles, and then he only needs to get out of the vehicle and let the surviving people in the vehicle By hammering them to death, they can easily pretend that they died in a car accident.

I thought so, but when his fist really hit the side of the car, he seemed to be stuck in some kind of quagmire.Not only was the power completely dissipated, but the metal arm couldn't be pulled out as if it had encountered a strong magnet.

Under Chris' command, Howard swung the steering wheel left and right, alternating the accelerator and brake, allowing the car to curve and accelerate and decelerate from time to time. .The assailant's hand was caught straight, and the right hand alone could not control the motorcycle to keep a relative distance from the car that was going fast, slow, left, and right, and fell off the motorcycle.

The assailant tried to break free, lifted his body with the restrained hand, and smashed the car glass on Maria's side with the other hand.

"It's sad, both hands are caught now." Chris smiled maliciously.

Howard finally saw the attacker's face clearly: "Barnes?"

He looked at Chris again: "Did you two old friends make an appointment to come together?"

Chris spread his hands and said it was just a coincidence.He pulled down the glass of the car and brought his face closer to Bucky:

"Here, is Jonny!"

 Restore three shifts from today, try to

  In terms of time, morning, noon and evening, 8, 12, 18
(End of this chapter)

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