Chapter 49

Anthony Edward Stark, born in 1970, inherited his father's excellent brain, and has the reputation of a child prodigy at the age of 21.

He inherited his father's intelligence, his father's suaveness, and his father's rebelliousness.

He refuses even to accept his parents' affection and refuses to express his own.

But when he heard the news of his parents' death from the housekeeper Jarvis, he began to regret from the bottom of his heart, regretting what he had done in the past.

The prodigal son will not exchange money when he turns back, but it is a pity that it is too late, the son wants to support him but will not wait for his relatives.

The surveillance at the scene was damaged, and only the vehicle could be seen crashing into a tree by the side of the road.According to the inspection results at the scene, it was the brake failure of the car that caused the accident.

Howard loves cars so much that he even regards the car as his second wife, and he does both modification and maintenance by himself.And Howard modified his car to cause the brakes to fail?Don't make people laugh out loud.Howard's partner Obadia told Tony that, according to intelligence, it is very likely that a business opponent did it.

At the funeral, many people came.

From the old woman who had a dewy relationship with Howard in the past, the military, political and business partners, to the self-proclaimed "relatives" who came from nowhere.Whether they mourned Howard's death or not, they gathered together like wolves, with tears of knowing hypocrisy or not, mourning the passing of the great man.

Carter is also now a full 70 years old, old and frail, and reluctantly attended Howard's funeral with the support of her niece.

Howard's tombstone is next to General Phillips'.People put the old friends together.I hope that General Phillips will not swear at Howard's position below.

After returning from the funeral, Tony refused all interviews, and Jarvis came forward to do various public relations instead of him.He wanted to be alone.

He returned to his empty home.Jarvis hid all the group photos in advance or flipped them over.However, every sofa and every set of dishes in the house is full of memories of Tony and his parents.

Tony sat weakly on the sofa, drinking alone.It's amazing to say that Tony was a person who never got drunk when he was partying, but now he feels drunk after only a few drinks.

Today's wine seemed to be extra strong, Tony wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve.As for whether the wine is strong or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Ding dong~" the doorbell rang.Probably Jarvis was consoling himself after finishing his work, Tony thought: "Come in."

He turned to look at the open door.

Howard and Maria walked in and stood in front of Tony.

Tony's eyes widened, he rubbed his eyes hard, and pinched his thigh, excruciating pain.Rubbing his thighs, Tony looked at his parents in disbelief.

"Tony~, Surprise!"

Tony felt himself explode.


Reality Descent really works, and Chris recognizes that fact again.

Although the Reality Gem cannot directly interfere with the living body, it is the most creative one among the six gems full of destructive power.

While it can't teleport, time-pause, mind-manipulate, soul strip, or fill a person with bricks, Reality Falls can create just about anything.

Whether it's modifying monitoring, creating things out of thin air, faking the scene, or something else, reality can really change the day and night in the true sense.

Chris's fake car accident scene with reality descending is so perfect that it looks like it really happened.This was confirmed by Howard. He opened "his" pants and looked at something, saying that "call my grandmother over and she wouldn't recognize it as a fake."

Likewise, the forensic examiners failed to discover that Howard and Maria's deaths were fake, and the technicians couldn't fix the damaged surveillance system anyway—which, of course, didn't even exist there before Chris did it.

Fortunately, Howard and Maria would really agree with Chris' bad idea. Howard even specially asked Chris to put a layer of disguise on him, pretending to be a stranger to participate in his funeral, and observed his son's prodigal son at close range. .

To be able to do such a wicked thing can be said to be his own.By the way, although Tony is not Howard's own life in the main comic universe, the movie universe is indeed his own.

"So, isn't it fun to participate in your own funeral?" Tony said with a stinky face.

Howard stroked his finely trimmed mustache: "It's indescribable, it's a very subtle feeling. Although I need to remain anonymous from now on, it's worth it to see my son's embarrassment."

"It's just a joke. I don't feel sorry for this kind of father's death." Tony said stubbornly.

"Howard, I've packed my luggage." Maria walked out of the room, and Jarvis carried two large suitcases behind Maria, "Tony, your eyes are a little red, have you been crying?"

"Mary, you are presbyopic." Tony rubbed his eyes, "Today's wine is too strong."

Tony noticed Jarvis with the luggage: "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry Tony, although our two lives are safe for the time being, the fact that we were assassinated is genuine." Howard looked serious, "If it wasn't for your Uncle Chris, we would probably be really dead now."

"Because of this, we have to remain anonymous and turn from the front stage to the backstage. You are still young, no matter how talented you are, they will not be too afraid of you, they will only think about how you can be used."

Tony put on a surprised expression: "That is to say, I really have to take over Stark Industries?!"

"That's the price of growth, Tony. Leave any business troubles to Obadiah."

"Although he is very ambitious, his feelings for the group are genuine. You don't have to worry about him harming the interests of Stark Industries. But you have to be careful, he can be used, but he cannot be a close friend." Howard picked up the hat on the hanger.

"That's it, Tony, we're leaving, take care of yourself."

Tony grabbed Howard: "That."

"Tony." Howard pressed Tony's shoulder, "You are no longer a child, we are very relieved of you, don't worry too much about us."

"No, I," Tony said again.

Maria held Tony's hand: "Tony, Dad and I will always be by your side. Let's go and work hard."

"Listen to me first!" Tony raised his voice an octave, pointing at Chris, who seemed to have no guests at all, and started drinking by himself, "You haven't said who this guy is yet!"

"Silly boy, you don't even recognize me. I'm your Uncle Chris. I hugged you when you were young."

"Ahem, Tony is 21 years old this year. He was born after you disappeared." Howard reminded, then looked at Tony, "Tony, you can discuss anything with your Uncle Chris in the future, let's go first , ciao~”

Leaving a "goodbye" in Italian, Howard closed the door with a quickness that didn't seem to his age.Leaving Tony looking delicately at Chris who finished a bottle of wine.

Tony could still vaguely hear Howard's voice:

"Jarvis, take us to the airport."

"Where is our next stop?"

"Maldives, ma'am."

It's "Incognito," and it's Howard.

(End of this chapter)

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