It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 44 Joining the Battlefield

Chapter 44 Joining the Battlefield
With the Scarlet Witch facing Thanos, the most widely circulated expression pack of Avengers 4 was born.

"You took everything from me." Wanda clenched her hands into fists.

Thanos looked puzzled: "I don't even know you."

"You will realize." Wanda used magic to control the two huge ruins on both sides, and smashed it towards Thanos.Panther took this opportunity to escape.

Thanos was about to rush towards the panther, but Wanda hit him with two huge ruins, and his feet were unstable.Wanda caught him off guard, and alternately used Chaos magic missiles and energy shocks to firmly suppress Thanos.

The black panther was restrained by Ebony Maw's palm made of inexhaustible broken stones. Spiderman Peter Parker took the glove from the black panther and activated the one-hit kill mode that came with the Iron Spider suit. Several spider-like appendages spread out from behind, automatically attacking all approaching enemies.

Although Spider-Man looks like an agile superhero, in fact, his strength can even pull a train running at full speed, but his enemies are often stronger than him, so it seems that he can only win by flexibility.

Peter, who was running at full speed, hardly had to be distracted to fight because of the existence of the steel appendages. The vanguard who rushed to the front was easily and accurately pierced through the brain by the steel appendages like thawed meatballs on bamboo skewers.

However, the number of vanguard guards, as Thanos' troops responsible for implementing the worm sea tactics, is comparable to that of the puppies in StarCraft. The endless number slowly piled up and slowly slowed Peter's forward speed, gradually making him Heaped in the barrier of corpses.

Simply with the help of Steve throwing Muniuel, Peter was dragged out of the siege of the vanguard, and through the small pepper circled in the air, the Valkyrie rode Pegasus and took Parker straight to Scott's car.

Wanda's power comes from the Mind Stone.Even among all gems, the Mind Gem is the largest and contains the most possibilities.Wanda's ability has even reached the point where it can destroy the Mind Stone itself.

What's more, Wanda was full of anger at this time, and her gestures were extremely murderous. Thanos was completely unable to fight against her. Even if he raised his double-edged sword to slash, Wanda easily blocked him, and was even swung away by a fist wrapped in chaos magic. With the big knife, he was also controlled by magic and couldn't move, holding it in mid-air.

Accompanied by Wanda's anger, under the control of magic, Thanos' armor was stripped outwards, while it kept shrinking inward, almost embedded in Thanos' flesh.Many people may not be able to imagine it, just understand it as a general condition of paronychia.

Thanos endured the pain, thinking about the way to break the game, and shouted at his subordinates: "Fire with all your strength!"

General Deathblade among the four sons of Obsidian wanted to dissuade him. After all, his troops were also within the shelling range, and the damage to the enemy was even greater to our side, but he just got Thanos "fire me" answer.

Temple No. [-] received the order to bombard with full force, and started indiscriminately saturated bombardment, sweeping every corner of the battlefield.Under the shelling, both Leviathan in the sky and Wakanda's large forces were damaged one after another.

For a while, everyone stopped fighting and tried their best to protect themselves.Wanda also had to stop controlling Thanos, but it was too late. Although a few shells were blocked, an uncontrolled energy cannon still hit the ground in front of Wanda. Blow her away.

The temple mages worked together to help, and one after another huge shields spread over the top of the head, blocking a lot of shelling.The Avengers hiding under the shield took advantage of Thanos' army to take care of themselves, and began to beat the dog in the water.

Pepper made a sharp turn and threw off Zita Swiss soldier's airship, and was about to join it.When flying over the bank, a shell just hit the bank of the river, and a large amount of water poured into the battlefield through the gap, and it seemed that the Seventh Army was about to be flooded.

"Anyone see this?"

Doctor Strange has just transformed into countless phantoms with the help of the shape of Aikon, dodging the shelling and harvesting the battlefield at the same time.Seeing the gap in the river bank, he was about to rush there.

"Ka~" Suddenly, he heard the sound of freezing.

"Ka, ka ka ka ka" regained consciousness, Strange only saw that the influx of river water was instantly frozen, forming a natural dam to block the influx of water.On the bank of the river, stood a figure in white armor and holding a golden scepter.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you in fourteen million six hundred and five possibilities?"

Pulling out the river water that was frozen into ice cubes in the scepter, the person who came took back the power of the ice barrier coat of arms. The person who came was Chris who had been OMO for a long time.

"Then you just happened to be the doctor, I come from the 10th possibility." Chris's scepter paused on the ground, and the vanguard who waited for an opportunity to surround them was instantly deprived of their souls by the power of "soul descending".

Thanos' order for all bombardment was the end of the first half of the war. In order not to change the ending as much as possible, Chris had to wait until the second half to join the battle.

During the intensive shelling, the Valkyrie led Peter to dodge from left to right.However, the shelling was too intensive, and the bombardment on the side cliff exploded and overturned the Pegasus. The Valkyrie barely hugged the Pegasus because of the saddle, and Parker fell off the horse.Unfortunately, he happened to fall into the encirclement of the shelling, and his steel appendage was also broken, so he could only curl up with his gloves in his arms and close his eyes to pray.

The bombardment ended abruptly, the muzzle turned into the air, and fired into the clouds.

Friday told Tony that something had just entered the atmosphere.

The woman standing at the top of the MCU's combat power was wrapped in an energy shield all over her body, ignoring Thanos's Sanctuary II's bombardment, easily cutting through the outer shell of Sanctuary No. [-] like a long sword thrown into the lake, hitting I was not satisfied after wearing it, so I bumped it again from a different angle.

Temple Two was completely disintegrated in the explosion.Thanos has been living on Temple No. [-] all these years. It can be said that Temple No. [-] is his home.Seeing his hometown being destroyed in this way, Thanos was also silent for a long time, with a bad expression on his face.

Captain Marvel came to Peter who was holding the glove tightly.

"Hi, hello, I'm Peter Parker." The young Spider-Man said as if he saw a fan of his idol, half excited and half alive.

"Hello, Peter Parker. Do you have anything for me?"

Behind them, Thanos' army, which had regrouped after the shelling ended, was rushing towards them.Giant apes, Saka soldiers, Chitauri airships, hover tanks, Leviathans, vanguards, all staring at each other.

"I don't know how you plan to deal with them." It seemed that Peter had some doubts about Carol's ability to deal with such a large number of troops.

"Don't worry, brother Holland, your helper is here." The golden summoner in Chris's hand knocked on the ground, and the power of descending soul and descending mind was fully released.

The two colors of orange and yellow spread rapidly along the ground, marching towards Thanos' troops from the landing point of the golden summoner.

It was as if the naval soldiers faced the overlord color user during the war, whether it was the hive-minded Chitauri or the clone soldier Saka fell to the ground one after another, and the limp corpses were crushed into flesh after being sucked out of the soul by the giant ape.The outer shell of the suspended tank can block Wakanda's vibrating spear, but it cannot protect the driver inside.The unpiloted tank stayed where it was, and was crushed by huge Leviathans together with the immobile vanguard.

In just an instant, the offensive of Thanos' army was blocked.

"I've never seen you before." Carol put on the cockscomb-like helmet, "Save the words of thanks for later." As she spoke, she took the gloves Peter handed her and flew into the sky towards Scott's The little car pig is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Scott has also opened the portal in the trunk of the car, just waiting for the arrival of the rough stone.

Knowing that this is the last chance, Thanos intends to stop Carol.Scarlet Witch, Pepper, and Wasp jointly sent out a shock wave, and Black Panther's genius sister Suri also joined the attack with two guns.Thanos was overturned by the women's army, and saw that Carol was about to fly into the portal.

Thanos became cruel, and used the half-broken double-edged knife in his hand as a javelin, and threw it like a big orange pill in Kaiwu's hand, hitting and destroying Scott's car.The portal exploded, and the air wave even overturned Carol, and the gloves fell to the ground.

Seeing that a glove battle was coming to an end, Chris took the card from the golden summoner and appeared in front of Stark.Along with overuse, cards of Descent of Mind and Descent of Soul show signs of transparency similar to Descent of Time.

"Can we really win?" Tony put away his visor, with an indelible sadness on his face.

"This is the only way, Tony." Chris tapped the scepter on Tony's right hand, and several green rings surrounded Tony's right half of his body, and then disappeared.

"I'm not used to entrusting my life to others, no matter how many times." Tony took off the visor and handed it to Chris, "I'll rely on you later."

 On the second day of hospitalization, there are still two chapters
  Then end 2023 tomorrow and go back to your own world
  Damn, the knife is going to be performed tomorrow, it is said that there is a cyst around the kidney, damn it
(End of this chapter)

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